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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Yorkshire Airways have solved the problem by fitting outside toilets to all their aircraft. But be careful if flying with them, their aircraft never leave Yorkshire, because if it's outside Yorkshire, it's not worth going to.596387249da7c_download(4).jpg.8841d7e93586b7cc5065a2f4dc21e97d.jpg


    And for those who have never had the pleasure of flying Yorkshire Airways here is something to Wet ( or whet ) your whistle !!



    Apologies for the low definition but expense WAS spared in making this video !!

    They are from Yorkshire after all !


  2. The pickup driver knew he was drunk but stayed put.
    What he said should not be questioned until some other FACT comes forward.
    Police need to leave their opinions where they belong
    Sad what happened, but Kudos to the pickup driver for doing the right thing and staying at the scene of the accident!

    Did you read the OP ??
    The pick up driver said the mc pulled into the road whilst the witnesses said he hit her pushing her into the path of the mini van - FACT !!
    Plus, he was well over the limit ! I.e. DRUNK !!

    And you say he deserves Kudos ???, for lying ?, for being a drunk driver ?

  3. I did an ultrasound scan in march 2017. Paid 2500thb, that included the review and talk with a doctor afterwards.


    Some extra info: in nov 2016 i went to the hospital with a lot of pain in the stomach. Got a catscan: 2.5cm gall stone. Doctor advice: remove the whole bladder... Me: no!


    Educated myself on the subject. Got 2x an attack after this by eating the wrong foods. Both times i got the pain away by drinking "luk-tai-bai" tea (phyllanthus amarus schum & thonn). This herb is also known as the "stone-breaker" in other parts of the world.


    In march 2017 ultrasone scan: 3.5cm. But the ultrasone scan is not as conclusive as a catscan, so it could be more loose stones or 1 big one. 


    It is now july 2017. Last attack was 30dec 2016. Quit eating anything deep fried. Drink this luk-tai-bai tea every day in morning and evening. Use (real) butter, coconut oil and oluve oil. While i enjoyed fried chicken wings, i now eat bbq chicken and remove skin always. Very seldom an icecream. As my research indicated drinking a lot of applejuice softens the stone, i drink regular the apple-cider from tipco.


    The stone might be growing, but ì have no problems. Planning on doing another scan in september. 

    Good luck!

    I had the gall bladder removed at beginning of 2009.


    Gall stones are formed because your gall bladder has ceased to function. Even if you remove just the stone chances are a new stone will form.


    I was advised when diagnosed with the 2cm stone to remove the gall bladder which I did with keyhole surgery.


    After effects were supposed to be diarrhoea if ate too much fatty foods or excess sugar.


    I never had any side effects ( although a friend of mine did suffer from diarrhoea but this disappeared when he altered his diet slightly by eating less fat and sugar products ).


    I would recommend to the op to remove the gall bladder if doctors advise.

  4. Ultrasound is the way to go for gall bladder problems.
    I had been suffering from stomach aches coming and going for a while, although at times seemed to be in my middle back, I thought maybe kidney stones.
    Had the blood tests, urine, stool samples and X-rays, nothing.
    Had the ultrasound and bingo !!, there it was on the screen 20mm in diameter ( like a boiled sweet).
    Had the keyhole surgery, very simple op, quick recovery.

    None of this done in Thailand as I was not living here then.

  5. Just skimming over this long thread, I'm glad my wife is of Vietnamese stock, though she was born in Thailand.  She has half-Thai siblings.  Seems like the problems are now coming from the kids of her half-Thai siblings who married Thais.  One nephew recently ran off with some of his Mom's emergency gold stash.  Her other kid wrecked his motorcycle for the second time (drunk) and did a few days in the hospital. 
    The half-Thai brother in law is great, but he married a Thai of less than sterling reputation.  Their two kids are a piece of work.  Too bad we sponsored them to come to the USA.  The girl could make big bucks in Pattaya.  The boy couldn't do yard work without destroying my lawn mower and weed eater, despite his upbringing in a motorcycle shop in Thailand.

    That old adage:
    " if you want to get out of yard work, do it badly !! "
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