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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Thai people seem to like to ascribe medicinal properties to a variety of food and drink. I have been eating at Thai restaurants with the family and someone will encourage me to eat a particular soup or dish because the vegetables are good medicine. In most cases it appears to me that the more bitter the vegetables, the stronger medicine they supposedly provide.
    I look in wonder each new year as people spend a great deal of hard earned money buying those fancy wrapped holiday packages for other family members, which include a supply of small bottles of something that one is supposed to drink each day.  When they gift someone a thirty day supply I am guessing that is supposed to inoculate that person for the rest of the year.

    My gf calls those supplements Brand although I think that might be the brand name ( no pun intended) they are usually extract of something, chicken or mushroom for example.
    She bought me a box one time as I was sick, one every morning before eating, the mushroom one is okay but the chicken is pretty strong !!
    They are quite expensive and yes Thai people seem to buy them like hot cakes and consider them a good " gift" for family or friends.

    Whether they have any medicinal benefits I don't know, I just went with the flow and drank one every morning like a good boy [emoji4]
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  2. I did the same thing for my O-A from Thai Embassy London, I did have a letter from my GP in UK but noticed later that it had an out of date address on it and as I was back in Thailand ( and the medical certificate i had downloaded was in Thai and English) I decided to get a Thai version just in case.
    As it turned out the Thai version was accepted and the gp's letter wasn't ( due to it's simplicity) so it was a good result for me.
    I have posted this on here before as it's an easier and cheaper option.
    Mine cost me 360 baht from a local hospital .

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  3. come over to CM genius and let me super soak you in the face with moat/sewage water. Considering that the moat water is the ''ammunition '' of popular choice and that the area is INFESTED with diseased rats I will promise you a good dose of the ''water'' that is  Contaminated with rat urine and rat shit,a good shot directly in your face/mouth.But I 'm sure you'll love it because you don't want to be a grumpy ,stuffy and serious farang OR how about a ruptured ear drum just like the one that happened to my friend's 75 year old mother last year when two backpacking   scmbgs ran up to her with a super soaker, just like the one you brag about having and shot her full force directly in her ear, purposely , rupturing her ear drum and causing permanent damage.....so when  can we expect you big mouth?

    The super soaker that I bought for my 8 year old gf's nephew is hardly anything to brag about ! Just something for him to interact with the other kids. I also bought a 2 litre bottle of water so he could spray the other kids with clean water.
    I am sorry for your friends 75 years old mother and can assure you that my gf's nephew had clear instructions on who he could soak and who he couldn't.

    I'm sorry if you took my post badly and failed to see the humour I tried to generate whilst writing it.

    I suggest in future if you see a post with my name on it you skip it and don't cause yourself any unnecessary stress by reading it .
    Did the Thais welcome you to the Buddhist family?
    But then you must renounce your Christianity if you ever believed in it.

    I kinda looked on it like a day pass, you know a " try before you buy " type of deal.
    I think I'll stick with C of E !
  5. I am in Hua Hin celebrating Songkran with the gf , her sister and her 2 rugrats.
    As this is my first Songkran I decided to enter into the spirit and got kitted out with the flowery shirt, bought the male lead weight a super soaker and off we went down to Market Village for starters then ended up by the fire station which seemed to be the hub of water enduced entertainment ( not surprisingly).
    I had a good old time, didn't flinch when I got an ice cold bucket down my back, even took my cap and glasses off to let the kids fully soak a farang baldy !!
    Now, showered and looking for food am happy in the knowledge that I've contributed to Thailands economy and shown that farang are not all stuffy and serious.

    Having said that I think that this will not be a regular outing, going back home tomorrow and will only participate in another if family or friends insist .

    One day, like today, a year I can handle, any more than that and I will turn into the typical grumpy old expat made famous by TVF.

    Oh, we did do the temple visit and water over the Buddha yesterday, so my aspirations to be a Buddhist have been fulfilled also !!

  6. I am in Hua Hin celebrating Songkran with the gf , her sister and her 2 rugrats.

    As this is my first Songkran I decided to enter into the spirit and got kitted out with the flowery shirt, bought the male lead weight a super soaker and off we went down to Market Village for starters then ended up by the fire station which seemed to be the hub of water enduced entertainment ( not surprisingly).

