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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Now I see Andrew
    So this is why they wanted me to go to embassy, then get translated with the MFA stamp & I bet I cannot use an agent to send to Embassy 
    PS : By the way just got my CoR from Immi - in/out  same day 15 min & 500 bht - Let,s see if Toyota will like that

    If you only want to buy a car or get your Thai driving license then the COR is all you need, worked for me.

  2. Where are you based [mention=167424]BEVUP[/mention]?

    If its a way from Bangkok is it worth the hassle?.if you can get a cor same day thats all yellow book is good for.

    Yes I'm thinking the same, after I did all my translations and certifications the headman at Amphur told me to come back in 2 weeks and he " will see what he could do for me " !.

    I nearly told him to stick it where the sun don't shine !!

  3. In regard to translation and MFA certification of passport and birth certificate for yellow tabian bahn:
    I had the same runaround on applying for my yellow book.
    My passport ( uk ) had to be certified at British embassy before being translated and the translation certified at MFA, they would not proceed without.
    The MFA told me that a birth certificate certified translation was not required for yellow house book, a quick call to Amphoe confirmed this , and a regular translation was done ( I.e. no Embassy or MFA certification )

  4. a freind ish of the family called andy dwyer lived in exmouth. Thinking bout it now, his name was  probably spelt dier..

    Dyer is quite common ( they're just wannabe Dwyer's [emoji51])

    Anyway, here's a question:

    What is the official motto for FIFA ?
  5. yes it was, mussolini as you said alledgedly told the team to win or else!!
    my mates great grandfather played in it and unfortunatly by the time that became 'folk lore' he'd passed so never got to ask him if it was true or not:sad:
    andrew u ever been to exmouth?

    Exmouth ? , not that I remember, have been to Torquay and Teignmouth etc so may have passed through, but that was probably 30 years ago !!
    Why do you ask ?
  6. jip doesnt seem to have one , so here's a nice easy one 
    who won the 1938 world cup and  why did the win  become known as being 'historicaly/ politically ' significant?

    Italy won it for the second time .
    As to the significance ?, not sure, I think this was the World Cup where Mussolini told his team to " win or die " ( allegedly). ?
    • Like 1
  7. How about one of those larger wheelybins?  I'm sure I've seen then here.
    596b43fd9d42f_WheelyBins!.jpg.14ec4a01509546ab2a77d1128beece38.jpg  Storage!.jpg.ce682d414ceafa2a1cca4f10d4cf014d.jpg
    Useful for wheeling round to collect the pillows or just take the wheels off.

    Where do you buy that storage bin ( 2nd photo ) am wanting something like that myself.
    The vistrades.com mentioned earlier didn't show anything.
  8. You can try. Along with vinegar soaks (contrary to what some will tell you, does not have to be apple cider vinegar...plaim cheap white vinegar is fine, it is the acidity that matters).

    And avoid socks and closed toed shoes, fungi thrive in dark and damp.

    Be warned that if it spreads you may lose the toenail in which case it will take a year to grow back.

    If you haven't had your blood glucose checked in past year would be wise. Diabetics are especially prone to fungal infectiond.

    Thanks again Sheryl.
  9. Toenail fungus is hard to treat, takes time. Terbinafine (toopical) is usual treatment and works better if applied after first scraping the top surface of the nail down, which needs to be done by a podiatrist. Also, it is hard to find topical terbinafine OTC.
    Unfortunately there are very, very few podiatrists in Thailand.  I only know of one:
    I think he may also have  his own clinic somewhere, see if it says on his  FB page:

    Thanks Sheryl, just says Podiatrist at Sriracha Hospital on his Facebook page.
    Is that the hospital in the first link ?, it won't open for me.
  10. The only sure means of reaching a diagnosis  is for scrapings, taken by a podiatrist, to be submitted for laboratory analysis. 

    Yes, you're probably right, I was hoping it was a common thing and someone could recommend some remedy.
    It doesn't bother me ( it's painless) and as I've said have had it for years so am not unduly worried but I will follow your advice if nobody has any suggestions.

  11. Thanks Mosha, but mine are on toenails only and a lot of it is on the surface and can be removed by scraping.

    My gf is currently giving me a pedicure, so I'll post an updated photo after she's finished .
  12. I have, and have had for many years, white spots on 2 or 3 of my toenails.
    My mother used to say it was lack of calcium.
    My gf says it is bacteria.
    For information:
    I do wear socks around 4 days out of the week, prefer socks and trainers when driving, but always remove them when back home , so approximately wear socks for maybe 20 - 25 hours a week.
    Rest of the time I wear sandals or flip flops.

    Any ideas, remedies etc

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