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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. BTB1977

    Cinema pricing

    If you have to ask , you can't afford it.
  2. Next the health warning of blowing cigarette smoke out your who who and the miss use of ping pong balls out ranging the thai ping pong ball federation .
  3. Stop buying her things. Feed her and give her a place to live and see her reaction. When she gets upset tell her most of your money is gone and this isn't working out. Than leave
  4. Her money she can do as she pleases. My money no way. My wife doesn't know how much property or money I have. And she will never decide how I spend it. She can do what she wants with her own money.
  5. Thailand will never move forward with such backwards thinking.
  6. Would like to see the video of him doing all that. Plus why would a parent let a child play with boxes of mosquito repellent materials. Mommy, can I have 6 boxes of mosquito repellent rings to play with? Sure son, no problem ???? because your such a smart young lad. If this is real and the boy is a genius I doubt they are his real parents.
  7. The thousand baht you pay a bar girl isn't for the sex. It is for them to leave. Payments for a relationship is still prostitution. And for men that can't get a real girlfriend due to their age or looks . Those that can't find a decent woman back home have to pay for one here. And the thai girls take advantage of that as much as they can for as long as they can.
  8. Most plants I see growing at shops for decoration look like the Charlie Brown's Christmas tree
  9. Make sure you don't point any cameras directly at her property. You could be looked as a peeping Tom.
  10. Every anti American has made a point of how it would have gone down in America. The fact is if they wouldn't have calmed him down like the police first try to do in America. Very situation is different. (Some people just don't get that it's in their best interest to obey police commands.) At some point the thai police would have rushed him and used force to subdue him. To protect the public from an unstable individual.
  11. Alcohol starts fights. Marijuana starts a jam session. This guy was clearly drunk or on some hard drugs like yaba
  12. Mine is about 5ft 6 inches. 45 kilos and can be loaded top,front and the hard to find rear load feature. Heats up at times when I push her buttons too hard. And squeals a little when on spin cycle. But all in all a good washer
  13. Wow ,never knew that. Why this info is never published or shared on the interweb. I think you should share this every time there is an accident so people know.
  14. So much for free speech. And having an opinion. The socialist liberals democrats just shoot you down using the FBI as their strong arm to promote their communist ideas
  15. So nothing has been detected. Mark my words. "So when it does happen we are not to blame, we had nothing to do with it. And it was totally unsuspected will be their response ". Don't need a crystal ball to see his future. 555
  16. A few cables strung up along the road and pulled tight as they race down the street may slow them down.
  17. Being in public means anyone may look at you and see you. So at any given time depending on how crowded it is a thousand people my look in your direction and see you. It's called being in the public. If you get upset about that you would be fighting hundreds of people every day. There is no reasonable privacy in a public place. How stupid are people in public to get butt hurt because someone saw them.
  18. Met my non legally married wife 7 year ago. She sucked me into a relationship. We did it like rabbits 3 times a day for the first 4 months. Than it slowly decrease to maybe 4 times a year after 7 years. She sucks, but not in the good way as before. She is 52 me 64. She doesn't cook or clean. Has a small shop that takes care of her family expense. So to answer the question 20 to 30 is my answer. I might as well be having the time of my life than coasting to my last days.
  19. My wife pulled that I want to go to Korat NOW on me at 10:10 this morning. With 2 baskets full of dirty close and the traffic at full flow going that direction I said no problem. Here's 6,000 baht and I will take you to the bus station. We/she has taken the bus before. She gets to go and I get piece and quiet. A win win . Only problem she didn't go.
  20. What a BS head line. "Ends tragically " More like ends successfully. Good on the locals for doing the right thing . Now just move on the the owner and do the same.
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