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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. What remains is nothing compared to what was there before. The old Nana area (I'm not limiting myself to the plaza) was far more of a prostitution zone than the current Soi Cowboy, which is also only a shadow of what it was. My point is that the area is just another tourist stop and no longer deserves to be described as "notorious".
  2. Russia didn't want Ukraine, or any other country to join NATO. Many people stated that, sometimes with hyperbolic rhetoric. Did that justify the invasion? No! Let's address the question of why Ukraine and other neighbors of Russia want to join NATO. My theory is that Putin wants to recreate the Russian empire, in part to distract the Russian people from his corrupt and incompetent mismanagement of the Russian economy. These nations know that and know they need to join a defensive alliance to protect their borders and continued existence as independent nations. Do you have a better theory?
  3. Are you acknowledging that the testimony is tainted? Is the other side paying hundreds of thousands for "expert witnesses"? Please provide proof.
  4. What a surprise. "On Friday, Bartov revealed that he has made approximately $877,500 for his expert testimony in this case — charging $1,350 per hour for about 650 hours of work. When questioned by lawyers for the state of New York about who was paying him, Bartov replied that his bank statements showed some of the money was paid by the Trump Organization and some came from Trump's Save America PAC." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-expert-witnesses-billed-almost-900000-dollars-each-testifying-fraud-trial-new-york-city/
  5. "the US after having led them into this" Some people refuse to acknowledge what everyone else knows: Putin started the war!
  6. Russia invades a neighbor and you call it a US mess. Could you be any more obvious in your support for Russia?
  7. I should note that the new redlight area is only a shadow of what Nana used to be.
  8. Too bad. Hopefully Santitham won't suffer that fate.
  9. I went to Bangkok for the first time since 2010 last year. All the old adult entertainment venues that once were on the SW side of Sukhumvit on soi Nana had moved to the NE side. Nana now has a Hooters and other relatively respectable businesses. Nothing like before, or what is on the other side of Sukhumvit. Edit: I did a little research. Stickman has been following the subject. It seems the land that the naughty places of the old soi Nana sat on was sold in 2014 and all the hooker places closed in the years that followed. https://www.stickmanbangkok.com/weekly-column/2014/09/the-future-of-nana-plaza/ Annies Massage, something of an institution, and other rent-a-friend places relocated to the new redlight area. https://www.anniesbangkok.com/faqs.html Nana is now just another tourist nightclub area. It no longer deserves to be called notorious.
  10. There is a comparatively respectively Nana, and the sleazy part on the other side of Sukhumvit. Guess which side the tourist police picture was taken at.
  11. Has Nimman become the new tourist hot spot, leaving the rest of the city with fewer?
  12. So much BS in such a short article. "Thailand has expressed hopes that Myanmar can resolve its ongoing internal conflicts peacefully, said Thai Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara. " "Parnpree emphasised that Thailand, as a neighbour of Myanmar, has been providing full support to facilitate the return of peace in the country."
  13. No, then you have a mid-sized troublemaker like Iran.
  14. Russia doesn't make the top ten in GDP. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)
  15. There was nothing to negotiate. The law is clear, the records did not belong to Trump. He was asked to return them, didn't return them, and lied about possessing them. He broke the law. Why didn't Trump do what Joe Biden and Mike Pence did--immediately return the documents? Why didn't Trump obey the law?
  16. So what? What law did Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, or Mike Pence violate? The law requires knowingly mishandling classified. Only Trump did that.
  17. As I explained in the part of my post that you edited out, it is not necessary for the direct victim of fraud to complain for fraud to be investigated and prosecuted. Don't edit out my reply to your "name one person" nonsense then repeat the nonsense in your reply.
  18. "The fact that documents were or were not returned is IRRELEVANT." You consider Trump's refusal to return the classified irrelevant? Wow!
  19. What law are you referring to? Certainly not this one, which requires knowingly removing and retaining classified information: (a) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1924
  20. I suspect banks often don't report being victims of fraud because of the reputational damage. However since banks are trusted with other peoples money and guaranteed with taxpayers money, there is no reason why fraud should not be investigated and prosecuted even if the bank kept quiet. How is Trump an opponent of the New York Attorney General? Is Trump considering running for that job?
  21. "A Russian guarantee could be tied to access to Europe as a client for resources etc." Russia was tied to Europe as a client for resources when it invaded Ukraine. Not much of a guarantee.
  22. Russia is a superpower if the title is determined by nuclear weapons. If "superpower" is determined by economic power or other measures, Russia isn't a contender.
  23. Ukraine doesn't need to read history to know that Russia and Putin can't be trusted. Are there any commitments to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and security that Russia has not broken? Please read the above.
  24. Name one person who's former lawyer accused him of financial fraud both in testimony and in a book who was not investigated and charged. "James has credited Cohen as the impetus for her civil investigation, which led to the fraud lawsuit and trial. She cited Cohen’s testimony to Congress in 2019 that Trump had a history of misrepresenting the value of assets to gain favorable loan terms and tax benefits." https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-letitia-james-michael-cohen-fraud-new-york-8e49619e3f5ebb6931e6947c4dabda87
  25. Transcontinental railroad, Tennessee Valley Authority, interstate highway system..... Of course these are just in the US.
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