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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Really? You don't think the infrastructure bill, the great economy, strengthening alliances around the world to contain Russia and China, etc. are good things? In an election that appears to be a Biden-Trump rematch, of course people will compare the accomplishments, stability and sanity of Biden to Trump.
  2. Still can't or won't explain what you mean by left.
  3. So you also accuse all who disagree with him of being left, but still won't or can't define what you mean by that.
  4. Denying a legitimate election outcome and egging on a mob to storm the Capitol might do it. That's because Biden supporters have standards and understand there are lines that must not be crossed. Unlike Trump supporters.
  5. No. But he isn't a threat to democracy and rule of law like Trump is.
  6. This from someone who stated he doesn't read links that don't come with a summary. Where in that link does it support your claim that taxing share buybacks ‘Which will likely cost working class Americans a lot more than it will billionaires.’
  7. Explain the part where taxing share buybacks "Which will likely cost working class Americans a lot more than it will billionaires." That's what you posted, without any source or explanation.
  8. Replying to posts with questions you can easily answer yourself is trolling. I'm done with it.
  9. The article explains the top level plan. It does not go into detail. The last quote must be yours, it certainly isn't mine.
  10. Identify the part that states the tax would cost working class Americans.
  11. No where did I propose throwing money at the poor. Yes, especially where there is no healthcare, daycare or early childhood education. No, I provide explanations which you deny are explanations.
  12. You asked for Biden's tax plan, I provided a link that explained his plans. Getting you to read the link was a challenge.
  13. What part of taking money from extremely wealthy people and spending it on programs that help the less well off needs to be explained to you? I "seem to think"? I understand that the economy is not a zero sum game. I also understand that providing education, health care, day care and other programs that benefit those who need it most makes them more productive. I explained how income ratios work. I asked you to challenge anything I posted, not in vague general terms but with specific data and examples. You failed to do so. You are like a three year old that responds to every explanation with "Why?". You are trolling.
  14. You challenged me to "Define rich." That's it. No mention of context, so I replied that it is subjective, which it is. When asked to define rich within the context of Biden's proposed tax increases I answered, because that was an answerable question. Lesson for you: Ask sensible questions.
  15. Your post cast doubt on the existence of manageable credit card link. Your link doesn't answer anything about it.
  16. Contribute to what and why? If you think the border is a crisis, why aren't you contributing something?
  17. I was going to comment on the fact that your link does not give enough information about the court ruling referred to for us to look it up and see what it actually said. However tilaceer explained things nicely. Citing a Sean Hannity interview as a source. That's pretty lame.
  18. I don't know if Trump ever thought that this BS absolute immunity claim would fly. If he did he's even dumber than I thought. However filing nonsense appeals delays his trial, which is what he wants.
  19. News flash: Some of us read the links that we post, and even read the links of posts we reply to. The last part can be fun, I sometimes find links posted in support of a position actually decisively undermine it. Since you don't read unless things are made very short and simple and put right in front of you: Biden's two key tax proposals are a minimum 20% tax on the very rich, $100 million or more, and a tax increase on share buybacks. My biggest reservation about it is the same reservation I have about all adjustments to the tax system; I don't think tweaking a ridiculously complicated system is good enough, I think it needs a massive overhaul. However that is off-topic. You may resume your trolling.
  20. Still trolling. I'll keep this short and simple: Identify my lie.
  21. First, I don't think your reply was applied to the correct post. Second, are you disputing that such a thing as manageable credit card debt exists?
  22. Actually Trump and his supporters are stopping a bipartisan immigration bill with support from the Border Patrol union from becoming law. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/27/trump-border-biden/
  23. Agreed. Presidents don't dictate the nuts and bolts of the economy, and Presidents have no control over events such as bird flu and droughts in major agricultural regions. Trump supporters understand that when it provides cover for Trump, not when it comes to Biden.
  24. Did anyone state that every stock is going up in value? Are we now concerned about the Chinese stock market?
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