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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. I would choose your riding partners better. A junk bike can really ruin a ride. Your lucky it exploded. Know you can enjoy the rest of your ride.
  2. Isuzu is the number one truck sold in Thailand. It is the work horse for all the farm owners. And the delivery trucks hauling those big loads on the highways
  3. 3 months and no mention of support from home. A priest won't even take the time to visit him. He must be a well loved guy back home.
  4. Finally a pitbull story with a happy ending.
  5. Will be lucky if they have enough money for one .
  6. So get a free permanent tattoo from a tattoo artist that is just learning. Are people really that dumb?
  7. It's a shame that any contact with a farang enables a thai from working and earning money. But this case is so bad the trash couldn't even make it to the street collection site.
  8. Prepare 3 trophies? 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Depending on where you finished present yourself with one. In front of everyone. Thais will never loose face to a farang.
  9. Stopped stepping in helping so called friends getting cheated out of their savings. Many times some emergency after another from their wife/ girlfriend . I tried to explain your job isn't fixing other peoples (thais)stupidity with your money. My wife/girlfriend has heard "not my problem " a thousand times from me. She doesn't even tell me when someone in her family does something stupid. And I like it that way.
  10. I used a Top glass company here. 32,000 baht. When they tested my eyes with the machine that many lenses were changed to find the right combination my sight was crystal clear. But when I got the new glasses it was off. Not clear at all. They claimed the prescription of the lenses were the exactly as on the machine. They set up the machine and of course crystal clear. But the lenses not . Much money wasted. Never again.
  11. So his girlfriend who didn't invest any money to start up the bar. But is the legal owner as it is in her name is blackmailing him. Telling him if you don't pay me 200,000. Or 300,00 baht I will take the whole thing.
  12. Your retirement funds will make 7 to 12 % instead off the 4 to 5 % under Biden
  13. I read some place that 50% of the gay community are born that way. The other 50% are sucked into it.
  14. We love the stress free life of not being tied down. Did the family, house and kid thing back home. I feel sorry for grandfathers having another round of raising kids again. This time of our lives is all about enjoying our time after working for years. FREEDOM FREEDOM. Can't but a price on that.
  15. The Chinese really have bad luck with water and boats here.
  16. My God. You can tell when he is rambling on, than kicks into reading the teleprompter . What an idiot. He's lost it. So has the entire woke Democratic party.
  17. The parents decided to donate his organs after a brain aneurysm. Highly possible the boy had no say in the matter. A better head line would have been " Parents decide to donate sons organs after passing away from having a brain aneurysm . But maybe I'm splitting hairs
  18. My wife and I visting Chang Mai. Went to a market that had things ( food) that you can only find up north. So we spent over 2,000 baht from 4 or 5 different shops. We were on our motorcycle so there isn't much room for purchase. There was a Flash counter right there in the center of the marked for such a purpose to ship things back to Hua Hin in this case. All boxed up. Good to go. When it arrived it looked like it had been run over by the delivery truck. Broken jars and crushed dry goods. The delivery was rejected. Sent back to the local Flash office. We tried to get reimbursed for the damaged items. They require paid receipts from the 5 or 6 small shops at the market. Small market stalls don't give receipts so we were out 2,200 baht. I would excepted a lesser amount. But they didn't even offer. Not even a we are sorry. Just a no can do. No refund. I had the shipping receipt 350 baht. They didn't even offer to reimburse that.
  19. Went there , was very Interesting. But fell short of the 5,000. Was told only 2,100 showed up. But very impressive at that many.
  20. Many of my friends and I have experienced this . Most of us that live here just realize going back at a moments notice isn't possible. Sad to hear about your loss. Best to stay out of a civil case. But that was your decision. Good luck.
  21. My ADV 350 is way better than anything in the 150 cc range. And my X ADV 750 better than the 350. But the best is my Transalp 750.
  22. My wife has had a hair salon for the past 20 years. In the 8 years I have known her she charges the same for thais as farang. In the last 7 years her landlord has raised rent 500 baht every year. But her prices haven't. Until this year. The land lord raised the rent 2,500 baht. I explained to my wife she must pass the increasing expenses on to the customers for her to make a profit. She has a very busy shop. But is making less money today than she did 7 years ago because she hasn't adjusted her prices to the increasing rent , electric and product cost. 200 baht for a men's cut isn't over charging in my opinion. Many of the shops around us are. She deserves to make a decent living.
  23. But the cost to feed them is 4 or 5 times more than a skinny woman. I'll take skinny any day.
  24. Had a friend videoing it. Look everyone, see what I can do. Famous last words of many. R.I.P
  25. So the asked him. "Can you give us a hand feeding that bear over there? Sure no problem he said
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