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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. 1 hour ago, Rc2702 said:

    Given this chap has sought to profit from the tragedy I have took exception and made my own mind up from what I have seen and heard with my own eyes.


    Have you even watched the videos on YouTube and heard some of the comments this guy has made?  


    BTW Frog comments like mine and many others round the World are deafening because the vast majority of people feel the same way and whilst it is a tragic matter it is not bring treated as one and instead a blinking opportunity to increase exposure of ones career/income. 


    expat or not I stand on the side of the Moral it does not matter what or where you are from its a simple right and wrong decision and the chaps acted all wrong since the tragedy and that's shameful.


    But thanks for adding your own thoughts




    Ignore the Troll. Replying to it is it's reason for existence.

    Ignore it and it will return to insignificance.

  2. 10 hours ago, hgma said:

    Longtime residents in Pattaya

    Real estate  (man)



    Names mentioned but unwise to publish.

    Source (thread Facebook!)


    Actually quite wrong. The woman is the one in Real Estate.  Don't believe everything that you read.

    It's not a major issue. No one got hurt, so no need to expose them more than they have already exposed themselves.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Boiled Frog said:

    It would seem you have never been to Thailand.


    You certainly do not understand how the laws of defamation work in this country.


    So go ahead, pass your details on to Mr Glass if you so chose.


    And best of luck defending against the pending defamation proceedings wherein Mr Glass would need only prove his reputation was damaged, regardless of the factual basis of any of your statements.


    This will be my last reply to you, as I am not in the habit of responding to Trolls.

    I have many deep rooted contacts in Thailand. Not the kind of relationships that money can buy.

    If someone like Danny came up against me, it would only serve to shine a light on his activities in Thailand. He would need to raise a lot more cash to get out of the bind in which he would involve himself.

    Take heed. Your responses here are not helpful to him and if I chose to take them seriously, he would already be on his way home to Broadstairs.

    So best you rein your nonsense in.


  4. 34 minutes ago, Boiled Frog said:

    This is the most vitriolic and manifestly defamatory thread that I think that I have ever seen here on TV. 


    The cowardice of some of the posters here is sickenening and pathetic.


    Anonymity creates such magnificent key board warriors.


    Due to the frankly defamatory content in this thread, and the fact it also contains so many misleading and prejudicial statements (about an expat who is facing a very serious charge), I am amazed that it has not been closed by the moderators.


    Perhaps the new owner's of Thai Visa are unafraid of a defamation lawsuit, or one seeking damages for the disclosure of prejudicial information.




    If you feel that anything that I have posted is misleading, you are welcome to post your rebuttals alongside your evidence.



    I would happily discuss everything I have posted here with Danny personally.

    If he is not in jail when I'm next there, I can give him a call and arrange to meet and discuss.

    Everything I have posted here is backed up with video and analysis.

    If Danny wants to come up against me, I have no problem in raising funds and have good friends in the south.

    He would likely need a lot more cash to get out of the furore he would create with any kind of action against me or this website.

    If he wishes to discuss it further, he can send me a private message. Then we can and will really get to the crux of the matter.

    So far I have only taken a cursory interest in this matter. 



  5. 1 minute ago, stevenl said:

    "Rather than arguing nonsensically, take it from someone with experience."

    I have been riding a bike, with license, for almost 40 years. So yes, I do have some experience.


    Your hatred for the guy is blinding you, which is why I'm not getting into this with you any further.


    That is just your erroneous assumption.

    My opinion of the guy is based on the evidence. But for that I would have no opinion about him at all.

    If I saw a young man beating an old woman in the street, I would react. When I saw someone being mugged in the subway, I ran to the scene. 

    So if I see that something is terribly wrong with this situation, I speak up.




  6. 1 minute ago, stevenl said:

    Regarding the accident at hand " He was going too quickly, was not paying attention and then panicked when he realised that he was closer than expected to the vehicle in front. " I agree with that.


    On some of your other points you may be right, and on some you could be right or wrong. Anybody who claims to be able to see from a video held by the pillon rider to know what the rider is looking at is jumping to conclusions, and should refrain from accusing others of having a lack of observational skills.


    Seriously my friend. You should stop digging whilst you have a chance.

    I ride often. I can see by his head movements when his eyes are off the road, by the way his head moves position to check the traffic ahead. You don't need to do that if you are already looking.

    Rather than arguing nonsensically, take it from someone with experience.


