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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. 1 minute ago, Here It Is said:

    Where did I mention where Lilly Allen lives?


    Don't even bother arguing with me as I won't give you the time of day if you're going to talk nonsense.


    Look conversely as I am extremely understanding of the present situation, but the locals shouldn't push it.  Calm is the way to go.



    There's obviously so much shit stirring going down here from Lilly Allen and the usual agitators.


    Didn't see any of this lot protesting after our kids were decapitated and maimed in the Manchester attack and not a peep either after Borough Market or Westminster Bridge [right on their doorstep] 


    So to whose doorstep where you referring, Mr Calm?

  2. 59 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    I completely disagree.


    The cause of the fire is of paramount importance as it then goes to showing why the fire spread so quickly.


    It all depends on the type of fire, the amount of time the fire was burning before any action was taken and were there any smoke detectors fitted in the flats or hallways.


    If the cause was electrical, then that requires a major review of the installations in the blocks. If the cause was gas, that's another area and so on.


    This investigation needs to be carried out thoroughly and not a knee jerk one as many people want.



    It's more than apparent to all, that you accuse others of politicising, but your signature reveals that it is likely you who is approaching this from a political point of view.


  3. 47 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    Don't disagree but the cause is of paramount importance.]


    It should not have spread like that and somewhere something has gone sadly wrong.


    This is the reason I wish people would stop shouting for immediate answers, they won't find them.


    This needs a full investigative inquiry that will by it's very nature take months and not the knee jerk reaction that some politicians and members of the public are calling for.



    So you think they should wait for months before checking the other buildings or rehousing people or.....


    Look...they have been told about these things for years and did nothing. 


    Why should people wait for months? By then people would have forgotten and moved on to other things. heads should roll for sure. The sooner the better.

  4. 1 hour ago, Here It Is said:

    There's obviously so much shit stirring going down here from Lilly Allen and the usual agitators.


    Didn't see any of this lot protesting after our kids were decapitated and maimed in the Manchester attack and not a peep either after Borough Market or Westminster Bridge [right on their doorstep] and all very recent events.  Notwithstanding, there's a huge charity undertaking that's raised millions already for those affected.


    This situation needs to calm soonest as the very generous British public will soon lose faith and quite rightly turn their back.  Throw in another terror attack for good measure and things could well go tits right up.  



    It seems to me that you are contributing to the hysteria.

    What connection has the Westminster Bridge attack to do with this entirely avoidable disaster? Despicable to use those instances to whip up fervour against others. Disgusting. 


    Apart from that, do you actually know where Lily Allen lives to be stating that Westminster is "right on her doorstep".

    She certainly lived/lives closer to North Kensington than Westminster and so will have knowledge of how the area has changed over the years.

    Do you? 

    But here you are posting away.

    The people behind the Grenfell Action Group were threatened with legal action for libel by the local authority a few years ago. A hollow threat that came to nothing.

    Now we know who was right and people paid with their lives to prove it.


    So perhaps those 'agitators' know a lot more about the situation on the ground than you do and they are doing their best to keep it to the fore.

    What is it that you are doing? Sitting back and waiting for the results of a government led inquiry? Then what?


  5. 3 hours ago, Flustered said:

    Just too much speculation and wrong information in your post.


    "oh and they reckon the gas pipes that were moved inside the building were never fireproofed and blue flames were witnessed in the blaze? inside the building the cause of the extensive fire remains firmly  with what the landlords allowed to be brought to this building not anything to do with what the tenants done." Who is "THEY" and of course you will have blue flames. If the building is on fire, the gas will not have been shut off and many other things cause blue fire. Like many in the interviews, you are jumping to conclusions and blaming people before the full enquiry....Not good.


    There is no proof yet of what caused the fire to spread so fast or even more important and not being asked, is what caused it.


    What was factual is that the girl in the interview did not live there, had no friends or relatives staying there and spent the whole time filming it on her phone like some voyeur. It was not just her saying it was a revenge attack, her friends in the background were all nodding in agreement.


    Funny how people who have nothing to do with the tragedy come out of the woodwork inflaming the situation.



    It is exactly this kind of footage that will act as evidence of how quickly the fire spread.

    As to whether she lived there, there are many people who live in the vicinity that have an interest and involvement in the community. 

    In your mind, if she didn't live in the block or have "friends or relatives" she should take no interest.

    Why not go further and state that no one who didn't live in the block nor have friends or relatives in the block should donate or help in any way?

