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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Its a LONG story...........and depending if the left knows what the right is doing you might get off lightly, they asked us to go to immigration to get a letter verifying that they know my address, so we took the hour 20 drive, immigration said they don't know what their talking about as they only give letters for when you are applying for your drivers licence, I do remember getting one of those, anyway, when we rang immigration, they said, whoever told you to do that is wrong, just come in and we will tell you what you need, der, how do you think we ended up driving to and from for 3 hours, you guys sent us when we came in, that was the easy part 555

    At the Amphur they said they needed my passport and birth certificate translated and certified by the British Embassy !, I knew this was wrong but kept quiet, rang the Embassy for verification and it's a translation of both to be certified ( stamped ) at the MFA ( Ministry of Foreign Affairs ), which I knew already from TV.

    Sad when the district office can't give you the correct advice and you have to go to a public forum, but hey ho I'm retired so have nothing better to do [emoji51]
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  2. It seems, from other threads on this subject, that different amphurs treat the issue of giving out a yellow tabien bahn with varying degrees of difficulty, from a 10 minute visit to local amphur all the way up to 12-14 visits to resolve with translations of passport and birth certificate which also needed verification and taking 2 locals as witnesses, one of which is the head honcho in your village/moobaan etc !!
    Yesterday I visited mine in Bang Pa In ( Ayutthaya ) and they literally didn't have a clue !!
    They called me 3 times today and said I need my passport translating but would call back , and never did.
    Probably visit tomorrow to get the full story of what is required !!

  3. https://www.facebook.com/Admintlc/videos/vb.100004104821205/1191487467664736/?type=2&theater


    This is the video from the Rescue Team as noted in post 63. Probably need facebook to view it.



    Thanks for posting this .


    A very clear account by the officers, not of the cause of the accident but at least clears up the rumours about the state of dress of John and the lady passenger in the back seat restoring some respect to this tragic incident.


    Very sad how this topic quickly turned into a scandal implying he was having sex in the back when the car was involved in the incident.

    Those of us who made " humourless " comments about a mans death should be ashamed of ourselves, myself included !!


    RIP John



  4. You never had to watch the video...?

    Nope !
    Although I will admit that there was a video playing in the waiting room/test room but nobody was actually watching it .
    In Pathum Thani there are a row of desks where you present your documents and about 4 rows of 20 chairs facing these desks . The TV is behind these chairs !!
    Then the testing chair where the 3 tests are done is of to the side.
    So people are sat waiting their turn at the desks or watching people do their tests.
    The video is playing in the background to an audience of none !!, but I guess that fulfills the requirements needed to educate people on the Thai driving laws.
  5. I got mine ( 2 year license ) this year in January.
    With a European driving license ( uk )
    IDP ( international driving permit)
    Residence certificate
    Medical certificate
    3 tests ( colour, reaction and depth perception )

    The IDP is basically only a translation of driving license into English.

    If you have a Europe DL only in German I think you will have to watch the video and possibly ( possibly I said ) have to do the physical driving test .

    Many threads about this and many different results from different DLT's

  6. There is a street in my country called "Stupidity Street" and I live in that street so you guess I 'm being stupid is correct. Whatever little education i had I never come across rhyme about merchant bankers, but I did learn some Homer Greek Rhyme(translated to english) in Greek literature. By the way I was disappointed when I went to Greece I didn't find the population civilized despite all their literature. When they talk loudly I thought it was kind of crude and uncouth. I kept murmuring "merchant banker" my GF said, "what is it about merchant banker?" see the problem you created?




    Cockney rhyming slang madusa, used by people from London.


    Apples and pairs - stairs

    Frog and toad - road

    Merchant banker -


    Won't let me put the definition of merchant banker but I think you get the idea now !



  7. Yey !!
    My second team Bradford City beat them in the final 1911 when they were champions !!
    That was the reason for my wild guess !

    As my football skills are lacking ( I lived between Leeds and Bradford [emoji20]) am going to let someone else put one up there .

  8. As we read this a kind hearted taxi driver story's being dusted off in readiness for publication. 

    I think they are gonna go big this time as well !!
    Something along the lines of " The Queen of Tonga left her diamond encrusted tiara in a Bangkok taxi, the kind hearted driver used his own hard earned money to return it in person......... to Tonga !!! "

    It's coming, mark my words!!
  9. Fake goods, some people say you can tell by price,.

    Not always the case, i bought a Sharps electric jug with a press pump in the top.

    I only wanted a good recognized brand,

    Lady in the shop said that 1 is for display, ok she went in the back, came out with 1 already boxed.

    Like an idiot i never looked in the box, got home opened the box to find a cheap/nasty copy.

    Went back to the shop and lady said, you swapped the sharp for a copy and now you are trying to cheat me.

    Needless to say i got nowhere, used it for maybe 2 weeks, it was then useless In Thailand it pays to check everything.

    You need to name the shop then some TV members, myself included, might go shopping there and accidentally trip into a 55" LED Panasonic knocking it off the shelf.................allegedly !! [emoji51]

  10. The first line, having words in the wrong place and no comma; would indicate to most readers that the driver and the female THAI  employee were both masturbating together on the backseat. Which of course would have made a nicer story.

    That's exactly what I thought when I was reading it !!
    I thought maybe they were having a race to see who could arrive at their destination first.
    sorry [emoji20]
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