  7. 53 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Since she is the one holding the camera, or having it attached to her helmet, I can't see his eyes movement.


    He is often driving on the sidewalk though, really not necessary.


    Are you seriously that lacking in observation skills??


    Take a look between 1:30 & 1:40 and see how long and how many times he takes his eye of the road to look at something, perhaps the box on a motorbike in another lane. You can tell his eyes are off the road by the way he quickly glances back to look at the road conditions ahead.

    Look at 5:40 to 5:45. Again, eyes off the road ahead.

    People make mistakes. The problem with this man is that he is being dishonest. He was going too quickly, was not paying attention and then panicked when he realised that he was closer than expected to the vehicle in front.

    He is a fraud. In every conceivable way.




  8. On 2017-5-29 at 10:12 AM, wump said:

    Been using True all along. Excellent speeds all the time (Lamai area). 10 GB 15 days for 399 Baht (speed around 50 Mbps) or 4 Mbit unlimited traffic for 1 month for 650 Baht + VAT. At the moment I'm using the crappy 512kbit/1 Mbit unlimited package for 89 Baht+VAT per week and even this allows Youtube streaming in 480p and websites load fairly quickly.


    I'd say go for the 4 Mbps package. It's enough to have two Youtube streams in HD at the same time and True also allows Torrent... the average 2 GB 1080p torrent movie would take about 17 minutes to download.


    No :smile:  Approx. 5000 seconds/83 mins/1 hour and 23 mins.

  9. 21 hours ago, bendejo said:

    kekalot: a question about this:  After doing the free upgrade to 10 from Win7, can you create recovery drive  and use it to do a pristine install of Win 10? 

    I ask this because I've been running 10 for about a year on a laptop (Asus) that it was pre-installed on.  It seems that most of the problems I've read on the net regarding Win10 are posted by people running the upgraded version.  I may be installing Windows on another laptop soon, and was thinking of doing what you mention -- getting a cheap key, installing Win7, then upgrading to 10.  After that, create the recovery drive, then scrub the disk and do a completely clean install.



    Yes, you can. No need to create a recovery drive. Just download the latest image and use that to run a clean install.

  10. Just now, colinneil said:

    Jam Jar, do not get too upset, stevenl was doing the same with me in another thread, cannot admit to being wrong.


    O can see that. The ridiculous thing about stevenl's objections is that he has already admitted that he thinks the accident is 100% Danny Glass's fault.

    So his argument seems to be about his perspective of whether Danny Glass has accepted the blame or not.


    It seems to be only he that imagines that Danny G Glass has accepted that he and he alone is at fault.


    Everyone else can see clearly that Danny G Glass has done everything to deflect the responsibility from himself, apart from stevenl. 

  11. 3 hours ago, stevenl said:

    In the first video, released the afternoon after the accident. There was no talk at all about extra sensory abilities or similar, he simply admitted he made a mistake and seemed really, genuilly upset.


    " I'm angry that you made me listen to that sh*t again."

    Get a grip on yourself. You seem to have some issues with people who don't judge as fast as you and don't jump to conclusions based on unclear information.


    Yes, I do have an issue with certain kinds of people. I need say no more than that.


    Getting back to Dan, it seems that more and more people are agreeing with my point of view.

    Only the 'usual suspects' here liking each other's posts.


    Perhaps you can link us to the video where he doesn't claim extra sensory abilities and appears 'genuilly'(sic) upset.


    The one that you made me view again is "Heart Breaking News My Pregnant Girlfriend Sophie Died In A Tragic Accident". That is where he claims to have extra sensory abilities and that she was angry, but then she forgave him.


    So if there is another video, perhaps you can link to it.



    That way I can view that video, rather than have to scroll through his disgusting content. 



  12. 12 hours ago, Harold the Great said:

    Ok seriously now. You only have our opinions and the facts can't possibly be completely divulged on this site or through video alone unless one is delusional. I think you only have your opinion and thank you for your opinion and the rest of the world will filter it as they understand. Try and not be so close to the edge of the flat world you live in so you don't fall of the world


    Read it twice and it is still gobbledegook.

    I know the identities of the people involved and i certainly know a lot more than you do. What exactly was the point of your post? I'm not seeing it.

  13. Can only apologise for the judgemental.

    I would echo the sentiment of, if going for General, hospital only. 

    I recommend Phyathai Sri Racha in that respect. Dental department is on the third floor if I remember correctly.

    They may even be able to offer you a suitable alternative to General, if appropriate.





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