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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. What did he do when his voters stopped being peaceful and started causing violence? He enjoyed the show on television. It's quite ridiculous when you think about it.
  2. A tweet that did not go out until after the attack failed to prevent certification of the election.
  3. All this should be moved to https://aseannow.com/topic/1266671-trump-did-nothing-to-stop-his-supporters-as-they-attacked-congress-threatened-pence-witnesses-tell-jan-6-committee/ However since it is here I'll reply here: Nothing explains why Trump did nothing while the Capitol was being stormed but watch the show. Nothing except that he hoped the attack would succeed in preventing the election certification. He could have stopped the attack with a tweet, but he chose to do nothing. That is clear dereliction of duty. Combine this with the fact that democracy can not exist without losing candidates accepting election results, and it is clear that Trump is unfit for office in any democratic society.
  4. Sometimes a great approach. It depends on local markets, timing, the financial circumstances of the owner, and finding good tenants.
  5. So you don't like my posts when I use referenced sources about home prices, home loan interest rates, average mortgage payments and average rental payments, and you don't like my anecdotal example either. There's no pleasing some people. Your experience with real estate was a good one. Congratulations. However most people don't do so well in real estate, and some do very poorly. As my references indicate, most people would do better financially if they took the difference between what they would pay in mortgage payments and what they would pay in rent and invested that in a stock market index fund. Some people do better in real estate, but most don't. Also, the satisfaction of home ownership must be balanced with the restrictions of home ownership; a house is an anchor. Have a great job prospect somewhere else? Too bad, you're currently underwater on your house mortgage and the house market in your area is terrible. If only you'd rented, you wouldn't have to stick with the lousy, low pay job you have.
  6. You continue to divert while claiming "I'm not diverting, you're diverting." Trump would be proud of you. Below is my post that started this back and forth. Note that I didn't post anything about Trump's speech the day of the Capitol attack. You immediately diverted with the old "peacefully and patriotically" part of an otherwise incendiary speech about stolen election BS. I pointed out that your reply did not address anything I posted. So you started with the "I'm not diverting, you're diverting" nonsense. I can understand why you don't want to reply to what I actually posted. Trump's inaction during the riot is indefensible. However your attempted diversion is ridiculous, made more ridiculous by your attempts to stand by it. So, in conclusion, I'm not diverting, you're diverting.
  7. "How do you invest in that S&P index fund if you don't have a big chunk of money to invest in the first place?" If you are an average person, you would take the difference between the average mortgage payment, $2064 https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/average-mortgage-payment?op=1, and the average rental payment, $1164 https://ipropertymanagement.com/research/average-rent-by-year, and invest that $900 a month in something that offers better long-term returns than the housing market. BTW, I don't think you understand the consequences of long term capital gains being applied in non-inflation adjusted terms. Since you like family stories, I'll give you one. My father sold the house he lived in for decades for a price that was, in inflation adjusted terms, equal to what he had paid for the house. However in non-adjusted dollars he had made a huge "profit", and had to hand over a significant amount of the money to the IRS. So he lost money on the house. Millions of people are subjected to that kind of situation. But you don't hear their stories, you only hear the stories of people who bought and sold at the right times and places.
  8. My assessment is simplistic? I referenced credible sources about the history of home interest rates and true home appreciation in inflation adjusted terms, and you give us family stories. Who is being simplistic? The second sentence I posted was "First time buyer's without a lot of cash or unable to afford high interest loans were shut out of the market." and you reply with a story about how you borrowed money from your father for the down payment on your first condo. Apparently you don't realize that put you in the privileged class that had access to cash. What about the buyers who don't have family members who have cash to spare?
  9. I pointed out that you replied to my post without commenting on what i posted, and you reply with "I didn't divert, you diverted". You are a true disciple of Trump.
  10. "A union's "strict enforcement of job duties" is sometimes exactly why companies hire outside contractors." Sometimes, but it is rarely the driving factor. Companies don't want to pay union wages and benefits for jobs they can contract out for less money and zero benefits. "Making sure the contractor is following health and safety regulations and hiring legal workers............. is the CONTRACTOR'S job, NOT the hiring company's! That, after all, is what they're getting paid for!" Yes, and that's why companies like to contract out dangerous work to smaller companies who know how to get away with breaking the rules. As I posted earlier, it is a way for them to "comply" with labor laws. "You hire professionals so you don't have to watch over every detail and supervise every action." Sometimes, but at the immigrant level you hire professionals who will take the heat for the hiring company if things go south. If a farmer contracts out the labor for harvest, he has contracted out responsibility for any illegal labor hired. If the farm is raided (unlikely in Florida, where I have been stuck for some time; I've not read or heard anything about an INS raid for years. This even though Florida's Governor has a fire and brimstone anti-illegals image.) The places where this sort of thing happens are usually places where the contractor is well-wired into the local political system. If they can avoid killing the illegal immigrants they bring into the country in a highly visible way, they can usually get away with other crimes with a slap on the wrist. But if there is little enforcement of the laws against hiring illegal immigrants, they are unlikely to suffer even that inconvenience. So we're back to the situation of demand for labor on one side of the border, supply of labor on the other side, and little enforcement of laws against those who hire illegal immigrants.
