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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. i found a samsung note smart phone daytime buakaow last year at the edge of the road. a busy bit must have been there only seconds.
    went to a nearby bar to try and work it and find out the owner but all in thai, pic of a girl but that was it. after about 15 mins it rings and i give it to staff to tell caller i'm here come n get it. shortly after a couple of calls cos they give poor directions a TG shows up and throws herself on the floor at my feet giving me the wahs. i couldn't get her up and boy was it embarrassing,  till i said ok you want to pay for my 1 beer. she was so happy bought my beer 3 drinks for the staff and unknown to me another 3 beers behind the bar.
    she had thought it was gone and it's not just the phone its all the numbers etc on the sim card

    And that's the way it should happen !
    The finder should have a sense of responsibility so he makes an attempt to find the owner, and the owner should have enough decency to offer some recompense.

    Good for you Striderman
  2. We can argue all day ( and probably will ) about why the MC rider didn't slowdown and rode straight into the ditch or why the pickup thought he had right of way, which he obviously didn't, and came out without stopping .
    But, to me, the real issue is why didn't the pickup stop and assist the MC rider !!
    Whether he believed he was at fault or not should not have stopped him from giving assistance, maybe the driver didn't see the rider actually plummet into the ditch but the guy stood in the back certainly did and from the short video it appeared that he treated it with total indifference !!

    Total lack of respect for lives of others !! [emoji35]

  3. I would substitute the word "ideal" for "Normal", in the majority of cases in most parts of the world it would not get returned. It would have been kept or sold. I left mine in a tuktuk once and went back to where the guy worked out of and no one would help. I would guess maybe on the average  10% of incidents would result in a return. I have seen a good cross section between the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of human nature through many travels including touring as a rock and roll musician. 

    Yes I agree " ideal " would have been better .

    Also agree that anywhere in the world the phone would be long gone.

    I think what makes this thread stand out is the audacity of the woman to publicly hold the phone for ransom !!
    I can see her idea but definitely think it was a bad one !!

    I myself have been lucky in this area, left my iPad in the airplane seat pocket on 2 occasions but both times managed to recover it, had to buy a Turkish visa to get it back one time as was in transit !, but $30 is better than $900 !

    I guess the worst I had was leaving a flash memory in a hotels business centre after printing some documents, I remembered just as I was waiting for the elevator and went straight back to find it gone and the only occupant was a Mexican teenager who swore blind he'd not seen it.
    I knew he had it and he knew i knew he had it but just wasn't worth making a scene, nothing valuable on it.
  4. Dave

    There were many other reasons for my marriage breaking up, the lying about the dog was just one of a long list !!

    As the dogs pretty much belonged to my wife ( even though they gave me all the attention, which I loved), I let her pick the names.
    So there was : Luanna, Luiza, Laura and Lara ( it's a Brazilian thing ! ).
    Lara died and the ex magically found another stray and wanted to call it Luan , well I wasn't having any of it so called it Bobby just out of spite !
    When Lara died in my arms it was one of the worst moments ( as I'm sure you know ) and something I'll never forget , she had a problem with her heart rate and struggled to breathe.
    Laura died a while later but she was old and had a history of medical problems so the end for her was almost a release.

    I think I will get a pup next time then hopefully she will outlive me and I won't have to go through the pain of burying another in the garden ( albeit a different garden )

  5. Dave,

    Nice story,
    Before coming to Thailand I had 4 dogs , which to be honest was 2 too many, the ex brought the last 2 home as they were strays, I initially was angry but one look at the dogs happy faces melted my heart.
    The ex used to go out walking with her sister for exercise early evening and the last one she brought home she said had been following her for 1 hour. I was a little suspicious that the dog was a stray as was obviously well cared for ( no id though), she swore blind that the dog had followed her home. About 6 months later her sister told me that she had picked the dog up and carried it for about 30 minutes !! ( that only brought my decision to divorce forward).
    Right now am in an apartment so can't have a dog but my master plan is to move to a house in a relatively quiet neighbourhood and get a dog......or 2.
    For me any dog will do, big or small, pedigree or mutt or soi, I find any dog treated with affection will give back 100 fold.

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