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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. That is my question also, unless it is taking data from my phone via Bluetooth I am not sure how it downloaded the update. The Atto 3 has a SIM card with 500 mb for the 1st month and then 2 gb for the next 2 or 3 years, I imagine that the Seal is the same but don’t see any way to access that data.
  2. One thing I’m not sure about is the SIM card that is installed with 2gb a month ? Where do i see status on that ? At home it is connecting to my home wi-fi but on the road it connected to something to download the update but i am not sure what or where to find that info. I don’t really understand this Personal hotspot ?? any ideas on the hotspot and SIM card data ??
  3. The browser and manual seem great, both accessible by swiping left twice from Home Screen. The browser retains the last webpage you looked at and you can add tabs and sign in like any browser, eradicating the need for sideloading or installing APK’s etc. The manual is in a great format with quick search function to get to your info very quickly.
  4. Okay, I got the little red dot on the bell icon top centre of screen when I was driving, opened that page to reveal the update was downloading. This took some hours and when i went to check it had finished the red dot now appeared on the car icon bottom right which lead to the actual OTA page. Said it would take 52 minutes but when i checked on it later it had stopped because i was granny charging …. d’oh ! Stopped charging and restarted the update from the beginning, it was all done in around 35/40 minutes.
  5. Thanks 🤨 Yes, I admit I jumped in with both feet when I saw the update am usually more restrained.
  6. I was a big fan and rushed down to Shipley Glen ( popular tourist spot ) when we heard they would be filming. Imagine my disappointment seeing the Daleks “ in the flesh “ and the fact that they had to be pulled over the slightly rough grassy ground with a rope as they had no motor. ( earlier daleks were propelled by the feet of the occupant, later versions had a type of tricycle arrangement with small wheels that had trouble manoeuvring on pavements !! )
  7. Not had the update long enough to notice, but at 1000km should see if the accumulated power consumption changes quickly. The fan running on for a while has been reported for a while now, especially on Atto 3. But, some things to keep an eye on. Were you able to update @macahoom, @Bandersnatch ??
  8. Blimey that must have been an old piece of kit !! Most dash cams now get their power from the 12v socket but only stop and start with the ignition. You can buy a hardwire kit for 24hrs protection but run the risk of flattening the battery. But, things are progressing quickly, my front and rear cameras can be set to run with the ignition off and only record a 5 minute video when they sense movement for up to 24hrs ( adjustable ). But the 12v battery is Lithium Iron ( not lead acid ) so the risk of flattening the battery is small.
  9. It appears that you are rabidly in favour of blaming the Luton Airport fire on a PHEV but have not included any evidence that this is a true statement. A quick google search would indicate the opposite. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/what-caused-the-luton-airport-fire-b2429048.html What caused the Luton Airport fire and what happens next? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-67077996 https://www.thetimes.co.uk/travel/advice/luton-airport-flight-cancellations https://www.thefpa.co.uk/news/up-to-1500-vehicles-written-off-by-luton-airport-carpark-fire- https://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2023-10-11/fire-service-chief-cause-of-luton-airport-car-park-fire https://uk.news.yahoo.com/caused-fire-luton-airport-electric-090559165.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnVrLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAv5OClkW0wJ6R_zTO6yGh9vpQuO0WZxynmkbtAUaPpziuGgcDqJfNHeGfHlr2N3uEfs05ReOF8aFO_GiZHJje7lYNCmg3qzu5aqyUjYBFf16tGnMUKQBo20e_MSz6VyPEDQoqKy7vqz-dZejlEXLFmixeFXFnwqbcdIAuCaotYy https://www.autoblog.com/2023/10/12/heres-the-car-that-sparked-a-massive-1500-vehicle-fire-at-london-airport-car-park/
  10. Born in the U.K. in ‘61 I remember as a young kid, from over the pond: Hogan’s Heroes F Troop Bonanza High Chaparral Batman A visit to the local cinema on Saturday mornings for cartoons and Flash Gordon. Homegrown stuff seemed to be more educational like: Blue Peter Magpie How and boring adult stuff like: Panorama World in Action Coronation Street Crossroads The Beeb changed radically, for the better, in the late 60’s/early 70’s and allowed stuff like: TWTWTW with David Frost Monty Python Benny Hill Steptoe and Son etc, etc, which all brought about: Not the nine o’clock news Fawlty Towers Blackadder etc, etc, but still relied heavily on the more popular imports from the US like: Cheers Hawaii Five-O Friends Knight Rider Dallas Dynasty With the popularity of soap operas increasing we were also subjected to imports from AUS like: Neighbours Home and Away That’s when, imho, British television had turned full circle and got to the pitiful state it is in now, with the exception of some occasional good quality drama.
