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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Take note of the words "inciting violence by repeatedly posting inflammatory lies". When has Biden or Gore done that?
  2. Unlike you, I am capable of considering many important issues during the course of the day; putting those not currently under active consideration on the back-burner for later without completely forgetting about them. Of course I understand why you want people to forget about this violent insurrection: There's no way to consider it without making Trump coming out a traitorous criminal.
  3. I see. You think it would have been wrong for Twitter to ban people like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. because while their words lead to the deaths of millions, they didn't personally do any of the killing.
  4. Trump was banned for inciting violence by repeatedly posting inflammatory lies about the election being stolen. It is correct to say he was banned for lying; it was these lies that incited violence.
  5. Yes, thank you for proving two of my points: Fraudulently voting using absentee ballots is risky (he was easily caught) and the small number of attempted votes would not have changed any election, so it was pointless.
  6. It's a very accurate description. Identify any part of it that is wrong or misleading.
  7. Depends. Advocating a protest with incendiary lies about a stolen election and using terms like "fight like hell" could be seen as advocating violence, even if the word "peacefully" is used once.
  8. I read the Economist news magazine every week and work through the top stories on the BBC news app daily. I also read interesting news stories I find on the internet if they come from a reputable source. In short, I read a lot. If you think journalists only ask softball questions you are getting your news from the wrong sources.
  9. A violent attack on the Capitol of the most powerful, nuclear armed country on the planet while Congress was in session, an attack with the intent of overturning the result of a legitimate democratic election, is definitely high on the list of the worse things to happen to the United States. Any patriotic US citizen will tell you that. Why is it you deny the obvious?
  10. On occasion. But then I don't dedicate a large portion of my life to trolling on AN like you, so I have time for more interesting pursuits.
  11. That's a good reason to ban anyone from Twitter, isn't it?
  12. You appear to be condemning learning from history as well as minimizing the importance of a violent attack on the US government. That is definitely willful ignorance.
  13. If you want we can have a running contest comparing protests against police murders with right wing mass shootings, but that would be off-topic, wouldn't it?
  14. You consider a violent attack on the US Capitol while Congress is in session to be "very little"? You are definitely not a patriot or a democrat. If there were a violent attack on Mar-a-Lago to keep Trump for running for President, would you consider that no big deal if not too many people die?
  15. "...I would assert (just an opinion) that about 98% of what passes for news and comment is just BS..." If that is the case, I would assert (just an opinion) that you need to find better sources for news.
  16. That's because you actively avoided seeing all the videos and testimonies showing it was a violent attack on the Capitol while Congress was in session with the goal of preventing the legal certification of the 2020 Presidential election result. What you are doing predates alternative facts; it's called "willful ignorance".
  17. Really? You pay attention to that kind of nonsense? I couldn't care less about Markle, royal families, celebrities, reality tv, and all else like that. But then I'm not a Trump supporter either. But to your point, if her truth is not based on verifiable facts then it is just BS.
  18. Which is why alternative facts are not real facts.
  19. Pity he didn't do that before conducting this meaningless poll.
  20. Go back to the beginning of this topic and read all the comments. They will explain why this was not democracy or a legitimate poll by any stretch of the imagination.
  21. Whether you think bots had no significant affect on the outcome is irrelevant. The fact that they were almost certainly used robs the result of any credibility. Twitter was Trump's favorite tool for spreading lies about the election he lost and for motivating people to come to Washington DC and listen to more of his lies in a speech that resulted in the assault on the Capitol. In short, Trump used Twitter to spread lies and motivate people to commit violent sedition. That's a good reason to keep him off Twitter.
  22. There are many reasons, explained repeatedly, to suspect the outcome of this poll. All Musk has to do the show it was legitimate is conduct the investigation you outlined, and maybe explain why most of the world didn't know a poll was being conducted until it was over. What are the chances of this happening? BTW: You also suggested that mail-in voting could not be trusted. Explain to me how you would commit voter fraud using absentee ballots. You can't, for the simple reasons that it is difficult, time consuming, risky, and with a very low probability of affecting an election.
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