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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. Wow ,never knew that. Why this info is never published or shared on the interweb. I think you should share this every time there is an accident so people know.
  2. So much for free speech. And having an opinion. The socialist liberals democrats just shoot you down using the FBI as their strong arm to promote their communist ideas
  3. So nothing has been detected. Mark my words. "So when it does happen we are not to blame, we had nothing to do with it. And it was totally unsuspected will be their response ". Don't need a crystal ball to see his future. 555
  4. A few cables strung up along the road and pulled tight as they race down the street may slow them down.
  5. Being in public means anyone may look at you and see you. So at any given time depending on how crowded it is a thousand people my look in your direction and see you. It's called being in the public. If you get upset about that you would be fighting hundreds of people every day. There is no reasonable privacy in a public place. How stupid are people in public to get butt hurt because someone saw them.
  6. Met my non legally married wife 7 year ago. She sucked me into a relationship. We did it like rabbits 3 times a day for the first 4 months. Than it slowly decrease to maybe 4 times a year after 7 years. She sucks, but not in the good way as before. She is 52 me 64. She doesn't cook or clean. Has a small shop that takes care of her family expense. So to answer the question 20 to 30 is my answer. I might as well be having the time of my life than coasting to my last days.
  7. My wife pulled that I want to go to Korat NOW on me at 10:10 this morning. With 2 baskets full of dirty close and the traffic at full flow going that direction I said no problem. Here's 6,000 baht and I will take you to the bus station. We/she has taken the bus before. She gets to go and I get piece and quiet. A win win . Only problem she didn't go.
  8. What a BS head line. "Ends tragically " More like ends successfully. Good on the locals for doing the right thing . Now just move on the the owner and do the same.
  9. A 22 year old uni girl that needs some support for a couple of weeks does me wonders.
  10. I kicked started my wife's mother's funeral with 20,000 baht. After the first day the donations kept it going 4 more days. The cremation day was the biggest payday. Set back and just let it happen. The less you are involved the better. As this is your girlfriend's family, If by chance you are asked to donate more it's only for show. The look at us, we are highso. The funeral will proceed with or without a big show of importance on the family's part.
  11. All my relationships were like a deck of cards. Started out with hearts and diamonds, but ended with a club and a spade.
  12. It's unbelievable what the Trump haters pull out of their back side. They are soooo gullible. Believe everything the social liberals feed them. LMAO
  13. Best ask here and let all the experts tell what's wrong. No sense going to a mechanic that can connect it to an engine scan tool and see if it pulls any codes. But what do I know?
  14. Maybe this is why? https://sgdbs6pn.r.eu-west-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faseannow.com%2Ftopic%2F1301350-milk-delivery-worker-found-dead-in-dormitory-in-northeasten-thailand-police-await-post-mortem-results%2F/1/010201897a7ebb2e-71b4f03c-070a-4433-a086-aa4744e0ed4f-000000/WR1wFdejME8IWzfls_E9pXiGkSg=331
  15. Hay Taco Bell. Still waiting in Hua Hin. Whats the hold up.
  16. The beans for refried beans is not available here. And once found very expensive. I get mine from an Indian guy in BKK when he has some. And I've look ever.
  17. I got into an argument in a empty bar. Just me and the staff. Told them I had the biggest d/ck in the bar. Boy was I wrong.
  18. I can see missing a vote for what kind of toilet paper to be used in the bathrooms . But this one is for supporting the people who put you in that seat and voting in their best interests and the future of Thailand. Totally disgusting.
  19. Looks like Sargent Schultz. I hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing. Those wacky nazis.
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