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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. kay how does that stack up price wise with Thailand, and what town in Thailand would you compare it to?

    A bit more expensive than Thailand in general for general eating, drinking and transportation etc sort of upper Bangkok prices.
    Accommodation I don't know, stayed in a hotel as I was working.

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  2. It is a bit specific don't you think ?
    I've spent a lot of time in Toluca, but it's cold, industrial, nowhere near the coast and a long way from the US.
    Other than that I spent a couple of months in Monterrey, was working and in a hotel so can't comment on accommodation, but the city is really cool, in a mountainous area with some stunning scenery. 2 1/2 to 3 hours drive to Laredo Texas.
    Sorry I couldn't help more.

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  3. A good friend of mine retired here. He wanted a bank account and the banks refused. I took him to immigration in Jomtien and we explained the situation to them and asked how he could have 800,000 baht in a Thai bank with no account. The immigration officer wrote a note in Thai on a piece of paper and told my friend to give it to the bank. My friend gave the bank teller the note and within 15 minutes he had an account and an ATM card.

    Shame you don't still have the Thai written note !

    Seems like you could make a tidy profit selling copies to frustrated TV members . [emoji848]

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  4. impulse
    What exactly can i see here that i cannot see any other place in the world.
    have you ever seen mount Rushmore? The bad lands? have you ever seen the Dolphins swimming into Tampa bay just as the sun is going down? Have you seen the island of Ithaca,from the boat out of kefalonia? Have you ever seen Niagra falls (like no other) What about the Scottish highlands in Autumn? Have you seen Custer National Park and been less than 50 feet from an American Bison.Have you seen the pyramids/the museum of ancient art in Cairo?Have you ever been to the Gulf of Mexico and seen the endless span of the sea there? What about the lake district in England .Have you ever been to New Orleans, and sat outside Chef Boyardee's seafood restaurant,on a warm night,  in a wicker chair, drinking a Southern Comfort, watching a steam boat sailing down the Mississippi? Because i have   I could go on, but all of the things i have mentioned are free, or for a admittance fee which does NOT have a price 10x for tourists.
    Tell me what i would miss if i didnt see the,so called attractions of Thailand,that doesn't compare with any of the above.Island after island after island,yada yada yada.

    Don't forget Dave here in Thailand you can see " the hanging gardens of Babylon, hoardes of wildebeest sweeping majestically across the plains " and on a good day a Torquay see view !!

    Or maybe not [emoji51]

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
    You sound like the guys that are willing to pay 120 baht for a cup of coffee here then tell me "What, it costs that much back home".  One of the main reasons I came here is to stop being ripped off by paying nearly $4 for a cup of f'ing coffee "back home".  

    Yeah but don't say " I could buy a case of that in 7-11 " !!
    Apparently that doesn't get good results [emoji51]

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  6. I visited a waterfall up north somewhere recently and they wanted 500 baht just for me !, the car and Thais were free !!
    I declined their kind offer and went elsewhere.
    Whether the waterfall was worth 500 baht or not I will never know, at 200 baht I would have ( grudgingly) paid.

    My gf was amazed and posted on Facebook about it.

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  7. i know is a bad idea ....but suppose he could leave the kingdom by land with some good friend's  and take a flight to euro by cambodia or laos....for Thai immigration he remains on file in the database  on the black list right ?

    Not a bad idea ?, probably the worst idea I've ever heard !!
    If he made it to Cambodia or Laos how would he leave from there ??
    And if he came back to Thailand after all this ?......well God help him.

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  8. Benefits to the Thai partner -
    Some pension schemes pay a widow's pension. Probably have to be married (or at least in a civil partnership) to qualify.
    Easier to gain a long term visitor visa to the spouse's country (UK is 10-year max).
    Face - I think that marriage has more status in the eyes of the Thai family/friends. Of course, the highest status husband is an Englishman.

    And preferably from Yorkshire !!

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  9. You are required to have an eyesight test
    Maybe reaction test
    No actual driving test
    Its also better to have an International Driving License to support your Dutch License

    Yes, definitely get an International Driving License ( or Permit they call it now) as your home country driving license will not be recognised if not in English.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
  10. So can any farang who feels they are Thai tell me what to do when you just have a squat toilet and a cistern of water (no bum gun)? Do you carry around a roll of toilet paper just in case, or just splash yourself even if you have the trots?

    Paper in car


    Wipes in gf's bag


    Worst case scenario, use undercrackers , flush em and then go commando !!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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