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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. Those thai guys work for Green Peace?
  2. All the men in that family sure do like the ugly ones for side chick's.
  3. Much higher than any social communist or most Europeans
  4. I saw a Bentley on a tow truck a few weeks ago in Tak. Asked if I could take a photo from the tow truck driver. Hi reaction was like NO F%&#IN way. Seem to be protecting it way too much.
  5. No, they make very little profit from the sale. The money comes from service and repairs.
  6. This is exactly why Americans need to vote for Trump. To fight against such BS logic.
  7. But really? Who walks in front of moving vehicles . Look left, look right. Darwin's way of weeding out the weak links.
  8. Some old sexpat walked into my wife's shop and asked her 17 year old niece to go to his hotel for 2,000 baht. She was alone and very frightened. I asked her to point him out if he walked by again. We'll he did and I bloodied his nose. He threatened to call the police. I said go ahead, you tried to rape a 17 year old. Why these idiots think all thai girls just want a sagging balled fat f#ck .
  9. She is a control freak. She uses the out bursts to get you do as she wishes. She will never try to take care of you. She is lazy and will ride it out as long as she can. You are being used. . Don't worry how it will end. Plan out you're exit strategy. Best distance yourself soon. Once you leave block ALL communications. AND MOST OF ALL DON'T GET HER PREGNANT
  10. A Pakistani with 900 usd? Hopefully this story makes it back home and stops more from coming.
  11. Renting to thais is very risky. That's a very known fact.
  12. All the rest of the world hate Trump because we are sick of keeping other countries afloat. And Trumb and most Americans have the United States best interests as the most important thing to protect. We Don give a rats ass about other countries and your problems any more. But when there is a problem starting anywhere in the world the European nations hide and wait for the USA to clean it up. A perfect example is the Russian war going on at their door step. But The Eu is too afraid to go against Russia.
  13. What? It's in almost every store.
  14. I was in McDonald's eating one day. Saw an older thai gentleman (75+) looking at the menu. Then inside his wallet counting his money. It appeared he didn't eat this kind of food before as he looked at the menu for a long time kind of confused. Clearly, he didn't have enough money as he began to leave. I stopped him before he left and asked one of the staff to help translate for me. I told him that my grandfather used to take me to McDonald's when I was young. And that I would like to buy him lunch. Whatever he wanted. After some more talking he said he never had McDonald's before. And finally accepted. I waited for him to get his food and wished him a good day.
  15. My girlfriend (52) has a couple of nieces that just turned 20 and 21. Might give them a go.
  16. If they come back for her skill with a clippers, why the need to show her boobs?
  17. My wife and I like to play pool with friends. Last night 2 thai men came to play against us. Played for over 3 hours. They were very polite and fun to play against. The fact they both wore tight dresses and were stunning is beside the point
  18. Google. What's the price of one baht of thai gold? Just give her the cash, as she will sell the gold later as it is hers to do as she wants.
  19. 25 to 30 years old. After they have moved out of their parents house. After they have completed college or have a full time job.
  20. Why would you let a child vape?
  21. It's too f en hot. The humidity is about 30% too high
  22. The headline should read. American GI reunited with the daughter of a thai single mother he met briefly years ago.
  23. The 90 day reporting requirements deters most of them is my guess.
  24. What a stupid question. Not one sane person would ever have that thought in their heads.
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