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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. When all the top numbers look good, go down into the details to cherry pick a few metrics that don't look good. We can't have Americans thinking that the economy isn't perfect but it's dong pretty darn good, right?
  2. I did an internet search and provided one of many examples of Trump's incoherence. Do your own search if you want to attempt to refute it. Funny how none of the Trump supporters attempt to explain how he is qualified to be POTUS and hold the nuclear codes.
  3. Really? Are you so incapable of offering an intelligent reply that you have to resort to four out of context words?
  4. There isn't enough detail about what Gates thought Biden was wrong about to comment. However Robert Gates has serious "concerns", which he admits is a diplomatic way to put it, about a second Trump term. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-2024-bid-would-concern-me-national-security-front-robert-gates-1708958 I agree with him on that.
  5. Alright, since you persist: Biden makes verbal gaffes. Trump goes into rambling nonsense like this: "Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago...."https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/ Everyone makes gaffes. Ramblings as incoherent as Trump's takes a defective brain.
  6. "Your logic seems to be that if you don't like the laws in place, then don't obey them." How did you arrive at that conclusion? I thought I explained how stupid current law is. That's not the same as advocating lawlessness. However lawlessness is inevitable when there is demand on one side and supply on the other and the law tells people to ignore that reality. Current law and resources are not acknowledging that reality, and politicians are more concerned with scoring political points with unrealistic solutions. Does any intelligent person think that people willing to cross jungles, rivers, mountains, deserts and, in some cases, oceans to reach the US will look at a wall that a child can climb and give up?
  7. I'll ignore the temptation to bring up the incoherent nonsense and lies of Trump. You are ignoring my post about pertinent experience and qualifications, which Biden has in abundance and Trump lacks.
  8. We should have an intelligent and effective process for legal immigration. We don't. We have this "Oh my god, they're not like me!" paranoia being exploited for political gain. The magnitude of this idiocy is stunning. Many wealthy have demographic working against them, with a declining native born population, a declining working age population, and an expanding retired population. We are not the only one, just the one best positioned to turn a slow moving crisis into an opportunity. The US is in a remarkably enviable position: Millions of the best, brightest, and most ambitious around the world want to live and work in our country. People who will work, pay taxes, spend their earnings thus creating new jobs, and in general grow the US economy and save programs such as Social Security and Medicare from financial failure. All we have to do is provide a means for them to enter the country and work for their betterment and ours. Instead we have this shrieking, paranoid "Oh my god, crisis at the border!" If we would at least provide the judicial and detainment funding required the crisis would be alleviated. However too many people, most notably Trump, find it personally advantagious to prolong the situation for political gain. Hence his oppostion to the bipartisan Senate bill on immigration https://news.yahoo.com/senate-unveils-bipartisan-immigration-overhaul-033213171.html. Regarding your link; I read opinions stated as facts and claims with questionable or nonexistent support. So I checked and found this: "Overall, we rate the Heritage Foundation Right Biased based on conservative policy positions and funding from right-leaning organizations. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to promoting misleading claims regarding global warming and the health dangers associated with tobacco." https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/heritage-foundation/
  9. In the case of senile old fool Trump, absolutely nothing qualifies him. In the case of Biden, we have decades of experience, first hand knowledge of nuclear doctrine (among other important topics) as it evolved from cold war MAD and the importance of the nuclear triad (things that I don't think Trump understands to this day), respect for expertise, understanding of how world affairs are negotiated in the best interest of the country (as opposed to the best interests of Trump's questionable businesses), etc. The list goes on and on. Simple minded fools think that any job they know nothing about, such as the Presidency, is simple. Intelligent people know better. In general, President Biden knows what he's doing in office. Based on Trump's multiple business failures, legal problems and performance in office I don't think Trump ever knew what he was doing or worried about the consequences of his actions. He just did whatever kept him in the limelight. Not the sort of person I want to hold the nuclear codes.
  10. Amazing. The ability of the Trump crowd to defy facts, logic and reality is amazing. The pertinent difference between Biden and Trump regarding the "docs" is that Biden did what the law requires and immediately notified the government and returned the documents. Trump stubbornly fought doing what the law required. This has been explained to Trump supporters many times. Apparently they are impervious to knowledge.
  11. How does this hit or miss approach qualify him to hold the nuclear codes?
  12. Party candidates don't debate until they are the official party candidates. However if Trump wants to debate Nikki Haley is available and eager to indulge him.
  13. Which candidate loves the uneducated?
  14. Well if Dr Phil says it.... Do Trump supporters believe all celebrities are experts on everything? Or only the celebrities they agree with?
  15. I pointed that out earlier. He has not acknowledged it. Yet he insists he uses facts and those who disagree don't. Fact: April 12, 2022 is not generally referred to as "Tuesday".
  16. Good news for the border crisis camp; it appears "God's Army" has solved the problem. https://www.yahoo.com/news/goofy-gods-army-convoy-texas-172018391.html 😂
  17. People like me? I'm curious, what kind of inaccurate stereotype do you apply to me? This should be good for a laugh.
  18. Totally absurd. Try proving anything you stated.
  19. It appears you are the one who lives in Bizarro World. Trump continues to deny the validity of the 2020 election. No Democrat claimed the 2016 elections was stolen or attempted to prevent the certification of the vote. President Obama welcomed Trump into the White House. The 2000 election was not stolen, it was decided by the Supreme Court. Had the court decided differently we might not have been bogged down in Afghanistan and Iraq. Had there been a President Gore who took the PDB titled "Bin Laden determined to Strike in US" there might not have been a 9-11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bin_Ladin_Determined_To_Strike_in_US No, Presidents don't have immunity from prosecution. Current policy is to not indict while the President is in office. That's it. "Indictments of a sitting or former president remain an uncertain area of Constitutional law. The Constitution does not directly address indictments for either, and the Supreme Court has never had an opportunity to rule directly on the issue. Overall, most legal experts support the possibility of indicting a former president at least for certain crimes, but there is less consensus on the indictment of a sitting president." https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/indictment_of_presidents Try educating yourself and posting with referenced facts.
  20. Laws pertaining to voting and preventing disinformation do apply to everyone.
  21. Trump posted that after watching the rioters rampage through the Capitol for hours and doing nothing to stop them. He only posted it after it was clear that they wouldn't succeed in preventing the certification of the election. And he repeated the lie that the election was stolen.
  22. Really? You think the election denial and fake electors weren't an attempt at stealing the election, which would effectively be a coup?
  23. We'll discuss when it happens, and it will never happen.
  24. Trump is denying legitimate election results and claiming he is immune from prosecution for all crimes committed while in office. That is far worse than any other candidate in US history.
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