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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. I stopped reading at the part when they started quoting the alphabet. ZZZZZZZ
  2. He brought a knife to a gun fight. Bet his last words were "oh $hit" Second scenario, I guy comes at me with a knife, but I have a gun. Who wins?
  3. Been up there. There was a lady at the top of the small mountain who worked there who gave us as much durian as we wanted. She said the owner lived in Bangkok and never comes there. We ate durian for about an hour and gave her a good tip. πŸ‘ My time there was much better than this poor guy. R.I.P
  4. Seems the thai men liked to catch the tranny steeling. A little sucky sucky, don't do it again. And see you next week.
  5. Where can I get some of that gold leaf.
  6. He's shooting rabbits. I've seen hundreds of thai men do it everywhere. Seems to be a double standard in this case. πŸ€”
  7. The people who work for the government have to look like they are doing something. Coming up with an idea that they pull out of a hat looks like they are doing their job. No matter how stupid it sounds. I have 2 neighbors that work at some government jobs. Every morning they dress up in their uniforms and go off to work. About 1 to 2 hours later( 10 o'clock) they are back and setting on their porches eating in their shorts and tea shirts for the rest of the day.
  8. I love my plastic bags. How else will I care 10 items or more I just bought. I recycle them as trash bags after I get home. Than put them in the trash. This saves from using another plastic bag for a trash bag. And than put that in the nice blue barrel down the street . Stopped going to the big stores that don't provide a way to take my purchases home . Supporting your local small businesses is best.
  9. So they released him so the courts don't have to pay for his cancer treatments.
  10. As soon as you said my wife's sister I lost interest. Any business her family has brewing never concerns me, ever. They always think my wife has money just because she married me. They found out the hard way after we got married her brother and son each purchased new vehicles. After a few months of not being able to make the payments they expected my wife to help them. Many phone calls asking for money because they always had some problem come up. Than asking us to buy the vehicles to get them out of debt. Bank ended up taking them and both in court with the finance company. Having to pay the balance of the outstanding loans for trucks they no longer have. If you show them you are week, they will try to take advantage of you every time.
  11. I would have kept walking. Just think of all the times we all have been over charged.
  12. Two guys in the states are having a good laugh after putting skelton bones with shoes in the shipment.
  13. So going from bar to bar looking for love is now suspicious behavior. The police are going to be busy.
  14. The one one the right must be the sponsors daughter.
  15. The same thing she has given me every year. Not a damm thing. I figured that out 3 Christmases into the relationship.
  16. They must be so proud. If he has any assets, they would be sold to recoup any loss. Than kicked out if living at home. Locks changed, and a suite case on the steps.
  17. Thank god no to the last question.
  18. My wife's has a shop near a complex of bars. When the cops show up all the under age girls scurrying like rats. Seems like they don't want to be rescued. I see them come and go as they please.
  19. Bob and Doug must be very confused πŸ˜•
  20. TV shows and movies I watch don't have any of that. The choices you are making my be from your curiosity to that lifestyle. Something you my want to explore.
  21. If it has hidden defects how would a motorcycle mechanic know?
  22. 100,000 baht a month. You really think that will be enough. In 20 years with inflation it will be more like 60,000. I couldn't do it the rest of my life on so little.
  23. I sold everything. Put it into a retirement fund. Makes between 5 to 6 percent. And will be there if I ever have to purchase again. And the day will come when I say I'm not going back and I can draw from it.
  24. First she struck a foot path. Why? Of course it's not her fault. The foot path made all this happen
  25. Reporters ask the most stupid questions πŸ™„
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