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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. I had a similar thing , was receiving a video of some girl dancing everyday ( I admit I had caused the problem by clicking on something in Thai language that I didn't understand but was curious [emoji51]).

    I blocked the number but was still paying 6,76 baht every day.

    Went to the AIS shop in Ayutthaya and they resolved this immediately, I didn't need to give them any info just told them to remove any fixed debit.

    I don't have a pre paid account only post paid.


  2. As we are in a Thailand related forum and not in the IT/social media area I assumed different.
    So I wait for the thread starter to explain.
    This internet/chat stuff is boring and done to death with endless lists on the net.

    Yes I agree these abbreviations are annoying but I thought maybe that's what he was referring to.

    OP ?? Help us out here ??
  3. I can't get much together. Have to think harder :biggrin:

























    I think the op was referring more to:


    AFAIK - as far as I know

    IMO - in my opinion

    IMHO - in my humble opinion

    FWIW - for what it's worth

    LMAO - laughed my ***off

    Etc, etc ?


    I know some of them but admit to having to ask Mr Google on occasion.


    It's true, the requirements are somewhat tougher for the O-A vs in-country extensions, specifically, police clearance and medical checks are required for the O-A, and not for in country extensions.
    The advantages of the O-A over the extension are:
    --if you're doing bank deposits, those can remain in your home country bank. They don't have to be in a Thai bank.
    --you end up dealing with the Thai consulate in your home country vs. Thai Immigration in country.
    --the O-A as stated can cover a person for up to two years vs. 1 year at a time for extensions.
    I choose to do extensions myself, mainly because, when I travel back to my home country from Thailand, I don't want to spend my vacation/travel time messing around with visa applications and the Thai consulate. On the other hand, for someone still living in their home country but planning to relocate, it might make sense as a first step.

    I went the O-A route as it seemed to be less hassle, the police check was all done online and they posted it to me in Thailand, the medical I did in Thailand as well ( mainly due to cost + some posters had stated difficulty in getting done by Uk doctors)
    Plus, I still visit the uk regularly, so UK Embassy not a problem.

    The fact that I didn't have to have money in a Thai bank didn't enter into it for me as I had already opened a Bangkok Bank account on a tourist visa to eliminate ATM charges plus I was going to buy a car here.

    So, I guess whether you choose O-A or O doesn't make much difference, only your preference.
    But, both seem better than this new 10 year visa, I mean what are the advantages of it ??
    • Like 1
  5. Being able to tell if something is fake nowadays is difficult !
    A rule of thumb, as to whether to buy or not, would be " is it gonna be dangerous or affect my health ?".
    Like you, I'm not worried about buying a fake t-shirt that won't survive many washes, usually the price paid warrants it .
    But I wouldn't entertain buying any food products if I was unsure.

  6. I've tried some that was so salty that I couldn't eat it.  I never knew there were different types.


    I don't think much of the newer type that's in red spirals....no real licorice flavour at all.


    Licorice allsorts were all the go when I was a lad....

    Licorice Allsorts are still readily available in the UK along with Midget Gems, Wine Gums etc all the old favourites.


    Licorice on its own seems to have taken a back seat, kids nowadays prefer the red licorice I.e. Bootlaces , which IMO isn't as good but still edible.


    Haribo, although has been around for nearly 100 years, wasn't popular in the UK when I was a kid, I remember it was deemed to be exotic coming from Europe ( [emoji23]) and quite expensive.


    I did like Pomfret Cakes ( now called Pontefract Cakes ) which were a type of black licorice thickened with flour and date back to the 1760's !


    EDIT: sorry if I went off topic waffling about Licorice in the UK but I don't live in CM but do like Licorice [emoji2]

  7. This sounds like good service but certainly not Rocking it.  My local immigration office in central Thailand offers fast, polite service and I get my extension usually within 30 minutes the same day.  I would feel very uncomfortable having to leave my passport over night.  The ladies at my immigration office are very fast at reviewing the forms, and stamping the passport so there is no need to wait 24 hours.    They also complete the 90 day on their own without me requesting it.  Exit/entry permits will add another 5 minutes.  Now that is Rocking it.

    Just out of interest, which Immigration ?
  8. I was visiting Pattaya yesterday (out of necessity of course) and I have to say, I was probably the smartest-dressed person there. Fawn corduroy trousers, brown leather belt, light tan loafers and white (long-sleeved) linen shirt.Good God, people actually dress in public in shorts? And SANDALS, and WITHOUT socks?
    Some people's dress standards are quite appalling. Last month I left the first-class quarters on a flight to see how others slummed it. Can you believe it? There was one 'oik' in business class wearing paint-stained clothes with holes in! The First Officer who was showing me round just rolled his eyes and said I should see 'economy-class' (I declined of course).
    I kannot believe the low dress standards some people keep.

    You kannot be serious ??

    Nope, he's not biting [emoji51]
    • Like 2
  9. 1) Socks and sandals - nooooooooo !
    2) Shirt outside - gotta keep those 6 pack abs hidden [emoji51]
    3) No stripes for me !
    4) Could spray the top of my head.... but don't ! No rugs allowed either !
    5) Admit to buying a trimmer [emoji20]
    6) Never had a beard or tash ! especially not now......too much grey [emoji20]

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