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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Slavery, vote for women, prohibition, repeal of prohibition, voting rights...
  2. "the mantra of the super liberal is to change it to follow all of the failed systems in history" That is the kind of fantasy world nonsense that makes some conservatives very difficult to take seriously. Prove me wrong--tell us what liberals would do to cause the political system to fail?
  3. Two of the three Presidential victories for Republicans in the 21st century have been without the popular vote.
  4. Yes, we have unnatural contaminants in our air, ground and water. We don't know what the long term consequences are. Industries that create and profit from these contaminants need to be better regulated. Which party is more likely to do that?
  5. Others have covered most of your nonsense, I'll just add: It was a deal, not a treaty. It was legal and it was restraining Iran, until Trump ended it. Iran has been off the leash ever since.
  6. Nobody is preventing him from saying stupid things. People are simply pointing out that some of the things he says are really stupid.
  7. Similar to a settled out of court liar like Fox News. Nobody believes Fox anymore, do they?
  8. What do the statistics say about the differences in infection rate, long covid rate, and death rate between vaccinated and unvaccinated people? As of November 2022 vaccines looked pretty good. https://www.healthdata.org/covid/covid-19-vaccine-efficacy-summary
  9. Are you suggesting that Russia's Parliament did not pass the law as reported? If the BBC's report is accurate, what is the point of your post?
  10. You seem to know, or think you know, what are worthwhile news reports. Why not share them with us?
  11. The first step in becoming a member of the EU is securing its borders against Russia and other miscreants.
  12. Your sources is based on the 2022 Transparency International Corruption Perception Index, which is base on data collected in 2021, pre-war. The war has accelerated action against corruption: "These new rules and institutions have not eliminated corruption, but they have made it a far riskier undertaking, rather than the accepted norm. In the three-and-a-half years that the anti-corruption court has been operating, 65 people have been convicted in it, including 20 judges and several mps and senior officials. Such prosecutions were unheard-of before 2014. “In the past few years corruption stopped being a system and became an ailment that could be dealt with,” says Vitaly Shabunin, an anti-corruption activist. " https://www.economist.com/briefing/2023/06/22/war-is-reshaping-the-ukrainian-state-for-the-better No nation is corruption free. However successful nations drive corruption down to low levels and never relent on the fight against it. Ukraine is heading in the right direction.
  13. It seemed like a good idea during the Cold War. Now, maybe not.
  14. "It would be stupid for Putin to try to control Ukrainian speaking areas. " And yet that was Putin's initial plan, when he sent in, and wasted, troops and material to capture Kyiv in the first days of the war. You give Putin too much credit.
  15. You clearly have faith in the Republicans ability to politicize and weaponize the Justice Department.
  16. "Helping Iran become a Nuclear Bomb country?" That one is easy. Trump pulled out of the Nuclear Deal that was restraining Iran's bomb making ability and allowing inspectors into facilities, and replaced it with....nothing. Iran is now at the point where they can make enough enriched uranium for a bomb in "days, not years": "The jcpoa is dead: Iran’s breakout time is measured in days, not years; the deal’s backers in Tehran have lost sway; and the possibility of Mr Trump being re-elected means America cannot make a credible long-term commitment. " https://www.economist.com/leaders/2023/06/21/america-wants-to-lower-tensions-with-iran-good What Trump described as the worse deal ever has been replaced by something far worse.
  17. And my answer was "reading". If that isn't clear enough, it means print media. I don't get news by watching television, listening to radio or viewing YouTube. How do you get your news? Since you asked the question about news sources, you should initiate the discussion by describing yours. Who are these trustworthy "sources" with multiple devices?
  18. Your lack of faith in the US government and DoD is noted. The US has sent Ukraine as much support as it can without reducing its ability to keep other commitments around the world.
  19. When Trump criticizes what happens in the White House after he left, he opens himself up to comparisons to what happened when he was there.
  20. First, using a 3d printer to do something unthinkable isn't the topic. I don't what to think about what topic that would apply to. Second, if you think you can design such a security system you should go for it. However I don't think you'll find it that easy or marketable.
  21. Why would he? Because it would save lives. However it would also cost him support from his base. It's clear which is more important to Trump. DeSantis is the same; he was big on vaccines until he learned his base was against them, then he turned antivax. A real leader will get people to do the right thing even when they are reluctant to do so. A fake leader will determine which way the mob is heading then run in front of it and yell "Follow me!". Both Trump and DeSantis are fake leaders.
  22. You meant to post "Right before the 2022 midterms...". No big deal. Most people figured it out from the context and the date of the article.
  23. Bearing in mind that in order to have such coverage one would need multiple cameras covering every cubic cm of every part of the White House in order to prevent someone from discretely dropping a very small package while standing in between the camera(s) and the drop point.... The number of cameras involved would be ridiculous.
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