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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1.   I had to close my HSBC account at my branch in Malta because I had not used it for more than half a year.  'Dormant' they call it, you may reopen in for any further transactions but I chose to just convert the balance to Stirling then transfer it to my Krungsri foreign currency account.
      Maybe Barclays are adopting similar procedures if you had not used the account for some time.

    I had some money in a TSB account ( due to a better interest rate) that I hadn't touched for years , when I went to close it and withdraw the money they told me I had to reopen it first ( as it was now dormant) before closing it again !!
    This took a week !
  2. Could always hotspot to PC.

    I prefer the app version as I can always pull out my phone and check without waiting for laptop to boot up .

    Noticed people were using Tapatalk a lot so thought I would give it a go........ brilliant !
    The Tapatalk app version is a very similar format to Connect but actually works !!
    Notifications actually notify you now and in general it's 100% better than Connect ( which I have now shelved) .
  3. Bit pointless asking so called adults what they think of a childrens theme park.
    Adults and kids would have different views on the same thing.

    I am assuming that adults would have taken their kids and could give me some ideas like:, too expensive, great, kids loved it, go in the evening as too hot etc, etc

    Or I could ask the kids directly !
    Where do you suggest I do that ?
  4. My gf has a nephew and niece, 8 and 11 years old , and wants us to take them to a 3D Dinosaur exhibition/theme park at Sukhumvit.
    The kids live with their grandmother and don't get treated to many luxuries so I am keen to do this .
    Read up on TripAdvisor and got the usual mixed bag of reviews but wondered if any TVF members have been and have any tips ??

  5. I went down the O-A route in the UK as I was 50 years old so could not go down the O route. As Ubon Joe says one of the key attractions of the O-A route is you do not have to transfer the 800,000 baht into a Thai bank account until nearly 2 years later when you apply for your first extension. This is exactly what I did.



    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    I opened a Thai account early to help on ATM charges plus I wanted to buy a car and have access to cash easily.

    How did you make out with no Thai account for 2 years if you don't mind me asking ?

  6. Are you saying that the Bht 800,000 can be in your home (UK) bank.

    I see UbonJoe has answered your question, but yes many choose to have the money in a UK bank to obtain the O-A visa then open a Thai account after entering the country.
    I guess it's easier to open an account here with a non-imm visa rather than on a tourist or exempt visa.

    I did it the other way round !
  7. 49 minutes ago, Ace of Pop said:

    Yep, mines just gone tits up again.Bout time they got The Nation Tecs in that know what their doing.

    Yeah, mine had the problem this morning, deleted app and downloaded again, okay for about 3 hours then went breasts skywards also !!

    Shame because I prefer the app as only have t'internet on my phone and the app is easy to navigate ( when it's working ! )

  8. A non-o visa can be obtained for being 50 or over, The 65 year old rule only applies in the UK and you must also be drawing a state pension.
    There are nearby embassies and consulates that will issued one.

    I apologise for jumping the gun with my post.
    I didn't realise the 65 year old rule applies only to the uk and as the OP is 52 I thought the O-A visa was his only option .
  9. In Ayutthaya there is a roundabout with a large bell shaped old monument ( excuse my ignorance of the correct name for this ) on top.
    Just before the roundabout the frontage road joins the main road to create 7 lanes which in turn funnel down into 3 lanes almost immediately going round the roundabout.

    Needless to say: Absolute carnage !!

    Insane road structure + inadequate driving abilities =......well, you all know the outcome !!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  10. A retirement visa, or Non-Immigrant O-A visa to give it its correct title, can only be obtained from the Thai Embassy in your home country.
    You will need a Police background check from your home country also.
    You will need a medical certificate, from the Thai Embassy website..

    You will need 800,000 baht in a Thai bank , or equivalent in your home currency/bank.  Or:

    You will need 65,000 baht monthly income, or equivalent in your home currency/bank.

    ( the two requirements can be achieved by combining the two amounts).


     The medical certificate can be done in Thailand or in your home country.

    The financial requirements can be met in Thailand or your home country.


    I recommend you research the information thoroughly on the Thai Embassy website .


  11. As soon as I did a transfer from my American bank to Bangkok Bank, Bangkok Bank disabled my ATM card for that account. It was my understanding that once you transfer money internationally to Bangkok Bank, you can't have an ATM card for that account. You have to transfer money to another account, either at Bangkok Bank or another bank to use an ATM card. I've been transferring money from the USA to Bangkok Bank for years and then transferring money from Bangkok bank to my accounts at other Thai banks when I need it and I've never had a problem.

    I did an international transfer from the UK to my Bangkok Bank savings account on Feb 15th 2017 and withdraw with my ATM card, no problems !
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