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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Well done GT !! You are passed the worst for sure.
    I’m probably 20 years stopped now and detest the things !!

    When you are out with your mates having a few bevvy’s is the time to be on your guard. Anyone smoking in the group can influence you into “ having one for old times sake “ .
    I started again after being stopped for 10 years !! , but soon realised I had made a foolish mistake and stopped again a month later.

    Well done to achieve this milestone, aim for the next one, and the next one, and the next........

    Your health will thank you [emoji4]

    • Thanks 1
  2. i just recalled an even more annoying habit i encountered when i was new to thailand.
    i went with my gf and her two daughters to swensens,
    then, just as we sat down, a group of complete strangers came
    and joined our table, and ordered the costliest icecreams on the menu, they ate at record speed and ran off,
    leaving me with the bill for everyone

    Meet the in-laws!!
    • Confused 1
  3. That's going to be very inconvenient for a lot of people.
    I seem to remember flying over Afghanistan during various stages of war in the past.

    Yup, gonna be a real mess up there.
    The alternative air routes are already crowded forcing some long distant diversions and cancellations.

    I’m on a return flight back to LOS next week via Helsinki ☹️, here’s hoping things have stabilised by then .
    • Like 1
  4. Very true. Americans cannot start breakfast without pouring a cup of coffee first.
    Salt in Vegemite is there as a preservative. It's an acquired taste, and Thais of my acquaintance give me strange looks when they taste Vegemite for the first and probably only time. I need it to give my taste buds a pay attention, time to rise and shine.
    I've tried Bovril; however, it seemed to me to be more of a soup adjunct than something one could put on toast.

    Yes Bovril is used mainly as a gravy or even a drink and does also come in granulated form.
    I don’t think there’s that many using it on toast ( don’t know what they are missing [emoji51]).

    My gf was given a jar of Vegemite kids as her nephew had bought it and didn’t like it .
    She ate it all and as we couldn’t find the kids variety she now eats Vegemite normal, which I sometimes bring back from the uk for her also.
  5. Apologies as I haven't read every page of this thread... but did someone say Bovril is available somewhere in LOS?

    I started the Bovril banter off and I’ve never seen it in LOS , although I’m nowhere near Foodland/Tops/Villa etc so haven’t looked there.
    • Sad 1
  6. Here's a sight to gladden any Aussie heart. The tubes are for when I travel within Thailand, and I need something on the breakfast toast other than jam stuffed with sugar.

    Have you tried Bovril ??

    Seriously, I never liked Marmite and Vegemite wasn’t available in the Uk , to my knowledge, when I was a kid so Bovril it was !!
    Have tried Marmite over the years and still don’t like it.
    About 6 or 7 years ago I was working in Oz and bought some Vegemite to try , couldn’t eat it , found it too salty .

    My parents and my kids all eat Bovril on toast , suppose if I was born, or brought up, in Oz it would have been different [emoji848]
  7. Plastic? Are you aware plastics contain plasticizers, which leach into whatever they are enclosing? Rigid plastics don't need them. Flexible plastics do.
    If you find your libido is disappearing, it's very probably related to the plasticizers you are ingesting along with your Bovril. Vegemite comes in sturdy glass jars.

    That might explain the second nose starting to grow on my forehead !!
  8. The offer was two small jars for 99 baht - buy one, get one free. 300 gm total for 99 baht.
    Bovril is the stuff that comes in bottles. Some sadist designed the Bovril bottle so about 15% of the contents couldn't be removed easily. Being Brits with stiff upper lips and masochistic leanings, the Bovril bottle became a metaphor for living in the UK.

    Bovril has been available in a plastic upside down squeezy bottle for some time now !
    Ideal for travelling ( means I can bring more back from blighty ).


  9. Thats edible stuff at least. Cut the paste made from panty organisms with some real food.

    Yes, Bovril is made from real prime beef hand reared on the Argentinian plains mixed with the tears of mermaids and gently fermented by blind Tibetan eunuchs over a period of 17 years.

    Whereas, Marmite and Vegemite are compressed scrapings from the back of the toilet bowl of any public convenience.
    • Thanks 1
  10. Vegemite ? , Marmite ?

    Food of the devil I tell thee .

    Bovril is the one and only nectar of the gods !!

    Can’t eat Marmite/Vegemite !! but Bovril on toast [emoji39]

    Incidentally, my Thai gf eats Vegemite on toast occasionally but I’ve always thought she had particularly bad taste [emoji51]

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