My wife and I visting Chang Mai. Went to a market that had things ( food) that you can only find up north. So we spent over 2,000 baht from 4 or 5 different shops. We were on our motorcycle so there isn't much room for purchase. There was a Flash counter right there in the center of the marked for such a purpose to ship things back to Hua Hin in this case. All boxed up. Good to go.
When it arrived it looked like it had been run over by the delivery truck. Broken jars and crushed dry goods. The delivery was rejected. Sent back to the local Flash office. We tried to get reimbursed for the damaged items. They require paid receipts from the 5 or 6 small shops at the market. Small market stalls don't give receipts so we were out 2,200 baht. I would excepted a lesser amount. But they didn't even offer. Not even a we are sorry. Just a no can do. No refund. I had the shipping receipt 350 baht. They didn't even offer to reimburse that.