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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Only adjustment for sensitivity and brightness. Rechargeable batteries are easily replaceable once they reach their chargeable life. TBH I bought them as a bit of a gamble, wasn't sure they'd hold up in the Thai sun. But so far the plastic has been very UV resistant.

    Thanks, checked them out £15 on Amazon
  2. I bought a dozen "Eco Wedge" from Solar Center in UK. All still working well two years later.
    Much better quality than previous solar lights I tried.
    Seen Chinese copies in HomePro but they seemed flimsier.
    The original versions are available on ebay, Amazon or direct from Solar center.

    Those look neat, looks like there's some adjustment for depth of field ?
  3. Not solar - I bought a couple of bulbs. I have one in the stairwell, so the light comes on for a minute when you step out of any door on the landing, and also when you reach the third stair coming up.
    The other one I put in a desk lamp under my bed so that a light comes on under the bed when I step on the floor...
    U bought two variants, one like a bulb with a nipple, and the other like a bulb with a ring on the end with a sensor in the centre - both work nicely.

    Sounds good, where from ?
  4. Next door neighbor installed one at his garage, seems very happy with it. If I get it right, you can even set the parameters for it going on (so the occasional cat doesn't sat it on etc). Been thinking of buying one too, just didn't get around to it.

    Sounds good, any chance of getting the makers name, or a photo, but don't take the photo at night as you will be caught red handed !! [emoji51]
  5. There's a temple in Bangkok ( Wat Pariwas ) that has a statue of him on one of the shrines, apparently carved for the 1998 World Cup celebrations.


    And I still have as much interest in his daily life as he does in mine [emoji51]

  6. My gf's brothers ( future brothers in law ?, maybe) all seem like a decent bunch ( all 7 of them !! ).

    They all treat me like a brother.


    But my ex brother in law is pretty much as you described yours. Oldest of 8 kids, treat like a baby by his parents and now the parents ( ex in laws) have departed is getting his comeuppance from the brothers and sisters who he mistreated over the years.


  7. When I opened an account with them they did insist I filled in a US Tax form ( ? ), I showed them my British passport but that didn't deter them.
    So, when we were going through the motions of opening the account I slipped the US Tax form under a folder on her desk and it went unnoticed.

  8. Anyone bought any of these here and are happy with the results ?

    There are some on Lazada and probably in HomePro etc but looking for some recommendations from anyone using them.


    Thinking about one for the garage/ front door area for coming home at nighttime and possibly 2 or 3 round the back of house to illuminate the area outback for myself and gf but also as a deterrent for any would be intruders .


    Any replies will be welcome.

  9. Nice memories [emoji4]

    1984 !, probably a big lump of a camcorder used to film [emoji327] that ?
    In the mid 80's I had one of these:
    Amstrad VMC 100 , one of the cheapest, still expensive though, but worth it for the family memories. ( wonder where they are now ? )

  10. I shared this before but here goes again.

       I had a bull (toad, not sure) frog in a little waterfall we had made in the garden, he hung out in the pile of stones at the base. He was driving me absolutely crazy with his croaking, so one night I went out and pulled all the stones out one at a time till I found the bugger. I couldn't believe it.....he was tiny. I thought he was going to be a monster by the sound of him. I caught him in a net and put him in the river beside the house.

       Happy out with myself I went to bed and had a good sleep. 

        He was back the next night contentedly croaking away.     My wife just happened to say...."Your friend back, him call your name".

    When I listened again carefully it actually did sound like my name (3 letter name) and I actually began to like it and imagined he was really a friend calling my name when I came home.

        He is long gone now.....and I miss him dearly.


    Now that's a great story !

    Really brought a smile to my face [emoji4]


  11. I feel the same way Howard , I am retired, ( do the odd job out of Thailand for my old company ), live in a studio apartment for a year and a half and am going stir crazy !

    The gf and I have bought a house so am looking forward to the move, am keen on DIY and like a bit of gardening so have got some plans !

    Plus, I think a couple of bicycles will be handy for a little ride to the local market etc and occasionally ride further afield.


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  12. Sounds like you were lucky and were spared the abomination that is A1 sauce, it's some American barbecue sauce that can be found festering on the counter tops of Denny's, IHOP, Applebee's and all the other diners from LA to New York.
    Not a patch on HP and IMHO only good for removing stains from the toilet bowl !!

    Yes, exactly Andrew.
    There are 16 districts in Ayutthaya.
    Bang Pa is level 2 municipal administration office and from the sounds of it don't know what the correct procedure is.
    It's an unfortunate state of affairs in Thailand where staff can be moved to inactive positions for making errors. Especially where foreigners are concerned they make OTT requirements to cover their backsides.
    Your Provincial office is located in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya.
    Whatever they say the requirements are is set in stone, but I bet it doesn't involve getting legalised translation done at the MFA in Bangkok.
    A few local expats here have run into the same problems at their District (Amphoe) offices.
    I told them to go to the main Provincial office (Mueang in our Province), what was required and they obtained their Tabien Baans same day without any problems.

    Thanks Tanoshi, I'll look into trying the provincial office.
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