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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. "Now you can say Biden was not responsible for Covid. BUT HIS RESPONSE TO IT IS WHAT CRATERED THE ECONOMY. Real GDP FELL 3.4% in 2020." Wow! Pop quiz: Who was President in 2020?
  2. So one police officer (maybe) letting a few protesters in negates the violent assault by the Proud Boys and others, the vandalism, theft, pooping in hallways, etc.?
  3. If, by "After the dust settles..." you mean after as many of the criminals involved in the assault are identified and prosecuted, then I agree. With people like Trump undermining faith in democracy there is a need for greater security for our democratic institutions.
  4. There was never a promise to not expand NATO, and there never would have been any need or desire to expand NATO if Russia hadn't threatened and sometimes invaded its neighbors. If you keep bullying your neighbors, they will get organized and push back. Tell that to Putin, the behind-the-big-table warrior.
  5. Inflation was low for many years before Trump took office, so we may assume Trump had nothing to do with it. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/inflation-rate-cpi Also, your own source shows that Biden's spending, as a fraction of GDP, has definitely not outstripped Trump. https://assets.aseannow.com/forum/uploads/monthly_2023_01/image.png.8393d1cd5cd72380b64266667efaacd4.png The crimes against oil that Biden committed (in your mind) would not have had any impact on the current price of oil; those projects were years from completion.
  6. Since the FY 2020 and FY2021 Federal budgets were passed while Trump was in office, it looks like spending skyrocketed under Trump.
  7. Right. It happened before just 167 years ago. ????
  8. I'm confused about this verification system. What does it verify? Is it just a pretty blue ornament anyone can rent for $8 a month to decorate a real or fake Twitter account?
  9. "4 years ago Pelosi and company tried to impeach President Trump for a phone call with this guy calling him a thief, a crooked leader of a crooked country, etc. " Got any sources to support your claim?
  10. I don't know who is more pathetic: Trump for repeating the debunked election fraud claims, or the Trumpsters who believe him.
  11. Unfortunately I think you're correct. The MAGA base, and many of those they elect, don't understand that government is never perfect but is always necessary.
  12. "According to him Washington is broken." Trump should know. He's done more to break Washington than anyone in living memory.
  13. A war over/in Taiwan would destroy Taiwan's chip making facilities, and they would take years to rebuild elsewhere. Taiwan supplies the world with the most advanced microprocessors. Losing it would be bad for the world economy; the only question is how bad.
  14. It's bad news for the county. A dysfunctional House controlled by MAGA nutjobs can bring government to a standstill and prevent budgets and appropriations from passing.
  15. Are you unaware that there was a loud, raucous, sometimes violent mob engaging the badly outnumbered security people while some of the rioters, aided by an organized Proud Boys assault, got into the Capitol? "The Proud Boys contingent reached the west perimeter of the Capitol grounds, protected only by a sparse line of police in front of a temporary fence. Other Trump supporters arrived, forming a growing crowd. The mob, headed by Proud Boy Joe Biggs, rushed the fences and clashed with the police. At 12:53, rioters stormed through the barriers and onto the Capitol grounds for the first time, as police struggled to contain them." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack Why won't you provide sources for your posts? Where are you getting your (mis)information from?
  16. "Just before 2:00 p.m., numerous rioters reached the doors and windows of the Capitol and began attempts to break in. Around 2:11, a group of rioters used a piece of lumber to break through a window and began climbing into the building moments later.[262] At 2:12, a Proud Boy seized a Capitol Police plastic shield and used it to smash through another window; by 2:13, the Capitol was officially breached, and the growing mob streamed into the National Statuary Hall" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack Please give your source showing the number of people who "initially" breached the Capitol was small.
  17. "relatively few rioters managed access the Capitol" Could you clarify this? Is over a thousand "relatively few"? "Federal officials estimate that about ten thousand rioters entered the Capitol grounds,[266] and the Secret Service and FBI have estimated that about 1,200 breached the building." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack
  18. There were so many involved in the crimes and so much evidence collected it was not possible to explore every possible criminal act committed, so the committee focused on the most important crimes. Although I suspect you wanted there to be more investigating of ways to blame the victims.
  19. When a serious crime is committed, the investigation usually focuses on the criminals who committed the crime, not the lack of precautions taken by the victim(s).
  20. I overlooked the absurd George Soros reference. George Soros isn't interested in petty smash and grab stuff. He's got those Jewish space laser and other deep state projects to worry about. That's sarcasm for those who don't recognize it.
  21. Ever consider that there are no risk free options in dealing with this war that Putin started, but letting him take territory from neighboring countries and caving in to his threats would be the riskiest approach of all? I largely approve of how Biden and NATO have responded to Russia's aggression so far, but I think it's time to make Russia feels some pain within its own borders. Legitimate military targets in Russia that are within reach of Ukraine's weapons should be attacked and destroyed.
  22. Against all evidence some people cling to the idea that the orange swamp rat wants to drain the swamp.
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