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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. "One day they might realize that insulting people is not the most effective way to cajole them around to their way of thinking. Although I believe many are too far gone to reconsider their approach." Yeah, Trump and his supporters show zero respect for others. Trump goes so far as to insult the appearance of the wives of political opponents, and the talking heads on television.... Oh wait, you were writing about how Trump opponents are insulting others. Wow, better look in a mirror before throwing out that accusation.
  2. "The interesting thing politically is that this cancels out the supreme court abortion ruling as far as energizing voter bases." There's probably some truth to that. But that undercuts the argument that this is a political investigation, doesn't it?
  3. To those insisting this investigation is political: Everyone involved in the investigation is well aware of the fact that the Republicans will probably control one or both houses of Congress after the election. When that happens this will become the most investigated investigation in history. For that reason the people in charge will have ensured that every applicable law has been and will be followed. This will prove to be the most bullet-proof investigation in history. Of course this won't stop Trump and his hanger-ons from claiming deep-state cover-up. I'm sure we will hear that very soon, maybe even tomorrow.
  4. Sadly this could prove to be another money-maker for Trump. Obviously there are millions of suckers who still believe his every lie.
  5. Yes. It's called dereliction of duty. But there is another thread, title "Trump did nothing...", covering that.
  6. Did you miss the posts explaining that FBI Director Christopher Wray was appointed by Trump?
  7. You want results in hours? It will probably take days just to catalogue all that was taken. Then there will be the tasks of evaluating the documents, seeing of they have everything the National Archives listed as missing, determining what laws were broken, etc. This is an investigation that will take a long time.
  8. I think if he should change the name of his show from "Infowars" to "Alex screams BS", just to make his shock jock status clear.
  9. I'm sure Merrick Garland has kept this possibility, or certainty, in mind through-out and has ensured that everything has been done in accordance with the law. Of course this won't keep the Republicans from making a lot of noise about it, and from claiming that any investigation results they don't like are somehow corrupt.
  10. Good to know, thanks. My father sold before 1997. However a house used as a personal residence and then turned into a rental is subject to Capitol Gains taxes, even if the inflation adjusted value of the house has not increased when it is sold. Something for owners thinking of becoming landlords to consider.
  11. Now that's how you politicize the Justice system!
  12. What is your criteria for being a radical leftist? Other than not supporting Trump?
  13. Clearly politically motivated how? According to the National Archives (the organization that would know about these things) Trump took fifteen boxes of documents, some of it marked as classified, when he left the White House. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-took-classified-material-white-house-florida-national-archives-says-2022-02-18/ That is clearly illegal.
  14. Has Marjorie Taylor Greene ever publicly said anything that wasn't whack-a-doodle crazy? For that matter, has Alex Jones?
  15. The Alex Jones prediction: "I'm worried that the Biden controllers, the third administration of Obama -- I'm worried that Obama and his people may provocateur some type of big terror attack. They might launch a cyber attack and blame it on the Russians. They might start a major war." Absurd beyond belief. However if a prediction can't be a lie, then I can predict that Alex Jones, Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Green will turn out to be the real children eating space alien lizard people. That can't be a lie, can it?
  16. These positive stories are people bragging about how well they did by buying at the right time and in the right place. How are they anything but a distraction? If you've followed the news you know that wannabe first time home buyers are also being priced out of the market. Do you think positive stories are helping them?
  17. Yes a home is a home, yet this topic is full of people posting about how much money they have made buying and selling houses. The topic is about expats being priced out of the housing market if they return to the US. Sentimental posts about homes and anecdotal stories giving grossly misleading impressions of the investment potential of real estate are a distraction. Regarding examples of cheap housing found on Zillow; don't believe it until you've actually visited the house and neighborhood, had things inspected, researched taxes, insurance, crime in the area, etc. Cheap houses are cheap for a reason.
  18. An example of the kind of outrageous lie that Jones can perpetuate, millions of idiots will find credible, and the legal system can do nothing about.
  19. Too many people lack the time or inclination to fact check the "information" they receive, and the judicial system acts far to slowly. The Alex Jones verdict came years after he started his damaging lies, and Qanon, which inspired many of the January 6 rioters, is still operating free of constraints. Disclaimers wouldn't be a complete solution, but might limit the damage done by people like Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson. Social media companies need to be held responsible for lies and propaganda put out by trolls and bots. That might mean the end of easy money for social media, but I'm ok with that.
  20. Letting the legal system deal with scum that promote lies and conspiracy theories won't work so long as the scum remains anonymous. How can the legal system deal with Qanon?
  21. If people like Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson would start their programs with a disclaimer explaining that the programs are purely for entertainment and should not be taken as factual reporting, I would agree that they are harmless entertainment. Unfortunately they don't, and there are too many fools who believe the BS. That's dangerous. Regarding having a beer with him, no way. Loud idiots who insist on sharing their idiotic opinions are annoying.
  22. Difficult low level maneuvers? Like take-off and landing? Pilots and planes have got pretty good at those maneuvers.
  23. Wait, there are people who don't know how an airplane managed to fly into the Pentagon? Do these people realize that airplanes aren't like trains? Trains are limited to where there are tracks, airplanes can fly pretty much anywhere there is air.
  24. The first two are promoted by nut jobs whose only firm political belief seems to be in an evil deep state, which currently is a primarily right-wing thing (Qanon and BS like that). The second two are promoted by the exceptionally clueless. The last one, "Jews controlling the world", is definitely promoted by those so far to the right as to be in Nazi territory.
  25. I'd not thought of it before, but it was during Obama's Presidency that "alternative facts" (lies) became popular. No amount of evidence that the birtherism nonsense was based on lies would keep people from believing in their fact-free version of reality. Once it became clear that there are tens of millions of people who are that gullible, and that money can be made from them, low-lifes like Alex Jones became inevitable.
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