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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. All my relationships were like a deck of cards. Started out with hearts and diamonds, but ended with a club and a spade.
  2. It's unbelievable what the Trump haters pull out of their back side. They are soooo gullible. Believe everything the social liberals feed them. LMAO
  3. Best ask here and let all the experts tell what's wrong. No sense going to a mechanic that can connect it to an engine scan tool and see if it pulls any codes. But what do I know?
  4. Maybe this is why? https://sgdbs6pn.r.eu-west-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faseannow.com%2Ftopic%2F1301350-milk-delivery-worker-found-dead-in-dormitory-in-northeasten-thailand-police-await-post-mortem-results%2F/1/010201897a7ebb2e-71b4f03c-070a-4433-a086-aa4744e0ed4f-000000/WR1wFdejME8IWzfls_E9pXiGkSg=331
  5. Hay Taco Bell. Still waiting in Hua Hin. Whats the hold up.
  6. The beans for refried beans is not available here. And once found very expensive. I get mine from an Indian guy in BKK when he has some. And I've look ever.
  7. I got into an argument in a empty bar. Just me and the staff. Told them I had the biggest d/ck in the bar. Boy was I wrong.
  8. I can see missing a vote for what kind of toilet paper to be used in the bathrooms . But this one is for supporting the people who put you in that seat and voting in their best interests and the future of Thailand. Totally disgusting.
  9. Looks like Sargent Schultz. I hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing. Those wacky nazis.
  10. No mention of his famous father trying to help. Must have known what a dumb $ss his son is.
  11. 3 million baht. Wow. She's real confident they won't find him. Is that dead or alive? She must have hid the body really good to put up that kind of money .
  12. I see it in the photo, why didn't she. Plus she has lights on her car to lite up the road. Totally her fault.
  13. WE. Are you disillusioned ¿¿¿ Where would you ever get the idea a you can own land.
  14. Starbucks help me weed out the gold diggers from the more sensible thai ladies. Have a friend who's girlfriend demands Starbucks every time she sees one. House is in her name, car motorcycle and some land. She's now pregnant and he is confused on how. As he had a vasectomy 10 years ago.
  15. Sorry , but I invited her to watch football with me that night so she can't make it.
  16. As long as you pay your wife to be with you the Buffalo is fine. Miss a payment and it's lights out for you.
  17. Might as well tattoo pedophile on your forehead. Why even go there. Sick in my opinion.
  18. Because the ladies are easy. A normal thai lady wouldn't touch a older ugly fat farang. Most farang have to pay money ( house, car,motorcycle,,gold or buying some sort of business) for a relationship and they mistake that financial transaction as love.
  19. If you are legally married get a divorce. You can still stay together as a family. Many thail live together without being married. If the house and cars are in her name sell everything that she owns. Rent a house and put the car in your name. If she doesn't agree to this run and don't look back. She WILL destroy you financially. I have seen it happen over 20 times to people I know. She could have bet your assets away already and you don't know it. Your #ucked
  20. Why should working taxpayers pay the debts of lazy unemployed college graduates?
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