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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Trump: 13,000 documents of which over 100 were marked classified. Biden: Less than a dozen classified documents from the Biden Center and a few more at his residence. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-vs-trump-what-is-difference-between-two-classified-records-cases-2023-01-12/ As has been repeatedly pointed out, the responses of the Trump vs Biden camps in dealing with the classified once identified is night and day. Your speculation on fingerprints is grasping at straws.
  2. No. That's why Biden's lawyer did the correct thing and returned the documents as soon as they were found.
  3. No, especially egregious in the case of the former President who wouldn't release the classified and other documents after months of negotiation. It took a search warrant to retrieve the documents illegally taken from the White House.
  4. What did he forget? Ozimoron posted that "A media organisation determined that there is no evidence that the disk was tampered with." Your source states "Now, CBS News has looked at the data of Hunter's infamous laptop that came directly from the source who said they provided it to the FBI under subpoena, and determined that it had not been doctored in any way, as some past reports have suggested. " That confirms what ozimoron posted. Perhaps you should read your sources.
  5. An ex-President is not allowed to keep official documents without permission from the National Archives. I don't know why I keep repeating that, you are obviously firmly committed to denying reality.
  6. You want evidence the VP is authorized access to classified (he is) but you need no evidence that Trump ever declassified the documents in his possession. Way to much kool-aid.
  7. "Taking classified documents he was not permitted to." VP's and many other elected officials are allowed access to classified documents. How is it you didn't know this? The power of the President to declassify documents is not relevant, and Trump did not keep the documents properly secured. There is no evidence Hunter Biden even knew about the documents. Stop making stuff up.
  8. The very next sentence in your source reads: "The documents are immediately turned over to the National Archives, according to Richard Sauber, special counsel to President Biden. Sauber said the documents “were not the subject of any previous request or inquiry by” the National Archives and Records Administration — unlike the classified materials eventually found at Mar-a-Lago." The documents were immediately turned over. That's something you never here about the classified found at Trump's residence. Which is one of many reasons why the two situations are not at all comparable. BTW: It is not government policy to notify the press whenever a security incident is discovered. That's why the press wasn't notified immediately. I don't know when they were notified or why.
  9. If Biden had spent months refusing to return the documents and denying they were there then a search warrant would have been warranted. However if you believe that mishandling of classified in one location warrants the search of all properties of the location's owner, then the feds need to start searching a lot of Trump properties. How do you know Biden ever knew about the classified? High ranking people let their staff handle most of the paperwork. Yes, White House procedures for securing classified need to be improved, and the security rules need to be applied to the President and everyone else. That became clear while Trump was in office. No, nobody is suggesting "some completely unknown person took classified documents from Biden's time as VP". A far more likely explanation is a careless member of Biden's staff is responsible for the misplaced classified.
  10. Some people are wearing impenetrable pro-Trump blinders. The two situations are not the same thing, as has been explained repeatedly. You can lead a person to knowledge but you can't make them think.
  11. What some people do not get is that the climate is warming at an unprecedented rate, as are CO2 levels in the atmosphere. https://earth.org/data_visualization/a-brief-history-of-co2/ Real scientists have determined that CO2 is a greenhouse gas; it prevents some of the heat radiating from the earth from leaving the atmosphere. Real scientists are climate alarmists.
  12. "The fact that these documents have been known about for months and not returned is cause for concern." Where did this information come from?
  13. The incidents were not handled similarly because the incidents were not similar. When Biden's lawyer discovered the classified he immediately notified the National Archives and returned the documents to the government. When Trump was found to have classified he resisted and lied to prevent the return of the classified, forcing the use of a search warrant. Only a fool can not see the difference.
  14. How do you know the matter was reported to the press before the midterms?
  15. No, we just need to provide an accurate and informed comparison of the two situations.
  16. A new poster making ridiculous claims. Looks like a troll has renamed himself and resumed activities. Yep, definitely a troll. Not a very good one at that.
  17. If you have not worked with classified in the US then you don't know how it is routinely handled in the US. I don't know the security issue was caused by inadvertent lapses, I consider it the most likely cause based on past experience. There is no evidence that the classified found in Biden's office was being used in any manner at all, and it was reported and promptly secured after being discovered. That's the procedure for handling mistakes. The classified eventually confiscated at Mar-a-Lago was intentionally withheld, lied about, hidden and only retrieved by the execution of a warrant. That is illegal.
  18. Not unusual for me alone; your written English is definitely subpar. I didn't comment on your racism and chauvinism nonsense because it had nothing to do with the post that you replied to. It was an obvious, poorly written deflection.
  19. Not sure if this is allowed, but: Maybe it's time to treat a certain poster here as a troll.
  20. Regarding the claims you make in your second paragraph; "How do you "assume"? Do you have any attributes to your assumptions?" BTW: Is English your first language? You ask if I have sources to support my assumption in an unusual manner.
  21. My post answered the question posted: "If Russia is doing it so tough at the moment why is 5 out of every 6 tourists in Phuket at the moment a Russian. " I'm not sure what the point is of your post.
  22. You clearly have not worked with classified. The higher ups leave it to their staff to take care of administrative details such as securing classified. I concede that recent history shows that many politicians and their chosen staff do not have the training and appreciation of the importance of properly handling classified information. That is a problem that needs to be addressed. But there is a huge difference between inadvertent lapses in securing classified and obstructing the correct securing of classified.
  23. Again there is no evidence Trump ever declassified the documents. Again taking Presidential records is against the PRA law. Again Trump denied having the records, refused to return them, suggested they were planted, etc. Again documents don't have to be classified to be subject to the Espionage Act, they simply have to be of value to a foreign adversary and the person holding the documents, Trump, must refuse to return them. Do you have any experience at all in dealing with classified?
  24. I don't recall Trump supporters being nearly this upset about the much larger stash of classified kept less securely at Mar-a-Lago. You know, the stuff that Trump denied having, wouldn't return, suggested was planted, etc.
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