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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. You sure about this I mean these adivators sound salvageable and a bit a glue and you may need not worry about sunglasses for another 10 years yet. You could even spice em with your own bit of hacking. Grab a pack of Sugru or formcard and there back in the cup holder.  Great invention the cupholder

    I was gonna tackle em with the superglue but it turns out the gf has tried to use it and it is now an ex superglue !! Looks like she's had it in a vise !!


    I'll buy some SG tomorrow and give you an update !



  2. I have a pair of adidas sunglasses [emoji41], paid about $150 at a duty free 10 or 12 years ago.
    Okay, so not so expensive and old !, but they fit me perfectly , I just love 'em.
    Over the years have gained a few scratches and knocks so have been relegated to the car, they sit in the cupholder and I wear them pretty much every time i drive.

    Anyway, yesterday I took them off and they snapped in the middle !!, the ungrateful bar stewards !![emoji35]
    Okay so I haven't treated them with as much care and attention as I should have over the last few years but still there was no need for them to commit suicide right in front of my eyes [emoji102] !!

    So, I am in the market for some new ones, but as I have a couple of Sunday best Ray Bans I think I'll just grab a cheap pair from the market to throw in the car .

    Well you did ask [emoji51][emoji51]


    Thanks for posting the video .

    Bit of an anticlimax though, couldn't really tell what happened !!

    But in the true spirit of TV I will make some wild guess about what happened :

    He advertised a baseball bat on Craig's List ( not Gregg's list ) !!
    They arranged a meeting, she shouted over " hey, you the guy selling a baseball bat "
    He replied " yeah, got it here "
    She replied " call that a baseball bat !, I've seen bigger wieners !!"

    And they parted their ways !

    Next !!

  4. I need to give these books another go. I owned a box set of the paperbacks many years ago when I was a teenager. I tried a number of times to read them but just couldn't get into them.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    I know what you mean, Spikes humour can be over the top at times but these books, although have some crude humour and hilarious barrack room antics, are very touching at times.

    I couldn't read any of his poetry or watch him on tv ( Q, I think it was called ), just too much over the top .

    But biographies, or autobiographies, are my favourite reading material.
  5. I'm just starting again on Spike Milligan - War Memoirs ( a trilogy), actually turned out to be 7 books.

    Obviously some wacky humour in there but some touching moments also , covering his war years and the final book (Peace Work) when he finishes army life and embarks on his musical comedy career.

    Interesting how he teams up with Michael Bentine , Harry Secombe and Peter Sellers to create The Goons ( Monty Python of the radio world !, for those unfamiliar).


    I can strongly recommend !


  6. Good news for Brits who enjoy Songkran:

    " contrary to popular belief that the Pound Sterling is converting to plastic notes for countering counterfeiting it has been announced that the real reason is to stop damage to notes during the up and coming "British Songkran ".
    As Thailand are abolishing Songkran the British are taking up the challenge.
    " British Songkran will take place on any day during the British rainy season ( 1st January to 31st December) and revellers are invited to simply set foot out of their front door, actually throwing water is not necessary, water will be provided by the British Meteorological Society "

    Source: dodgyarticles.com

    Funny to get a 16GB sd card when a 32 is already not enough.

    You do realise that they run in a continuous loop ??

    I use an 8gb runs 3 minute videos until full then overwrites .
    Carry a spare, so if I want to view a video ( accident or funny etc) I just swap it over .
  8. Just to clarify

    " He armed himself with an AR-15 rifle and opened fire on the trio when he confronted them in a hallway after they briefly exchanged words, police said. Two of the burglars died in the home’s kitchen, while a third escaped to the driveway, where he collapsed and died. "'

    There is no mention that the third intruder was shot outside ( hands up, pleading for mercy etc ).

  9. dotpoom was right when he called it "riveting stuff" I, myself am sitting on the very edge of my seat, shivering with anticipation as to what these two Characters from Tin Tin, are going to do next. I hear that snowy is in a dog hotel for the month,but the Thompson Twins have reached the Thai border in Nong Kai. Cant wait for the next episode. I have heard there is a promise of an appearance by Captain Pugwash, along with, seaman Stains, and Roger the cabin boy, all on the bicycle version of the "Black Pig" Oh joy!

    Don't forget Master Bates !
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