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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Stayer ( I think)
    It's early days for me, been here full time for just less than a year, coming and going for 1 year previous to that.
    Retired and on an O-A so no hassles there.
    Travelling around to decide where I would want to make a home still, currently in a cheap apartment in Pathum Thani but probably would like to live in Prachuap ( beautiful coastline).
    Driving is not an issue, lived in Brazil 20 years.
    Corruption, ditto above.
    Relationship, well still on Thai honeymoon and I think I've found a keeper.
    Land ownership, still toying with that one, living in a cheap apartment so no real pressure to resolve either buying or renting a place just yet, have just watched a couple of videos on another thread about building a modern home and has got my interest !
    Been married twice, 13 and 20 years so figure I can bat this one out past the 7 year itch.

    So as said before:
    Stayer ( I think )

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  2. Watched youtube complete garbage for over 2 hours yesterday. Why did I do that was what I came to the conclusion of. First it was the worlds fastest robots and then the worlds smallest robots and on and on it went. Killed 2 hours but I learnt nothing and in the end it irritated me. Need something to focus on. Come on Will. Where are you?

    You can guarantee that if the title starts with " Worlds Greatest " or "Worlds Funniest " or " Worlds Wildest " etc etc, then it's gonna be a complete waste of time.

    Usually a 1 hour program that could be condensed into 10 minutes and not even worth watching at that.

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
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  3. I carry a very dangerous object in both my side pockts. My score to date is 4 pickpockets and a lot of blood.
    Man they just don't learn. I
    love the sound of their screams and the blood on the floor.Sum num naa has never been so sweet.Payback is beautiful.

    A hedgehog in both pockets ?


    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  4. I was going to post the following at the end and, until I saw your post I was beginning to think that I had imagined it :)
    I am married to a wonderful Isaan girl(46) who worked along side me for 5 years in the bars we owned and ran in Pattaya. She was a loyal partner, and an honest woman.I have known her for 7 years, and we have been married for 5 of them.She was quite wealthy in her own right before i met her, and i live in her house, that she built from her fathers insurance money.She is bright and clever to Mathiom 6 standard, and speaks good English.We have a happy life together, and she has really never asked me for much. She asks only that i love her and stay with her
    but when the thing about Isaan girls is brought up in the Pattaya forum, all isaan girls are described as robbers thieves, and liars. My Mrs worked in Bkk as a quality supervisor for Addidas.She had never seen the inside of a bar, let alone worked in one.

    I might be wrong here but I am assuming he meant " she had never seen the inside of a bar, let alone worked in one " before he met her.

    Then he/they bought a bar and she worked with him .

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
    Why only one science? 

    For O-levels I studied :-  Maths, Ad Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English Literature, English Language, Geography, French, Spanish and Design/Craft/Technology

    I dropped Additional Maths and Spanish before taking the O-levels though.

    I passed everything but French.  

    Went on to do A Levels in Maths, Physics and Geography (geography because of scheduling conflicts which mean't I had to choose between Physics and Chemistry, and chose Physics because it was more in line with my growing interest in computers.

    I still love anything to do with the sciences and maths.   

    It was more of an advanced science, still did the 3 sciences but concentrated on one in particular with double the lessons - or - still did the 3 sciences plus an additional language as in my case.

    Or to be more precise in my case waste 3 years of valuable education time on a subject that I had no interest in whatsoever !

    Looking back it seems that they had some radical tutoring ideas going on !

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  6. After a couple of years at Grammar school we could concentrate on one of the sciences ( chemistry, physics or biology) or another language ( in addition to French).
    I went for another language, was a choice of German or Russian (?), I chose German as did the other 25 kids, then they said " we need someone to take Russian as we have a Russian teacher " !!
    So , it was, you, you, you and you are doing Russian !!

    Me and 5 girls ( all mingers), so I rebelled and skipped classes.
    End of school had to take O level exam as they had no GCSE paper.

    I got a "U" for unclassified.

    At the time I didn't care but later in life it really bugged me how they could make a decision like that so nonchalantly !! [emoji35][emoji35]

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  7. First school from 4 till 11, had to do an exam to decide what level of school came next ( 11 plus).
    Guess I must have scraped through because went to Grammar school .
    Started off well at Grammar school but got in with the wrong crowd and left with very few qualifications aged 15.

    Did City & Guilds apprenticeship in mech engineering and worked in that field until retiring last year age 55.
    Did alright for my self, travelled to 40+ countries and was based out of the uk for 20 years. Those years were invaluable and turned me into the person I am today, travel broadens the mind they say and I believe that to be true.

    Obviously my early school years were important but i didn't start learning about life until age 15 and am still learning now !!

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  8. Usually these " download this program to clean and increase speed " adverts on the net invariably lead to analysing your computer for free and then trying to scare you into signing up by a big list of ( possible) threats on your computer.

    I would avoid anything that is offered for free from someone you don't know !

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  9. Am on a 3 day trip to Hua Hin and a couple of nights ago after the compulsory night market visit decided to have a stroll down walking street.

    Called in an Irish pub ( Murphy's I think), it was not busy, early evening, few customers.
    There was a Thai band murdering some Western rock n roll music and 7 Americans in their late fifties early sixties in front of us.
    The band took a break and one of the 7 stated " Rock n roll died when CCR split up " ( not when Buddy Holly or Elvis died as you would expect !!)[emoji23]

    Well, all his buddies just nodded in agreement and I thought to myself, " no TV members here, nobody shouted Wrong Wrong or told him to go back home "

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  10. A little bit off topic but still relevant.

    In the UK they changed the penalties given for driving offences yesterday.
    Now the penalty for using mobile phone is £200 + 6 points on your license.
    Usually it takes 12 points to lose your license but now it only takes 6 points in the first 2 years you've had your license.
    And that's what happened to one unlucky 19 year old who was using Google maps whilst driving !!
    Lost his license on the first offence [emoji853]

    Makes 500 baht ( or whatever the normal fine for infraction is here) seem even more pathetic !!

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  11. BA and Emirates are pretty good in my opinion, also had a pleasant experience with EVA recently.

    Worst ?? , not really got a worst airline, find the rest who I've flown with similar (KLM, Air France , Turkish etc)

    I guess if you have had a bad experience, as some posters have, then it can put you off them for life.

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  12. Why do all old farts always trot out nonsense like this.. We are not all dumb wage slaves waiting for a gold watch.. 


    Retired here at 28 with enough for multiple lifetimes.. Since then started multiple activities online and in other countries which provides income streams and could have been started without capital. 


    Old guys seem to think you have to do 35 years on a coal face to qualify to be here (while complaining of the rising cost of changs).

    Would you care to share ??

    Your money I mean, not your life story !! [emoji51]

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  13. would you have to resit the driving test should you return to the UK?  
    I called the dvla when i was back, as i was a little concerned about the 1000 quid fine for not updating address. As expected they had no solution as you cant register a foreign address. They didnt however, instruct me to send it back to them.  So i maintain my license and use my fathers address. Its a useful license to have. 

    Yeah, I use my fathers address for DL and other stuff and have had no issues .

    I hope you don't have to resit the driving test !
    It was a long time ago and I'm sure I've picked up 1 or 2 bad habits by now ! [emoji51]

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  14. not quite, valid until 70 years then renewable every 3,
    photo lasts 10 years
    my thoughts on an 87 year old driving i will keep to myself

    I stand corrected !

    You are right it is until 70 years old, I just looked at my license.
    Not sure where I got the 65 from ? Did they raise it ? I could have sworn it was 65 !!

    We used to hide my fathers car keys and in the end sold his car last year after he finally conceded defeat !

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
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