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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. The 1% are not in the defense industry. The figures given are a tiny fraction of the revenues of tech companies such as Meta, Alphabet, Apple, and Microsoft.https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/META/meta-platforms/revenue https://www.statista.com/statistics/234529/comparison-of-apple-and-google-revenues/
  2. Only $75 billion to cripple an aggressive empire building threat to world peace. We're getting a bargain.
  3. Do you really think Trump was so stupid as to believe those things?
  4. Lucky for you I used to teach English as a second language. If you promise to do something when you know you won't do it you are lying. If you promise to do something with every intention to do it but can't for whatever reason, you have failed to keep a commitment. If you fill out a loan application with no intention of making timely payments you are lying. If you intended to make the payments but fail to do so you have violated the contract, but that is not fraud unless the violation is intentional. Does that clear it up for you? Can we get back on topic now?
  5. I've read and heard news about drunk drivers, seen obviously drunk people (a couple of them in police uniforms) get into cars and on motorbikes and drive, and I've seen many, many people on the roads of Thailand who drive like they're drunk. That's why I think drunk driving is common. This one is so absurd it's funny: "Have you NEVER made a late payment? If so, you lied on the application." You can not lie about a future event. Even you must know that.
  6. If Hunter Biden committed crimes then he should be prosecuted. Happy? Now show us your evidence that President Biden was involved in those crimes.
  7. "What you are proposing is that it is OK for the government to "target" an individual." I never posted that, but I have no problem with the press and prosecutors targeting people who are running for, or in, elected office for exceptional scrutiny. "It is ok to break into his home as see if you find anything incriminating. " I never posted that, and I don't see how you reached that paranoid conclusion. Searches must come with legally obtained warrants. "It is ok to have the IRS scrutinize not the tax returns of all citizens but to flyspeck one persons tax returns in particular." I'm not sure, but I think the IRS does do random checks, as well as targeting returns with unusual claims regarding finances. Trump actively seeks the spotlight while engaging in fraud. Trump is a fool.
  8. I've never lied on a loan application. I don't know anyone who has. I wonder why you think it's common.
  9. The left tried to overthrow the 2016 election? I'd love to see your sources for that ridiculous claim. And, in anticipating your answer, Hillary Clinton stating that Russian involvement in the election de-legitimized the results doesn't count as an attempted overthrow.
  10. Ok, it seems you have moved from your position of "no injury, no crime" to one of Trump being uniquely picked upon. Trump's fraud isn't nearly as common as drunk driving or speeding. However just because a crime is unusual doesn't mean it should go unprosecuted. There was plenty of evidence of Trump being fast and loose with numbers and of Deutsche Bank being involved in money laundering. Someone finally looked and found obvious fraud.
  11. Biden is fighting wild fires around the world while Trump is crying about how unfair he is being treated. Hopefully playing the poor-little-rich-boy victim won't play to well when we get closer to the election.
  12. Wildly off-topic, but what did Obama do to divide the country, other than be a popular twice elected President who was black? I don't require any attempts to overthrow elections or the government during his terms.
  13. You think the US should support allies in opposing Chinese takeover of their territorial waters, but you don't think the US should support allies in opposing Russian takeover of their land. Interesting.
  14. Most Presidents honor the agreements made by their predecessors. Trump is the only exception I know of to that rule, failing to honor the Paris Climate Treaty or the Iran Nuclear Deal. Not only did he damage the environment and destabilize the Middle East with his idiocy, he did long term damage to trust in the US as a partner.
  15. If I remember correctly you posted that the raid on Mar-a-Lago in 2022 was also politically motivated. Apparently you think anything that happens to Trump within two years of an election must be politically motivated. Can you identify any charges against Trump that weren't investigated thoroughly beforehand and aren't supported by evidence? Can you tell us when the legitimate, evidence based charges should have been filed?
  16. Are you aware that the President has limited control of the economy? The Federal Reserve controls interest rates, the market controls home prices, global energy prices control energy costs, etc. Are you also aware that countries that try to micromanage their economies rarely succeed for long?
  17. And he successfully changed politics for the worse, culminating in an attempt to overthrow the 2020 election. Why do people still support him?
  18. So if no one is hurt there is no crime? Does that mean that driving drunk at high speeds through school zones should be legal if nobody gets hurt?
  19. Why was Trump targeted? Because he was elected to government office. There are very good reasons why people in government office should not be allowed to engage in shady deals and keep their finances secret. If you want to keep you finances secret you should stay out of government and the public eye. Keeping corrupt people out of government is not weaponizing government.
  20. Remind me: When was the Monroe Doctrine used to claim vast areas of other countries territorial waters?
  21. So all of the posters who use the term "radical left" have just lost the argument?
  22. Johnson is an election denier. That means he prefers autocracy to democracy. That's right-wing extremism.
  23. If he were a liberal justice the conservative not-news media would be going nuts.
  24. You're all-in on this legal system conspiracy theory nonsense. There is strong, in some cases overwhelming, evidence that Trump committed a lot of crimes. He's not above the law. Get over it. Also: No; other politicians have not done the same and gotten away with it. I'm not claiming that politicians are saints, but most are smart enough to not advertise and brag about their crimes.
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