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Everything posted by JWRC

  1. I am in Kanchanaburi, my other half is in hospital in Chiang Mai, and has had extensive surgery for cancer. This was done in Chiang Mai as the daughter and son could help as we are both getting older and I would be limited with the care I could provide. I am not Thai, my partner is. There is something not right about what,s going on at the hospital up there and they are not answering my questions. So now to get to the point. I want to drive up to Chiang Mai and see for myself what is happening. I can't quite work out what I can do and what I can't do. with regard to covid restrictions. I am unvaccinated on an OA visa for over 2 decades. Is it ok to drive to Chiang Mai from Kanchanaburi and would I need to quarantine when I get there? and then of course what am I up against coming back. If anyone can advise it would be a big help.
  2. I was told by a Thai shall we say special forces position to fire 2 shots, the first to kill the 2nd into a wall or roof. When the authorities arrive you reverse it, the one in the roof was the warning, the next one was to stop them. I said it probably wouldn't be necessary to kill a person, maybe just aim for a leg, no, no he said, dead people cannot speak. This chap invited me to the Army firing range for some target practice, which assured me I could do as suggested. Before it got this serious they would have to get past my German Shepherds and I don't like their chances.
  3. What you think is neither here nor there, this is a very personal choice and each individual will have different views. It would be interesting to know what they do with the leftovers when they have finished dissecting.
  4. Jesus, why would you even write that, are you proud you stole someone's wallet? You have just made yourself look totally pathetic.
  5. Quite a rant against Thailand, it would have been easier to read had you spaced it. Anyhow all of this dribble would not have a great impact on your life here, Life is what you make it and you can easily sidestep anything you don't like here or anywhere else. You should leave quickly, good luck.
  6. A rather sweeping statement based on what? I did take a Thai to court and I did win with the magistrate actually saying to the defendant that he considered ripping off foreigners bad press for Thailand. Incidentally I also had a Thai lawyer, who when it was all done and dusted issued me with an invoice for just over 7,000 thb, I was even more suprised at this than the win. So you see it's not all bad.
  7. I have been here over 20 years, I have around 25 million Baht invested here and in addition what I bring in to the country and spend each year. I knew the rules when I first bought money in, so I am not complaining now. I comply with the immigration requirements and do the 90 reports which is a simple procedure. I admit I was a bit put out when they made medical Insurance mandatory for my visa, but if that's what was needed I duly complied. It always amazes me why folks get themselves in a state because they can't get their own way, especially when they knew the rules to begin with.
  8. I don't know, some people prefer dogs to people.
  9. This is not Breaking News at all and poor reporting. The wording was "could be relaxed" it could also snow in Bangkok next week and I could also win Lottery, but it won't happen. Could is only a possibility so it is not news.
  10. One more Farang you said, and I quote "I want to be protected against Covid". None of the vaccines prevent you getting Covid, So I guess you are saying you just want a vaccine that complies with International travel or countries you may wish to visit, there is a difference.
  11. DIY, it will save you money.
  12. Mix and Max, this smacks of desperation, and willing to try anything.20 years from now, this will go down in history as the worlds biggest medical experiment, and show how wrong they got it.
  13. I just purchased a 10kg box of Imported potatoes this morning at my local Macro, 35 Baht a kilo for bulk buy. I am interested to know what shop had them for 238 thb per kilo, I am thinking you read it incorrectly also I cannot see anyone buying them at 238.
  14. It's not the only country that has this. I am not talking of the weather, it's the people, warm hearted, good natured and a rich and proud culture.
  15. A few thoughts come to mind, but I would say firstly, when things start declining first look at yourself and ask yourself are you failing in some areas? Secondly if she was married to a Thai man, he would have women on the side, most just have one or two but I do know some who have more, the more money they have the more wives so to speak. Lastly, I am dual nationality English and Australian, I have travelled extensively in my life and the only place I have ever felt was home was 11 months I spent in Scotland, where I must have travelled just about every road, if I had my choice of places I'd like to be I would head straight to Scotland. How a Scotsman can leave the place and go elsewhere and be happy I don't know. Your child will be fine whether you go or stay, sometimes it's better to leave than to bring a child up in an unhappy home. And you are entitled to some happiness, Good Luck
  16. There is something not "right" about this post because we have been told there is not a sex trade in Pattaya, whose telling porky's?
  17. The market vendors that sell eggs are still selling and they have the same quantities they have always had. I can never work out why people buy eggs from supermarkets, they have quite likely been around for weeks, buy from the market or a street vendor and they will have been collected that morning or at most the day before. Eggs with rich golden yolks and cheap as are one of Thailand's many joys.
  18. She owns 3 women's bags 700,000 Baht, easy come easy go.
  19. Well I missed everything, didn't even know it had started let alone finished.
  20. Only a matter of time before they find a couple of blokes from Myanmar to pin it on.
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