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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. That can't be right. Trump said he was going to stop crime, solve the opioid crisis, stop illegal immigration and make America energy independent. Are you suggesting that Trump doesn't keep his promises?
  2. You come across as someone who is afraid that the longer the investigation continues the more dirt will be dug up on Trump and the more his cult will be humiliated.
  3. No, he abandoned the White House sulking like a rotten child.
  4. I agree. However since Trump is under the spotlight he is unlikely to do anything with any material he held back. So if he's a threat to national security the FBI should take the time to make an ironclad case against him.
  5. Do you think it would be better if he is charged bit by bit, one illegal document at a time, over the weeks and months required to evaluate all these documents?
  6. Apologies for stating the obvious. but he's not President now. He was required to return the documents. He was repeatedly asked to return the documents. He lied about not having documents. He broke the law.
  7. The documents are clearly government property, they were clearly in Trump's possession, and he clearly fought returning them. How does your "expert" figure that doesn't qualify as being stolen. Don't refer us to videos, I want this hustler to put his legal opinion in writing so others can ridicule it.
  8. 11,000 documents need to be reviewed. Attempts must be made to learn if there are more unaccounted for documents. This will take time. Be patient, Trump isn't going anywhere.
  9. Why do Trump supporters have so much trouble grasping this simple fact: Investigations take as long as is necessary to do them properly, and charges are file after that.
  10. Contact the FBI and Justice Department; I'm sure they would be happy to employ your expertise on these matters.
  11. Yes, I'm familiar with secrets; I had a TS/BI when I was in the Air Force. Sometimes even the titles of the documents are secret. However the projected timelines for the investigation are not secret. Perhaps unknown even by the FBI (11,000 documents is a lot to wade through, then there's follow-up investigations to see what else is missing and might still be held by Trump), but not secret.
  12. Because it takes time to evaluate 11,000 documents and determine what charges to file.
  13. Even if he did declassify the documents (there is no record that he did) they were still government property and he was required to hand them over. He broke the law. Accept it.
  14. Sounds like BS to me. Trump entered office knowing next to nothing about anything nuclear. He probably thought a multiple warhead ICBM, something that has been in US and USSR/Russia stockpiles for decades, was a super weapon.
  15. Almost all crime in the US is handled by state and local government, it only becomes a federal responsibility when it crosses state lines. Apparently Trump and his base don't understand this. Homelessness is always a local government problem, not one for the federal government. I'll believe illegal immigration is a serious problem wihen all levels of government get serious about identifying and prosecuting the people and businesses that hire illegal immigrants.
  16. Dueling Trump supporters----"wait and see" vs "hurry up and do something".
  17. 11,000 documents that were government property, that he had over a year to return, and that he lied about having. How much evidence do you need that the raid was necessary?
  18. "He speaks of accepting Democracy just days after Government officials raided his opponents house which may have been politically motivated ." How much stuff is Trump allowed to steal before an attempt to reclaim the property is not considered "politically motivated"? https://aseannow.com/topic/1270839-fbi-found-more-than-11000-government-records-at-trumps-florida-home/
  19. Off-topic, and misleading. From your source: "Officials said the piece of equipment, a voter assist terminal that helps people with disabilities cast their ballot on the actual voting machine, came from Wexford County in northwestern Michigan." "Voter assist terminals are not used to tabulate ballots but are typically used by voters with disabilities who need assistance marking their ballot privately at polling places."
  20. That answers the question of why NATO should help Ukraine: Russia won't stop with Ukraine unless they are stopped in Ukraine.
  21. I was tempted to call this an act of desperation, but then I remembered that Trump's base believes anything he posts.
  22. Longwoods' "broad stroke claim" was: "It is "reported" that all the former presidents have some classified information in their homes." Your source did not back up that claim.
  23. Funny, your source doesn't mention anything about classified having to be retrieved, or indicate that past Presidents presented any reluctance to fulfill requests for the return of the documents.
  24. A distinction without a difference? If Hillary Clinton were caught driving 50 in a 45 zone and Donald Trump were caught driving 150 in a 45 zone, would you insist SPEEDING IS SPEEDING and make no distinction between the severity of the offenses? As I've explained before; the classified on Hillary Clinton's emails consisted of references to classified information, in which the references were also classified but of little use without additional information. This happens often in offices where everybody works with classified information. It is an infraction of security rules, but counseling, training or an administrative reprimand are the common responses. No one has ever been criminally prosecuted for unintended disclosures of this nature. Donald Trump illegally possessed actual documents marked at higher levels of classification than anything in Hillary Clinton's emails. And, in a demonstration of staggering stupidity, he refused to return them. That isn't an inadvertent infraction, that is blowing through all security regulations with an arrogant disregard for the consequences.
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