    What a sick point of view you are holding there. 

    A voyeur would be hiding in the shadows, not speaking up. 


    As to the rest of your rant.....the man claims that it was his fridge on the fourth floor was the cause of the fire and he alerted his neighbours to it.

    Without the cladding, the fire would have been confined, as in the majority of tower block fires.


    It is for good reason that the companies who are involved in the debacle are taking down pages that link them to the refurbishment.


    The irony of your last statement is clearly lost on you. "Funny how people who have nothing to do with the tragedy come out of the woodwork inflaming the situation."


    Those people likely know a whole lot more about what happens on the ground than you do. Yet here you are....



  6. 15 hours ago, In the jungle said:

    According to the BBC the cladding was "Reynobond" which can be specified either with a polyurethane core or a fire resistant core.


    In this case somebody took the decision to go with the cheaper polyurethane core.  


    It appears to me that the people responsible for the refurb had no real understanding of the principles that protected this building from fire as originally constructed.


    Personally I don't think 'fire resistant' is good enough when the original exterior was fire proof.




    Refer to post #236.

  7. I've an idea. Why not do a big ACM cladding job, wherein you owe, say £1,000,000 to creditors? Then you put yourself in to administration; Pre-pack administration say, where you can then immediately purchase the distressed assets of the former company for a song. Therefore you have your company intact without the bothersome creditors and a lot more money for yourself.
    https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/03244209/officers Harley Curtain Wall  (Old company)
    https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/03991613/officers Harley Facades (New company)




    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administration_(law)#Pre-pack_administration  Pre-pack administration



    Just an wild and crazy idea. No one would actually do such a thing.....even worse if something horrible, such a disastrous fire, would shine a light on such a tale of greed. Heaven forbid that such a thing could be true.

  8. Must be a different Belinda and Raymond Bailey registered for Harley Curtain Wall at Companies House then.


    https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/03244209/officers  Harley Curtain Wall  (Old company)


    https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/03991613/officers Harley Facades (New company)



    What you do is to do a big job wherein you owe £1,000,000 to creditors. Then you put yourself administration; Pre-pack administration   where you then purchase the distressed assets of the former company for a song. Therefore you have your company intact without the bothersome creditors.




  9. 4 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:


    Exactly as I suspected.

    News photos clearly show that the blasé spread outside the building upwards from the start and there are also photos of the buildings cladding falling during the fire.

    As I said in a previous post yesterday the cladding on the building was there merely for decorative effect.

    Those who died are  probably  victims of Criminal Negligence by the constructors.

    I hope they get sued for a very large sum in the courts.





    Remember that Harley Curtain Wall put themselves into voluntary administration after the fitting. Harley Facades rose from the Ashes.


    I pointed out earlier that they deleted all reference to themselves being linked to the job from their website on the day of the fire. But web archives have revealed what they tried to delete.











  10. 21 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

    Fix the problem it's the TAXI's that are the issue.


    As far as Uber is concerned I deleted the APP and will never use that company again after the gouged travelers in London during the recent events. To hell with them and if there was a hotline I'd report Uber drivers.


    They announced that they would refund all of the fares of those concerned and claim to have switch off the dynamic system as soon as they were informed of the situation.

  11. 10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    No, it's not that bad.

    Obviously not the best in the world but I think it's "goodness" is relative to it's cost of living price level. 

    If instantly that tripled, and you could afford it, there are definitely better places. 

    From a U.S. perspective, poorer man's Miami Beach fits it pretty well. 


    What nonsense. South Beach has an amazingly wide and clean beach. Pattaya beach is pathetic in comparison.

  12. 1 minute ago, gk10002000 said:

    Does the UK require individual smoke detectors in rooms and apartments?  The USA pretty much does.  And they are supposed to be checked and maintained, be on primary building power so dead batteries won't be an issue


    Actually someone in the building stated that there was an alarm, but it was very quiet. He only found out because he went to his windows for a smoke and heard people shouting "It's getting bigger...."

  13. 1 hour ago, sandrabbit said:

    They're saying the cladding met all UK regulations (according to people who did the work), I'm sorry but if that's true it's unbelievable.



    Further to that;






    Spot the difference. They took their page down today. Unluckily for them, the page has been archived. 

  14. 42 minutes ago, mogandave said:

    Turn off your data and set your carrier to automatic. Once connected you'll get a couple SMS messages from AIS offering data and or voice packages. These messages will include a free number to call AIS.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    If they can receive SMS they don't need to call AIS.

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