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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Yet, as the topic states, tens of millions of people want healthcare, and many more take advantage of transportation and education.
  2. Have you ever met a conspiracy theory you didn't like?
  3. The education system primarily benefits those getting educated, but also benefits the economy by providing a skilled workforce. The transportation system primarily benefits those who travel but also benefits the economy by facilitating trade. Healthcare primarily benefits those receiving the care, but also benefits the economy by keeping the workforce working and preventing epidemics (for those who have the good sense to take advantage of health care when available). Tax breaks for people buying mansions and second homes, agricultural subsidies that go primarily to big agribusinesses, local governments paying for expensive sports facilities to accommodate billionaire team owners, and things of this nature are socialism for the rich. I'm opposed to them, but not to healthcare.
  4. The Jan 6 rioters aren't being prosecuted for their suspicions, they're being prosecuted for storming the Capitol. Do you understand the difference?
  5. Aren't all government services--defense, justice, transportation, education, etc.--socialism?
  6. Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law.
  7. You didn't present any facts, but that's typical of Trump supporters.
  8. Trump supporters remind me of the old Chico Grouch joke: "Who you gonna believe, your eyes or me?" Trump's base obviously believe Trump over their own eyes.
  9. A narrow margin? Biden beat Trump by the same electoral vote margin that Trump beat Clinton. You remember that, don't you? The electoral vote margin that Trump claimed was the largest in history (one of his many obvious lies). Of course Biden and Clinton both beat Trump in the popular vote. Don't worry, you're a Trump supporter. No one expects you to understand the real world.
  10. "What was he supposed to do, kick out his customers, and fire his employees?" No, he was supposed to put all his financial interests in a blind trust. That's what the Presidents that preceded him did. That's what honest Presidents do.
  11. Of course he hasn't provided proof. But repeating lies and allegations over and over is good enough for some people.
  12. "Tens of thousands of young, fit, military age men from myriad countries flowing into the US (especially from China) does not bode well for the future. " Oh no! Tens of thousands of young, fit, working age people coming to the US in search of a better life; filling jobs, expanding the economy, paying taxes, saving out retirement system, and other horrible things. Some might even join the military, where a shortage of fit young native born Americans who meet the standards are causing serious recruiting problems. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/military-recruitment-is-struggling-as-numbers-plummet/ar-AA1lOAD0 How will be survive? Any sources to back up your "especially from China" claim?
  13. An overabundance of labor? Funny, I'm in the US now and I see "Help Wanted" and "Now Hiring" signs all over. Do you have an evidence to show that immigrants, legal and otherwise, are depressing wages?
  14. Yet in spite of those building codes there are still mobile home parks in storm surge areas, lots of old construction that doesn't meet modern code, and new construction to replace buildings destroyed by Cat 4 and 5 hurricanes that is not being built to Cat 4 or 5 standards.
  15. "Besides that much of the older Florida construction was actually quite strong, having always been subject to strong storms, and even those can be further hardened (hurricane roof straps, impact windows, lifting above older flood elevations, etc) to approach current building standards)..." https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/southeast/2022/10/17/690281.htm "Florida (today) is known for developing some of the strongest building codes in the nation for wind resilience, largely as a result of the wrenching impact that Hurricane Andrew had on southeast Florida in 1992" The counties of Miami-Dade and Broward counties in south Florida adopted strict hurricane standards after Andrew. The rest of Florida did not. After Hurricane Michael devastated the Florida Gulf Coast community of Mexico Beach in 2018 https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/2018-10-18-hurricane-michael-impacts, destroying almost every building that had not been built to category 5 hurricane standards, the state briefly imposed mandatory category 5 standards. Developers and home buyers complained, and the standards were lowered back to the level that resulted in the devastation. In 2022 Hurricane Ian leveled numerous mobile homes, some of them on barrier islands, which is idiotic. Mobile homes don't belong in storm surge areas unless they are truly mobile and can be moved with a few hours notice. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2022/10/01/hurricane-ian-fort-myers-mobile-home-residents/8141577001/ There is also the problem of follow-on inspections and regulations. In 2022 the Surfside condo collapsed, killing 98 people. The condo was finished in 1981 and serious structural problems were found in 2018, but no action taken. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surfside_condominium_collapse There are some places in Florida that currently have adequate building standards, but not the entire state. That's why I advised checking into the building standards in place at the time of construction. Buyers need to be especially wary when purchasing real estate in Florida.
  16. You don't think the Vietnam War was controversial? Lenny Bruce pushed the limits in night clubs. The Smothers Brothers pushed the limits on network TV in front of millions, and made clear the degree in which the government was censoring television. They were canceled for that, back when "cancel" meant losing one's job. Both Lenny Bruce and The Smothers Brothers expanded free speech by making it clear to America how much the government was censoring society.
  17. In my opinion you are starting with the false assumption that Biden is corrupt and going off into lala land with your questions. How about you, what's your opinion of Trump? If elected, do you think he will surround himself with appointees and advisors who put loyalty to America and the Constitution first, or that he will prioritize loyalty to himself above all else?
  18. China has been expanding and contracting dramatically for thousands of years, and during most of that time Taiwan was not part of China.
  19. "The people of Taiwan are Chinese and when it benefits them to go with China they will go." I don't know anyone who has any problem with that outcome, if and when it happens. Provided Taiwan is allowed to choose freely.
  20. I just scanned this topic. Has anyone tried to refute that Trump engaged in insurrection? You know, the topic of the topic? If so, I didn't see it.
  21. It looks like you understand the finances and are researching to see if the situation is the best use of your money. I'm afraid I have no insight beyond the obvious ones I already mentioned. I do advise choosing carefully if you buy anywhere in Florida, and especially carefully considering a purchase in a flood zone or storm surge zone https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/203f772571cb48b1b8b50fdcc3272e2c. Most people in Florida live in one or both, though I'm not sure how many are aware of this. Florida has lax building standards and ridiculously high insurance rates. I'm sure the two are linked. Whether considering a condo or house check into what building standards, especially regarding hurricane resistance, were required at that time. I would be especially cautious about older condos, but for a house or condo near the beach I would abide by the Vegas rule: Don't bring in more than you can afford to lose. That's also good advice for life in Thailand.
  22. If you buy the house with a home loan you won't be able to do this until you have built up enough equity in the house to make the reverse mortgage worthwhile. Unless you buy a house that shoots up in value right away it will take years for the equity to build. If you are considering paying cash for the house then using the reverse mortgage to live on while living in the house (and paying all maintenance, tax and insurance) it might work, but I'm sure there are better ways to invest the cash for a steady income. BTW: The bank issuing the reverse mortgage will insist that the house be insured, and Florida has the most expensive home insurance in the US. That's assuming you can find an insurer willing to insure your house.
  23. No, I was comparing two areas in close proximity on Sukhumvit. I don't even know where the Islamic area is. I don't get to Bangkok that often. I was commenting on the difference between Nana in 2010 and Nana in 2022, the years of my last two visits to Bangkok.
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