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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. Why didn't the chickens cross the road to find shelter.?
  2. This guy must really like prison sex to be that stupid
  3. Let him loosen your rusty nuts. And grease your rear end.
  4. The question is, why are thai parents letting their children go on Fans only. That's absolutely disgusting
  5. Usufructs are useless. I can't count how many farang I know that had one. But we're forced out of their house by the wife's/girlfriends family. They make living their unbearable. One example her 2 son's move in after the house was just built. They both had jobs until the house was completed. Than like magic they both got fired and moved in. Causing all sorts of problems. Always needing money for food,phone and partying at the house with their friends. It got so bad my friend moved back to his home land and just left everything. Second real story. I guy I know built a new home with his girlfriend on her land. Had all the paper work to protect him. Guaranteeing he had use for 30 years. But when his girlfriend brings her new German boyfriend home he is forced out. Got the police involved and everything. They said she owns the land. She can have anyone she wants to live there. Up to him if he wants to stay. He left after 2 months completing the construction.
  6. What a sell out. He reported the truth. But thailand turns a blind eye to the truth.
  7. Been here going on 12 years. I have nothing but motorcycles for transportation. The wife rides everywhere with me. I told her if she doesn't like it, she can walk. Or if she wants a car she can buy one with her own money. The last thing my wife does is pressure me on what I buy.
  8. Possibly because a MG won't make it past 4 years. And their values will be next to nothing by than. Those that know , know I'm not exaggerating.
  9. If he was a Democrat this wouldn't be happening at all. All made up by the social communist. Communist have been using this tactic against their opponents for hundreds of years. God bless Trump. The only leader that cares about his country in the not so free world.
  10. She would be a real beuty queen in the Uk. The Brits like them old ,fat and on the ugly side.
  11. Mostly people that hate Trump are afraid he will go after their <deleted> hole county and he will look out for the USA's best interest. And jealousy becomes their spineless leaders are sending their countries into a downward spiral
  12. Sucks to be a Brit. But why cry over something that has been around for 70 years per the article. Guessing most knew this before moving here or found out right after. As we say in Thailand "up to you"
  13. The car driver should be easy yo find. If I was the bike rider, I'd go full tilt injured on his a$$
  14. So that's why the ocean smells like fish and is salty
  15. So smoking a fag in public is illegal?
  16. Guess the police were looking the other way when 6 thai men attacked 2 farang this last week.
  17. Sure he is. Just shows anything can be printed and believed by woke idiots
  18. I hope these farang lawyer up and go after them like the poor thai doctor who now suffers from PTSD and has a permanent disability.
  19. If you have to ask, you will probably frie. Best leave it up to someone who can work a screw driver and knows where the breaker switch is.
  20. If more people used marijuana these attacks wouldn't happen. Get 6 guys together smoking pot. The worst that can happen is they start a jam session.
  21. 337 days. Still rookie numbers.
  22. All bikes come with the key info on a white tag attached to the set of keys. Take that to the dealer and they can order a new set.
  23. I think he's looking for information to make conjugal visits.
  24. How do you not see a big truck in front of you?
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