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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Take another look at your graph. The US is the pink line, and it peaked below the UK and the Euro zone. Inflation was the result of lots of stimulus money provided by both the Trump and Biden administrations (demand driven inflation) and supply chain hang-ups (supply driven inflation). The supply chain problems have been somewhat resolved, and the stimulus money is what kept the economy growing. If you want to prove me wrong you could start by stating which Biden policies have driven inflation and how. Us sources, correctly this time.
  2. How will Trump package this as anything other than the US surrendering to Russia?
  3. Ukraine has survived when everybody, especially Putin, thought it would fall within days. That's no failure, and I doubt that the Ukrainian people think it is. At this point Putin is hoping to hold onto the slices of Ukraine he's managed to steal and maybe make Crimea safe enough for his Black Sea fleet to use again.
  4. There is a limit to how long a petro-state dedicating all available resources to weapons production can keep the economy going. Also, Russia can't ramp up people production, other than by kidnapping Ukrainian children. Eventually Russia will run out of ethnic minorities and prisoners to throw into the meat grinder and will have to start using the urban ethnic Russians that Putin has been trying to protect. Let's see how that plays out.
  5. I don't know if DeSantis is an improvement. He's using Florida taxpayer money to pay for stunts (immigrant planes, flights from Israel) to further his Presidential campaign, fighting transparency laws regarding paying for these stunts and Covid deaths, appointed an unqualified crony to New college and gave him a ridiculous salary as part of his ridiculous war on woke...
  6. How many times must Trump supporters be reminded: Don't use sources that undermine your argument. Your link show US inflation significantly lower than the UK and currently about even with the Euro zone and Japan. It also shows inflation dropped sooner in the US than in the UK and Euro zone.
  7. Even if your speculative numbers are correct (sources would be nice), getting healthcare for 13 million people is an accomplishment. However I agree the US system is ridiculously complicated and expensive. It was the best that could be passed. Trump promised something better and cheaper, but then learned that healthcare was difficult (proving just how clueless he is). We should adopt universal healthcare as every other rich country does.
  8. When Gen/PM Prayuth talked about reforming the RTP, the RTP showed that it had the goods on some high level people. https://aseannow.com/topic/830349-human-trafficking-crackdown-thai-army-officer-faces-13-charges/ Talk of reform became much less bold after that. Of course if the current government is squeaky clean, it has nothing to worry about.
  9. "...lively youthful athletic Trump, with his sharp wit, moral ethics, respect for the law, respect for the military, champion of family values, who commands respect from our allies and has proven to put our country before himself." That is hilarious!
  10. Overwhelming evidence be damned, any charges filed within four years of an election are political, right?
  11. Thanks to all. I lived in Thailand for 12 years so I'm familiar with the smoke problems during the burning season. I don't like it but can put up with it. I'm also familiar with hoards of Chinese tourist, but I'm hoping economic issues in China will limit their numbers.
  12. No, Putin was not baited. Ukraine was pushed to join NATO by Russian aggression. Why is it that so many people don't understand: NATO does not recruit members. Countries that feel threatened by Russia ask to join, and are usually told no. It's not that difficult to grasp. Ask me about the coup against Zelensky when it is reported in a real news source.
  13. I see you still believe the fairy tail that Trump is a corruption fighter. Sad.
  14. Thanks. How many tourists? In 2001 Angkor Wat got moderately crowded but the other sites only got a little attention.
  15. Really? I'd think they'd be Putin donors, he started the war.
  16. I'm considering a quick visit to Siem Reap in February. I was there in 2001 and loved it, but of course things have changed (probably more than two paved streets now). Is February a big tourist month? Is Angkor What? still there? Any useful information is appreciated.
  17. It may be all that is promised, but I would check carefully before committing.
  18. Print is easy to analyze, check for weasel words or outright lies, and present as evidence. People choose their words carefully when writing to avoid misinterpretation and incrimination. "seeing & hearing" is easy to judge subjectively, not analytically. The speaker can always claim "that's not what I meant", "your taking it out of context", "I was just thinking out loud", etc. Video is also a waste of time. Interesting that you don't believe what you read. I assume that means you don't waste time reading religious texts, contracts, laws, etc. You just let someone explain them to you and hope for the best.
  19. Senator Rick Scott was CEO of Columbia/HCA when it committed the largest Medicare fraud in history. He claimed he didn't know what his company was doing, and not only was he not charged with anything, he left with over $300 million in stock and severance. https://marketrealist.com/p/rick-scott-medicare-fraud-explained/ If someone who looks like Lord Voldemort can be judged to be too ignorant to be guilty, then the Trump goofballs should have no trouble doing the same. I don't like it, but I think they'll walk. Only rich people can get away with major crimes by pleading ignorance. It doesn't work for the poor.
  20. I don't waste time with YouTube videos. If it isn't important enough to put in print it isn't important.
  21. That's nice for the people in Hawaii. The OP is about someone in New York.
  22. "Stupid is as stupid does." Correct. It's clear that you did not read the full article, which is largely contrasting the woman's experience in getting health insurance in Germany with the scams she encountered in the US. Also, employers who employ fewer than 50 workers in the US are not required to provide healthcare in the US. No employer is required to provide health insurance for part time workers, defined as those working less than 30 hours a week. https://www.healthcare.gov/small-businesses/learn-more/how-aca-affects-businesses/ That leaves a large portion of jobs in the US without insurance. Getting back to you opening statement, why do you post without knowing the facts?
  23. You follow those "fact-free" not-news sources, don't you? The US economy has grown substantially larger since President Biden took office. It's much bigger than the "pre-Joe" years. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDP/ If you used real news sources you'd know this.
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