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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. i got my German license in 1962 and it is still valid!

    In the uk they are valid until you are 65 .
    You have to renew them every 10 years with minimal requirements, pretty much just a new photo !

    After that I'm not sure how often or the requirements but my father still has a license and he's 87 ! ( drives better than most Thais) !!

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  2. My question is.How did they keep him inactive, while the safe was robbed? I mean, surely he didnt just stand there and let them do it?
    They must have agreed a price.Did they have sex with him? Then what happened? did they all just sit down and discuss the problem? Where did the lost time go between, seeing,and opening the safe.
    Sounds like Blax to me.

    He was in the toilet having a " freshen up " .

    So, the young lady and her chaperone decided whilst he was busy with the bleach and the scrubbing brush on his bobby's helmet they should help themselves to payment from the safe , which coincidentally had opened by itself with all the bedspring activity that had been occurring !!

    He appears from the toilet screaming ( due to the bleach ) and the ladies scarper.
    In their haste forgetting to leave the money over and above the agreed amount !!

    God I'm good at this !
    I should have been a lawyer.

    Case closed !

    NEXT !!

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  3. I got my first car license here in Thailand in Jan 2017, it is valid for 2 years and says temporary car on it.

    While at the DLT my gf said I could renew it after 1 year to get the 5 year, I just asked her again if that was the case and she said yes .

    Can anyone confirm this, it seems a bit odd to me that you can do this but if there is an issue with renting or rental insurance on the 2 year temp license then I will be interested in upgrading to 5 year asap.

    Anybody heard about this or has a link ??

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  4. medical records get removed from the GP after a few years

    you need to re-register and request your records from a central store

    I lived outside the uk for 20 years, still got paid by a uk company but was classed as non resident for tax purposes.

    Last year I wanted the medical certificate for an O-A visa , went to my gp fully expecting to have to register again but she treated me like I'd never been away.

    I guess what kept me on the books was I was still paying national insurance all the time ?

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  5. That is a complete load of ! That's a Toyota Yaris and it comes with an automatic transmission. Any one who drives an auto would know that the gear selection slots are arranged in this fashion - P, R, N, D and so on. For safety reasons, 'R' (reverse) and 'D' (drive) are separated by 'N' (Neutral) - to avoid people selecting the wrong gear. It's quite impossible to get 'R' and 'D' mixed up if one is shifting from 'P' (park). One is just a slot away, while 'D' is three. Even if one is shifting from 'N', it's still quite hard to get it wrong. From 'N', one pushes the selector one step forward to engage 'R', but one step backwards to engage 'D'. And the selector is locked and cannot be moved from 'N' to 'R', unless the selector release button is depressed. For someone to cock-up something so simple and intuitive, this person has no business to be on the road. Heck, she shouldn't be operating any mechanical things or machinery - period. Does she even have a damned license, for a start, or is she one of the many drivers on Thai roads who goes around without a license, and just keep THB100 notes handy in case they get stopped by the rozzers???

    Maybe she got confused because the gears are in a different position to the tractor she usually drives ?

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  6. Have always thought there should be a couple of like options, yes I agree, good point, good joke, good information etc. Then the likes could go toward poster of the year, most informative, most humorous etc

    Good idea !
    But should also include as well as like:

    Totally disagree,
    You have not read the post!
    Get the f$&k outta here !!

    To add to poster of the year:

    Most argumentative,
    Most off topic,
    Most..... just downright whacko !!

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  7. If you have a driving license in English or an IDP then just present the docs and do 3 tests:
    Colour blindness
    Depth of perception

    All very easy.

    If you don't have license in English or IDP then you will have to do the practical ( driving) and watch a video, I think. I'm not 100% sure about this as it didn't apply to me.

    The license costs 305 baht and is good for 2 years ( was 1 year ) and then you renew for 5 year license.

    All my posts are from my experience only and from 1 month ago , if I forgot something or misquoted something I'm sorry, I'm sure my TV colleagues will correct me. !

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  8. Basically you will need:

    Your passport with departure card tm6
    IDP ( if you have one)
    Doctors certificate ( basic checks from hospital or clinic usually 50 - 80 baht)
    Residence certificate from immigration.

    Passport photo page, visa page, entry stamp.
    Tm 6
    IDP title, photo and endorsement page.
    Driving license front and back.
    Residence certificate
    Medical certificate

    On some lists I have seen that you need photos as well, at my immigration they took a photo and used theirs.

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

  9. Very dangerous thing for the house owner to do though.
    Failing to report a foreigner living at a property you own to immigration, gets you a horrendous fine of I believe, 4,000 baht a day.

    Yeah, I found out about 7 months afterwards, have now got tm30 stapled in passport so all good, don't believe the condo owner got fined either !

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  10. This seems a bit odd. Charlie Machin has been wanted in Phuket for at least two years, yet here he is in plain sight.
    To stay in a hotel or rent a house you have to provide ID and the rental agreement is posted with immigration. And he lives in a rented house.
    Which means they probably had his address in the system for a long time.

    Unless he used a gf's id to rent the house or condo , happened to me by accident, thought I was on the rental agreement but they just used the gf's id, easier for them, lazy tw$ts !!

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]
  11. They simply just want everyone to fill out an address on the arrival card. So many people fuss over this. Just put down the name of ANY hotel if you don't have one yet, MAYBE you will be staying there. Just do it!  They sometimes have staff in the lines now to make sure you do this. One of the reasons is it holds up everybody when you wait to get to the imm officer and he also kind of gets pissed off to wait for you. The other reason is you must fill it in. 

    Happened to the guy in front of me at immigration coming into Swampy Tues.

    She said he needed to put address, he said he didn't know which hotel yet, she repeated he needed to put address, he said "Hyatt ? ", she smiled and said "okay "

    Moral of the story:

    If you don't have an address make one up and fill it in to alleviate the immigration queue/line. !!

    Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

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