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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Thats weird i always have to pay money when one a mine tyres need to be  repaired at the shop.what am i doing wrong here?

    I must admit I was surprised !
    When the young kid was waffling on to my gf I thought he was trying to sell me a new tyre, I was expecting the worst, so it was a very pleasant surprise when he said no charge .
  2. When I tried to open an account on a tourist visa the consensus I got from reading threads on TVF was that Kasikorn and Bangkok Bank were the easiest.
    Kasikorn refused me at 3 branches because of no work permit.
    Bangkok Bank refused me at one for no work permit, second said I needed a letter from Embassy ( British in my case), this seemed my only option but on the way home I tried one more Bangkok Bank branch and they opened it there and then with a 10,000 baht deposit I think ( got a savings account with ATM card ).

    My gf was with me which helped for translation, she does not have a Bangkok Bank account.

    The general feeling I got, from reading various TVF threads is Kasikorn and Bangkok are easiest, try in tourist areas or areas that have more farangs and just keep trying .

  3. Today had the car booked in for a service but on setting off discovered I had a flat tire, with a nail right in the middle of the tread .

    Put the doughnut on and set off for Honda hoping to get it fixed thrown in with the service ?

    Silly me !!

    They wouldn't touch it.


    Went to the local B-Quick and they sorted it quickly and professionally !!

    Asked how much - no charge !!

    Well there's a first !


    Congratulations B - Quick Navanakorn !


    Anybody ever been pleasantly surprised in this nature ?

  4. yes correct ....  every time a transfer is made a text is sent.  But I suppose if a withdrawal was made there's not really a way of knowing ...  i don't get an sms on withdrawals ..

    I get an SMS on using the ATM for withdrawal, very quick, get it as I'm doing the transaction.
    When I opened the account it was a free service for 3 months, then I had to pay 10 baht a month, went up to 15 baht a month last year sometime.
  5. Not my story but a mate of mine ( honest ).

    When he was young free and single, he always put a glass of water by the side of his bed when he goes out " on the lash " cos he always wakes up gagging for a drink ! ( makes sense ).
    So, one morning he wakes up after a skinful and starts to down the glass of water, in his own words:
    " about halfway down the glass it dawned on me that I had already drank the water and used the glass as a makeshift toilet in the early hours !! "
    " I sprayed it out all over the bed and curtains, my mother made me wash it all and scrub the carpet " [emoji23][emoji23]

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