  11. I got some free charging at my local PEA office today, only 25 kw but don’t knock a freebie !! plus they came and fixed my breaker dropping out ( dodgy breaker ) issue.
  12. Okay, well some might be wondering what is different after this update, well from what i see is. Synthetic sounds now can be turned on and off ( see photos in my post a few posts back ) There is a built in manual !! A store with karaoke and a browser with legitimate access to Google and YouTube etc !! look familiar ? and my navigation now has audio !! Oh, and daytime driving lights can be turned off , for those camping, drive in movie fans or any other obscure reason. Winner winner chicken dinner 😃
  13. Well, it appears OTA updates are being handed out to even those unworthy !! 52 minutes apparently. Hope you are getting yours @macahoom @Bandersnatch Cannot wait to delete the karaoke before the wife sees it !! EDIT: apparently you cannot charge and update at the same time.
  14. Did open up vehicle control page by clicking here ? should then see this This is my software version, but as it is currently downloading an update maybe it will all change ?
  15. So, today while driving i noticed the red dot 🔴 and clicking on it gave me this: Now at 22% . I didn’t authorise this or anything it just started, maybe i will have to authorise to upload ? This is a first !
  16. I was there ! Nearly didn’t take a look as I thought it was just one of those Ian and Chris chats. You did good 👍
  17. Anyone wishing to risk buying a used Seal Premium then this sounds like a good buy.
  18. I am not sure that is correct, I posted shortly after getting my Seal that they have added another button ( AVAS ) which is on the “swipe down from the top page “ and acts like a master switch. If you are not aware of this then, yes , it doesn’t appear you can actuate the sounds anymore and can only change from Standard to Brand for the indicator sounds ( maybe other sounds also ). That is how mine is currently, the new update might be different but I suspect that they haven’t seen the AVAS button. See my post Nov 30th, halfway down page 9.
  19. Well judging by the different numbers on the Thai guy’s updated software detail to mine there’s some new stuff coming thick and fast, which is good to see. ( I don’t have the daytime driving light switch, the BYD store or the karaoke, not that I am interested tbh ) Mine Today’s update:
  20. Seen a few posts on FB about an OTA update taking around an hour, so those who are due might not have to wait for long. Apparently this is what is in the update:
  21. Are you sure the health insurance premium is only 5000 baht ? I paid more than that in 2020 ( with the largest deductible) and it would be 5 x that if i had not bailed to an O visa last year.
  22. So, some feedback from my Sinjet cameras, will attempt to upload some videos for you to see for yourself the resolution between Sinjet and the BYD Dash cam. The Sinjet videos (5 mins) are around 240mb and the BYD videos (5 mins) are around 175mb, Sinjet only has video lengths of 30 sec, 1 min and 5 mins, while BYD has 1,3 and 5 min options, i would prefer 3 mins but c'est la vie. NOTE: BYD files are mp4, Sinjet files are .TS format, while they will play on my laptop i had to convert to mp4 to download here. The time lapse video on Sinjet records a video only when it senses movement, front and back, as the frame size is 1 frame per second you end up with a 5 minute video covering 2 hours, but it appears to work well. The window film guy put those pieces of paper to avoid using the windows during the 7 day period, why he put them on the windscreen and the glass roof also is anybody's guess ! BYD Front: 2023-12-11-13-03-21.mp4 Sinjet Front: ( there is sound i promise you, it was set at low volume with medium and high above that ) V20231211-133217F.mp4 Sinjet Rear: V20231211-130717R.mp4 SinJet time lapse rear: (skip forward to 50 seconds cat lovers ) V20231212-004233R.mp4 Conclusion: Resolution is okay on both, not as good as a 70Mai or similar but okay. The speed and accelerating/braking symbols on the BYD dash cam is a definite advantage but the lack of audio an oversight. Sinjet rear view streaming a good tool but have found it a little distracting especially on the highway but not so much in town, currently set to turn off screen after 1 min (or 3 mins ) a simple tap on the mirror brings it to life. It is installed and done and like insurance i hope i never need to use it but am certain if required will provide good proof of guilt.
  23. Although am only trying it in the garden, so maybe it wants to wait until i am actually moving ? Who knows ? There are some anomalies on the voice commands, maybe based on Atto 3 commands listas i tend to get this suggestion frequently: and who goes to libraries nowadays ?
  24. I got “ I cannot help you with that yet “
  25. Yeah, it’s just a formality, doesn’t prove anything really, annoying though because now just waiting for the phone call and another visit to the Immigration Office. Luckily it is close, although I have heard they sometimes do the “ visit “ on a video call if its a long way.
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