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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. My wife has no idea how much I am worth. If she had 500,000 to arrange this accident he was giving her way to much money.
  2. Oh great, now lawn darts are going to be banned here.
  3. I'm having consent forms drawn up as we speak. No sign, no honey and no money.
  4. Neighbors daughter tested positive for corvid. Every night one of her friends rolls up on a scooter bringing her food. They meet at the gate and talk for about 15 minutes. Sharing a cold drink. Passing it back and forth drinking from the same straw. Apparently you can't get corvid from a straw. Who knew?
  5. Depends? Are you where for one week? Or one year?
  6. Well at least there won't be any police stops along those streets with cctv and all. Hard to collect fines when the cameras are watching.
  7. A tad big for my taste. They only get bigger as they get older.
  8. Officer asks me is that your wife. I say yes. He ask you buy her motorcycle? I say yes. He asked you buy her gold necklace? I say yes. He ask you buy her car? I say yes. He asked you buy her house? I say yes. He say your wife under arrest for prostitution. 5555
  9. Don't suppose he had anything to do with the illegal gambling site do you? 5555
  10. I would be more concerned how the last husband died.
  11. Studying Thai language? Is that the equivalent of being an English teacher?
  12. ครัวน่านบ้านเอก Krue Nan Baan Aek Restaurant. I tried this little gem of a place the last time I was there. The burger was good and I had a Mexican spring roll I believe it was. So good I order a second serving . Really nice people. They had restaurant in Chang Mai. Its one of those places that I would go to on a weekly basis.
  13. She's thai and doesn't know what she wants to see? Be very careful. This could be expensive.
  14. Your all talking like your riding Super Bikes. A PCX is only a small scooter. You will never push it to it's cornering limits. If you loose grip in a corner it will be because of something on the road surface.
  15. That 1% loop hole works out great for him. He knows what he is doing. And the chocolates are the best .
  16. I feel I'm getting ripped off watching for free on my TV. For 25,000 baht the ticket better include a bottle of lube.
  17. Many friends of mine built houses with their loving thai wife. Most of them were driven out of their homes by unbearable living situations after a few years. Family moved in ( sons, daughters ,brothers sisters or parents) all unable to work and your wife demanding you support them too. One guy was in his new house just 3 months until he has forced out by his wife's 2 sons. Who had jobs before the house was built. But after it was finished they both were unable to work. Needing money all the time. And if he didn't give it to them they would get very mad and threaten him. His wife blamed him for being tight with his money. He ran from his new house and wife back to his home country . So it doesn't mater what papers you have. It is very easy to get you out.
  18. Shows how much his career has falling. Use to perform to 10 to 15 thousand. Now down to 500. Hopefully they threw in a couple of pretties.
  19. Hay Macky your so fine , your so fine you blow my mind. Hay Micky
  20. They use knives, baseball bats or what ever is handy. I have guns and non of them have killed anyone ever. It is impossible for a gun to kill someone on its own.
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