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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. That's what I've been doing, one snag is the 90 day border run, which is a day ruined.

    second snag, 2 flights every year.



    Yes, it’s not for everyone.

    I do return to the uk often ( an elderly father, kids and grandkids) so to return before September 25th ( extension date) is easily doable .

    Last border run, for O-A second year, I had a run out to Kanchanaburi with gf, stayed a couple of nights sightseeing and incorporated a little trip over to Myanmar in with it .

     Probably do the same again, only 30 minutes wasted .



    • Like 1
  2. I would say they would have to tighten up this visa in the future.  People could have a trip home, see friends and family, maybe get a medical check up, grab a A-A visa, and come back.  They could possibly make it a yearly visit.  This is cheaper, safer, and easier, than the 800k in the bank.  

    Shhh ????

    I’m considering one myself later this year !!
  3. 19 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    I expect this will be the visa of choice for many now.  So how long before that visa tightens up?  After all, it doesn't capitalize Thai banks.

    Yes, that could well happen.

    Someone on here stated that Thai Embassy in France requires that for a second O-A visa the 800k has to be in a Thai bank .

  4. Two men were arrested for masturbating in my local newsagents...
    It was all over the papers.
    Just been in hospital having a large mole removed from my penis.
    Won't be sh*gging one of those again!
    I went to the doctor and he told me "Don't eat anything fatty."
    I asked: "What like - pizzas or burgers?"
    He replied: "No. Just don't eat anything you fat b*stasrd."

    I nearly got fired from my job as a roofer for masturbating but my boss let me wipe the slate clean !!
    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. I understand this, but will immigration accept money that is in a fixed term account Andrew?

    Most immigration offices will I believe, if you can withdraw the money from the account instantly ( with a loss of interest obviously) then they should.
    The only way is to ask at your IO, that’s what I am going to do.
    • Like 2
  6. This part of your comment struck a chord with me.
    I had been paying Class 3 by DD ever since I started working overseas back in 1979. When the qualifying years changed to 35 I checked my NI status and was advised I had paid 36 years at that time. So I cancelled the DD.
    A few months later I received a letter from NI querying my DD cancellation and asking for the reason, warning that my pension could be affected by this non payment. I just ignored the letter as I knew my situation was clear.
    I made no further NI payments and applied for my pension early last year and this came through at the full rate when I turned 65.
    NI would have been quite happy for me to continue with the payments even though, at that point, there would have been no benefit to me. Just shows that all should ensure they are fully aware of their personal payment situation.

    Yup, I talked to them last year about paying 6 years additional contributions to achieve full state pension.
    She clearly stated that after 6 years I will achieve FSP and if I continue to pay there would be no benefit for me ( I would be throwing money away ), I would not lose any additional services ( NHS etc ), that I should monitor my forecasts to see the figures rise and cancel DD on achieving FSP.

    I have since checked my forecast and have seen a rise since paying one years contributions.
    • Like 1
  7. 39 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Thanks Andrew, good point, I was contracted out for most of my career so it probably is that, I need to speak to them anyway to find out why my 2017/2018 is showing as not fully paid so will check with them then (Mid-March when I'm in the UK).


    I've already paid 2017/2018 & 2018/2019 so if worse comes to worse will pay for another 4 years and hit the full amount (That's if they don't change the rules again :s).


    Last Nov I already had my forecast and decided to pay the missing years.

    Call them up with your NI number and bank details on hand and they will sort it there and then.

    I paid a years amount ( £740 ) for 17/18 and then a partial amount for the 18/19  to get up to date and now monthly.

    • Thanks 1
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