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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Placeholder already provided an excellent response to your nonsense. I'll just note that Biden takes his job as President seriously, and it keeps him busy enough. He doesn't have time to get involved in all the many criminal investigations of Trump.
  2. Since, unlike Trump, Biden doesn't attempt to politicize the Justice Department, I assume he authorized the FBI to collect the documents and let them decide how to go about it. From the timelines, Biden approval in early May, raid in early August, it appears that there were three months of negotiations in an attempt to get Trump to return what he should never have taken before they decided a search warrant was necessary.
  3. The first sentence from your source provides useful perspective: "The Biden White House, at the request of the Justice Department, signed off to have the FBI and the intelligence community examine hundreds of pages of classified documents former President Trump turned over to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), a newly-surfaced government letter reveals. " There is a big difference between the President initiating an investigation of a former President, and the President approving a request from the Justice Department to examine classified that the former President possessed and refused to return to the government. Also from your source: "Administration officials privately defend the document review process, saying the Justice Department, by law, cannot make unilateral decisions about executive privilege, and that, ultimately, the sitting president decides. Those officials said Biden’s decision to defer to NARA and the DOJ was fully consistent with his executive authority."
  4. The Department of Justice isn't a political party.
  5. DeSantis is fond of staging political stunts that will improve his chances in 2014, always at the expense of Florida's taxpayers. If DeSantis were genuinely concerned about illlegal immigrants entering Florida, he would actually enforce laws making it a crime to hire them: "Despite Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ so-called commitment to crack down on the hiring of illegal aliens in Florida, a Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) spokeswoman told the Orlando Sentinel that no enforcement measures have been taken against any employers since the bill took effect on January 1, 2021." "An earlier version of the bill would have allowed DEO to randomly audit businesses to check for compliance and impose $500 fines. However, those measures were removed under pressure from big business lobbies before it was passed." https://www.immigrationreform.com/2021/06/17/florida-everify-law-proves-bad-immigrationreform-com/ Meaningless stunts against illegal immigrants are good politics. Hiring Illegal immigrants is good business. DeSantis wants it both ways.
  6. "I'm in the air at the moment close to 10k feet..." Oh, you're high. That explains your posts. We'll just wait and see if you can post anything rational after you come down. I see you only have 25 posts. Did you just start posting after getting high?
  7. I don't think anarchical governments are known for building infrastructure, or anything else. Despotic, monarchical and autocratic government will sometimes develop their capital cities into first world showcase cities while the rest of the country exists in third world conditions. Kind of the way Bangkok was in the 1990's, and to a lesser degree still is.
  8. " I cant imagine what the world would think if the shoe was on the other foot and these deeds done to a dem ! Two tiered justice system imop " You don't have to imagine, just read up on the Whitewater investigation. Do you know about that one? An investigation into possible links between the Clinton's and dodgy real estate investments that turned into "investigate the Clinton's about anything that might turn up dirt". All they got was President Clinton lying about a BJ. Imagine what such an investigation of Trump's business dealings, foreign connections and sex life would reveal.
  9. Is that how government is supposed to work--you're on your own, build your own infrastructure? Is that how Bangkok got its skytrain and subway built; everyone "went together" to put it up?
  10. The old-school Republicans are not the RINOs. The current Republican party is a RINO.
  11. Prominent Russians have a very high mortality rate. Please, please, please,...let Putin be the next prominent Russian to have an "accident".
  12. "The former President isn't on the ballot this fall." Really? Tell that to all the candidates he endorsed, and all the candidates that feared to speak truthfully about his attempts to overthrow the election. Tell that to McConnell, who will not become Speaker of the Senate because Trump's endorsement resulted in primary victories for candidates that will lose in November.
  13. I've long thought that prostitution should be legal, intelligently regulated, and no longer socially stigmatized. Consenting adults should be allowed to have sex whether it's for procreation, recreation, money or any other reason. The insanity of some incels further convinces me this should happen.
  14. "In one the propagandists are now claiming that they are virtually fighting for peace. I have always thought that the concept was mutually exclusive." You've never heard of fighting for peace? It's sort of like <deleted> for virginity, but not as much fun.
  15. It seems your position is that since the attempt to overthrow the government by stopping the legal certification of the election result was poorly planned and executed, it was no big deal. If the next attempted coup is better planned and executed will you consider that a big deal? Which side will you be on?
  16. Fortunately Biden has already accomplished more through Congress in less than two years than Trump did in four.
  17. You're comparing a misdemeanor to a major felony. You won't admit it, but the DOJ knows the difference.
  18. Did you notice that Biden's name is in the title of the source I linked to?
  19. And yet: https://www.yahoo.com/news/poll-biden-now-leads-trump-by-widest-margin-of-last-6-months-205506846.html
  20. You don't think there is real, damning evidence? You don't think that 11,000 documents, some of them extremely highly classified, constitute real, damning evidence? Documents which aren't his but which he refused to return. How can the "lock her up" crowd maintain that this is no big deal?
  21. You are definitely a one-trick pony: "Why hasn't he been charged yet?" There is no point in explaining again what has been explained many times already.
  22. The part of my post you edited out gives an idea of the crimes: "Some of the seized documents detail top-secret U.S. operations so closely guarded that many senior national security officials are kept in the dark about them. Only the president, some members of his Cabinet or a near-Cabinet-level official could authorize other government officials to know details of these special-access programs, according to people familiar with the search, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive details of an ongoing investigation." https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/06/trump-nuclear-documents/ Regarding "holes" in the case; Trump took stuff that wasn't his, refused to give it back and lied about having it! Nobody disputes this, and stealing is a crime. In your fantasy land Trump can do no wrong. In the real world things are different.
  23. Only 33 posts and already you are echoing whines about "why is it taking so long" that started literally hours after initial news of this story broke.
  24. Beat me to it. As any teenager will tell you, you'll get a lot further with a stolen ID in hand than with a picture of one.
  25. To be clear: You're asking why Trump simply packed the documents made available to him while he was President and shipped them to Mar-a-Lago with his stuff, versus taking the difficult, time-consuming and suspicious approach of taking a picture of every page of classified he wanted? This is a good example of a question answering itself.
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