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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Pay close attention: "Based on the evidence, about 97% of climate experts have concluded that human-caused climate change is happening. What We Know helps us understand the science behind the realities, risks and response to the climate challenge."https://whatweknow.aaas.org/get-the-facts/ That is how you make a claim and back it up with sources. You should try it; you might not be dismissed as a troll as often.
  2. What evidence or sources do you have that show the temperature measurements are not correct?
  3. Who says it isn't being accelerated by "man" and what are their qualifications?
  4. "In most cases, a five-sigma result is considered the gold standard for significance, corresponding to about a one-in-a-million chance that the findings are just a result of random variations" https://phys.org/news/2012-02-sigma.html
  5. There is nothing to support his claim of hearing something from someone. If there was anything to his claims there would be substantiating evidence, or at the very least other people to support the claims.
  6. The most memorable and heartbreaking sight on my Auschwitz tour 20+ years ago was a room with a big pile of baby shoes.
  7. This seems a lot like a "I heard in a bar..." story. Still waiting for actual evidence of these extra-terrestrials.
  8. If you had been following this topic you would know that there are a large number of climate change deniers who are keen on electing climate change deniers to government office and punishing businesses that try to do something about climate change. Encouraging people who are in a hole to stop digging is the first step in getting out of the hole.
  9. What country are you posting from? I assume it is not the US, because in the US the vast majority of mortgages are long-term fixed interest loans. Raising interest rates only affect people who take out new home loans. That tends to slow down home purchases, which tends to slow down the economy, which is the desired result of raising interest rates. Inflation is the result of the economy running too hot.
  10. Why rely on science when you have a Fox News opinion piece to tell you what to think. Also, and I know this is difficult for some people to grasp, what is happening in the US is not necessarily indicative of what is happening globally.
  11. Then why do you keep harping on about how things that were built couldn't have been built? We don't know with certainty how many ancient structures were built, but we know that they could be built using the tools of the time and a lot of work.
  12. Then why do you keep harping on about how things that were built couldn't have been built? We don't know with certainty how many ancient structures were built, but we know that they could be built using the tools of the time and a lot of work.
  13. Yes, it takes more time to sand harder substances. But hard substances can be sanded and polished, even glass. No the holes and cuts weren't precise? No there was no evidence of machines being used? "No" what?
  14. How do the drill holes and saw cuts show machining? Are they not just precisely made holes and cuts that could be done with basic tools and a lot of work?
  15. Two possibilities: 1. The people who did this were good at it. 2. Space aliens did all the hard stuff, but were upset when people started documenting construction techniques so left without leaving any trace of their having been here. I think the first possibility is the most likely one.
  16. Once again, you rough out the shape with tools, then polish with other tools. You say you did wood working. Did you do everything with a hammer and chisel? Did you never use sandpaper?
  17. The claim of one person, unsupported by any other evidence.
  18. Which doesn't prove that ramps were not used. The point is that there were ways to build all these monumental structures without help from extraterrestrials. Many massive and impressive structures have been built starting around 2000 years ago, but with some documentation of the building techniques. No one claims they were built with alien help. Is your argument that space aliens did the building before humans starting documenting their work, then disappeared?
  19. The ramp idea is an old one. https://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-ancient-technology/pyramid-ramp-0013516
  20. I don't know what you are getting at, so let's get back to your RINO accusation. Historically the Republican Party has been strong on national defense and NATO, advocated tough policies to contain the USSR/Russia, advocated free trade, favored expanding legal immigration and wasn't too concerned about illegal immigration. The current Republican Party has done a reversal on these areas. McConnell is old school Republican. The current Republican Party is the RINO.
  21. How many meters? Five, ten, twenty? For something like that a temporary ramp of earth could be made and the stone dragged up into place.
  22. Geez, are you being deliberately obtuse? You asked about smooth surfaces, I proposed one way to achieve them. You rough out the granite into whatever shape you want with chisels, hammers, rocks or whatever then use sand or other gritty material to smooth the surfaces. I find that a lot easier to believe than the idea of space aliens showing up on earth as construction workers.
  23. I have cousins who are stone masons working in the grave stone business. They achieve very smooth surfaces on granite, a real mirror shine.
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