    I had a good old time, didn't flinch when I got an ice cold bucket down my back, even took my cap and glasses off to let the kids fully soak a farang baldy !!

    Now, showered and looking for food am happy in the knowledge that I've contributed to Thailands economy and shown that farang are not all stuffy and serious.


    Having said that I think that this will not be a regular outing, going back home tomorrow and will only participate in another if family or friends insist .


    One day, like today, a year I can handle, any more than that and I will turn into the typical grumpy old expat made famous by TVF.


    Oh, we did do the temple visit and water over the Buddha yesterday, so my aspirations to be a Buddhist have been fulfilled also !!

  7. I think we all agree now that the truck was in the right turn lane .

    But as the traffic moves forward he has no intention of turning right ! , he is trying to make a u-turn !

    If you watch the video to the end you will see the right turn is further forward and you can follow the traffic turning right up ahead.


    So, back on topic, the truck driver made a u-turn with no signal and without checking for other cars!!

    Therefore guilty !

  8. That was something I thought was a bit strange. When he removed the old crown the tooth was about 80% whole, but then he virtually removed everything almost to the gum line, don't ask me why.

    Just had a quick look at mine, a lot of it is still there, obviously reduced a bit to accept the crown.
    Doesn't look pretty though after 10 years under a crown [emoji20]
  9. I would have hung back and let the truck complete its turn. Dart up the inside of a larger vehicle and you are always at risk of being sideswiped.
    I regularly take a freeway exit back home and many cars in the exit lanes don't keep their right turn signal on because all three lanes have similar right turn signs painted on the road, and you can only turn right. The truck is in a marked exit/turning lane so I wonder how many drivers would have an indicator on, more so in Thailand.

    I see your point !! But then in this case I would have to say that the truck driver is still in the wrong !!
    If he was turning right then surely there was no need for him to encroach into the u-turn lane ?

    IMO , he misjudged his turn !
  10. The RC treatment cost me 4000 baht (3 sessions) plus 6000 baht for the crown, total 10,000 baht. I have exactly the same problem, a gap next to the crowned tooth, so didn't want to lose it. Previously I had 2 crowns with a bridge between, but he had to remove 1 crown and the bridge so he could give me RC on the problem tooth. If I wanted him to replace the bridge he would have had to remove the other crown as well. I just wanted to get the one tooth fixed, started to get a little bit sick and tired of dentists, sometimes it seems never-ending.

    Yeah, know what you mean !!
    My RC has cost me 6,000 already and expecting another session of 3,000 !!
    I'm hoping he can replace the original Crown or I'll need a mortgage for this lot !!
  11. I'm feeling for you Giddyup !
    I'm in the middle of a RC treatment, Crown removed and 2 sessions with the RC " specialist ", 1 more session on the 25th and then Crown back on .
    Cost me 1,750 + 3,000 + 3,000 so far.
    Had some pain after the second session but only lasted a day but it was a 2 hour session and I could feel her cleaning the canal with the 1/4" round file !!, so some after pain is expected.
    Mines a big one , 4 root canals, initially the 3 dentists i saw first wanted to pull it !!, but as I have one missing next to it I'd rather try and keep it . Mine had been treated 10 years ago but they didn't get to the root of the problem ( pun intended).

    Anyway, good luck.

  12. I watched the video 3 times to check this...   The truck driver is clearly in the wrong.  Not because he was turning from the middle lane, that long a vehicle would need that much room to turn, but because he did not use his turn signals at all.  The light that some posters cite as a late turn signal is more likely a brake light as it comes on when he realizes that he has hit the car and stays on, rather than blinks.  The left side brake light is probably burned out.

    Nailed it !
    He probably should have had his hazards on in this case as a truck this length would have probably encroached into the u-turn lane plus 2 more lanes to the right.
    No hazards or even an indicator gave no one ( or even himself probably) an indication about his intentions.
    And yes, I agree, the lights shown were brake lights, or in this case brake light !.
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