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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Let me guess; you're worried that America will become less white. Am I correct?
  2. Actually a bipartisan bill was agreed upon in the Senate https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/new-immigration-asylum-reform-bill-released-senate-text-rcna136602 . Unfortunately the Trump Republicans want the "crisis" to continue because they think it will help Trump in the election. Typical. Republicans are more concerned with what is good for Trump than what is good for the country.
  3. Electoral college votes are based on state populations, not urban populations. The votes are based on the census that is conducted once every ten years. There is no evidence that immigrant populations are or will change electoral college numbers in favor of either party. But if off-topic speculation makes you happy....
  4. Really? How will more workers during a time of low unemployment make the economy worse?
  5. The article is about predictions of future voting intentions if illegal immigrants ever get the vote. It's off-topic speculation. Illegals can't vote. That is a fact.
  6. Your response is off-topic speculation. Just admit you've got nothing.
  7. And yet you are obsessed with the topic of food inflation, which is largely driven by factors outside of the control of the President. I'm more concerned with election denial. That is a far greater threat to the country. Want to discuss that?
  8. Where in you link does it state that illegal immigrants are voting?
  9. Wage increases respond to inflation after the fact, not real time. It's not difficult to see why, well, perhaps it is for you. The important thing is that wages are now increasing faster than inflation. Food inflation is caused by droughts, swine flu, bird flu, labor shortages, and demand. The first three are out of the government's control. Labor shortages and high demand are the result of low unemployment, generally seen as a good thing. The illegals you are worried about help resolve the labor shortages. Social Security COLA's are based on inflation, not wage increases. Didn't you know that? If you'd venture out of you echo chamber you'd find the economy is doing very well.
  10. Do you think hunger, obesity and healthcare aren't about politics?
  11. You just can't help yourself, can you? Illegals don't vote.
  12. And yet you posted about people needing to eat and trivialized diabetes.
  13. I see you're a fan of conspiracy theories
  14. My post was a very pertinent reply to what you posted. You've got nothing.
  15. What is the cost of this invasion? More healthy working age people looking for jobs and a better life? A stronger economy? More people working and paying taxes to support social security and medicare for the retirees complaining about immigration? The working age population of US born citizens is declining. We need immigrants. Ideally Congress would massively reform immigration law and allow many more in legally, and increase funding for the courts to process and expel those that enter the country illegally. However Congress is more interested in scoring political points than solving problems.
  16. You spend way too much time in your echo chamber.
  17. Do you know anyone in the US who's starving? Obesity is a far bigger problem than hunger.
  18. Nothing subverts democracy like denying the validity of elections, claiming permanent immunity from prosecution for all crimes committed while in office, and sending a mob to storm the Capitol. I'm not thrilled with Biden, though I credit him with doing a good job on the economy and strengthening global alliances critical for America's security. However Trump has made it clear he doesn't respect democracy and elections, and wants to be immune from all prosecution for his crimes. In short, Biden maintains democracy and the US Constitution, Trump makes the US a dictatorship. It's an easy choice.
  19. Nothing subverts democracy like denying elections and claiming a President is immune from prosecution for all crimes committed while in office.
  20. You go to great lengths to find narrow categories that run counter to overall trends. Food and energy prices are generally excluded from inflation numbers because they are so volatile, but even those two were too general for you so you target specific types of food and energy. Inflation for all of 2023 was 3.4%. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/11/economy/cpi-inflation-december/index.html It's worth noting that GDP grew at a blistering 3.4% in the final quarter of 2023 https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/25/gdp-q4-2023-the-us-economy-grew-at-a-3point3percent-pace-in-the-fourth-quarter.html while unemployment remained under 4% for the entire year https://www.statista.com/statistics/273909/seasonally-adjusted-monthly-unemployment-rate-in-the-us/ and wage growth was well ahead of inflation for almost the entire year https://www.statista.com/statistics/1351276/wage-growth-vs-inflation-us/. Bottom line, the economy is doing great for everyone. Even for those who want to eat nothing but hamburger cooked over electric grills, which seem to be the people you are concerned about.
  21. Immediately after you post "You are good at being wrong at everything." you post a link to an article from Tuesday, April 22, 2022. 😆😆😆
  22. I won't address the diversionary BS. Biden honored an agreement made by his predecessor. The US would have no credibility with allies or enemies alike if Presidents didn't do that. I can think of only one President who hasn't, and the enemies of the US very much hope he gets elected again.
  23. The US complied with that request once: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/obama-announces-end-of-iraq-war-troops-to-return-home-by-year-end/ It didn't end well for Iraq: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iraqs-al-abadi-appeals-to-obama-for-more-help-against-isis/ Those who do not learn from history...
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