  11. Are you aware of what interest rates were in the '80's? First time buyer's without a lot of cash or unable to afford high interest loans were shut out of the market. https://www.bankrate.com/mortgages/historical-mortgage-rates/ Also, the home appreciation that is supposed to work so well for everyone actually wasn't that great for most people. In terms adjusted for inflation the average value of homes in the US have less than doubled in 30 years. https://dqydj.com/historical-home-prices/ You would have more than tripled your inflation adjusted return by investing in an S&P 500 index fund. People rarely talk about how much money they lost in housing, but many people bought houses in areas where appreciation barely kept up with inflation, if that. They then had to pay a high tax on the "profit" from the sale because in non-inflation adjusted terms the sales price had greatly increased. Only the people who were lucky enough to buy in the right place at the right time are talking about how housing is easy money. It isn't. Don't let any real estate sales person convince you it is.
  12. I think the fans of that kind of reality tv, especially the ones who think it's real, aren't the most mentally sophisticated.
  13. If my political leanings are unimportant to me, then why did you refer to me as a "Left winger"? I brought up the George Floyd protests because it is very common for the Trump defenders to bring it up as a false equivalence. Are you sure you never did that? However comparing the need for the National Guard at both the Floyd protests and the Capitol riot is legitimate. 62,000 National Guard deployed to deal with 40 protests equates to an average 1550 Guard soldiers per protest. Since none of the George Floyd protests were as large as the Capitol protest, don't you think the calling the National Guard to the Capitol was advisable? Everyone trapped inside the Capitol seems to have thought so.
  14. So there were 40 police departments to deal with the Floyd protests, and still 62,000 National Guard soldiers were needed. There were an estimated 120,000 protesters in Washington D.C. on January 6, with 1200 entering the Capitol. https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-classified-documents-reveal-number-january-6-protestors-1661296 There are a total of 1827 Capitol Police, the ones who have jurisdiction over the Capitol complex of buildings, 1214 were on duty at the time of the riot, and only 200 in the Capitol itself. https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2021/12/16/where-were-the-us-capitol-police-when-protestors-stormed-the-capitol-on-january-6th/?sh=2303d070294e It seems to me the greatly outnumbered Capitol police needed help, specifically the National Guard, which Trump refused to call.
  15. In 2014 I was described as leftist for opposing the military coup that toppled the elected government in Thailand. Now I'm described as a left winger for objecting to the assault on the US Capitol in a attempt to prevent the certification of the 2020 election result. It seems anyone who supports and defends democracy is a leftist to some people. BTW, I'm a retired USAF officer. I have always taken my oath to defend the Constitution seriously, unlike Trump. And I consider myself a centrist.
  16. Isn't the house in your wife's name? Not everyone is interested in a house and wife package deal.
  17. You don't think a violent assault involving thousands requires more than a police response? You must have been outraged at the massive deployment of the National Guard during the George Floyd protests. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandrasternlicht/2020/06/02/over-4400-arrests-62000-national-guard-troops-deployed-george-floyd-protests-by-the-numbers/?sh=5e8ddaded4fe I wonder why they didn't use the National Guard on January 6? Oh yeah, Trump wouldn't activate them.
  18. 840 arrested as of June 15. https://time.com/6133336/jan-6-capitol-riot-arrests-sentences/ They were not arrested for legally protesting.
  19. Right. "peacefully and patriotically" and "fight like hell". However in the post you replied to I explained how Trump could have called off his mob with a single tweet, but chose not to. Instead he enjoyed watching the storming of the Capitol on television, and took no action until after it was clear the coup attempt had failed. I also pointed out that people who support Trump and his dereliction of duty are not patriots but the opposite. I can understand why you don't want to address that.
  20. An essential part of democracy is respecting election outcomes. Trump fails miserably on that.
  21. Probably shouldn't ask why people hate Trump. I don't think ASEAN Now could handle the traffic.
  22. Really? Outside of Trump's un-American base, do you think voters will be impressed by Trump's actions and inactions on January 6?
  23. It's not been dragging on as long as the pointless Whitewater and Benghazi investigations, but those were designed to hobble Democrats, so I'm sure you're ok with them.
  24. Trump is the greatest swamp monster of them all.
  25. Then why did you post on the subject of charging the civilians with treason?
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