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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. You really need some new material. You keep posting the same nonsense and people keep reminding you that there is no evidence of illegal activity and no evidence that Joe Biden was involved. Yes, Hunter Biden is probably a con artist who hustled some Chinese businessmen out of some money. But he's not President and never will be. When you have hard evidence that Joe Biden did something illegal let us know.
  2. Try to understand that anecdotal evidence is evidence based on anecdotes: A single or small number of events that do not establish a trend. Yes, it is admissible in court; if a man was caught robbing a bank the prosecutor does not have to establish a trend of bank robberies based on a large number of robberies. However that is not how vaccine effectiveness is measured. Vaccines lower the chance of infection, serious illness and death but do not eliminate all risk of these outcomes. For that reason vaccine effectiveness can not be measured by anecdotes. Vaccine effectiveness is measured by studying the outcomes of thousands or millions of vaccinations and comparing them to the outcomes of thousands or millions of unvaccinated people. That is the difference between anecdotal evidence and empiricle/scientific evidence. Anecdotal evidence leads to inaccurate conclusions due to random chance or bias, usually from people who draw their conclusions in advance and then seek anecdotes that support them. Well conducted empirical studies greatly reduce random chance and bias. Generally people who rely on anecdotal evidence have already drawn their conclusions and reject scientific evidence because it conflicts with their conclusions.
  3. It's worth noting that Prayuth was saying the human smuggling and murders were all being done by civilians and the RTP before the arrest of LtGen Manos. He was also making a lot of big promises about reforming the RTP, though I'm not sure anyone believed him. Regardless, the RTP struck back by showing how deep the Army was in the mess. Talk of reforming the RTP went quiet after that; the RTP had reminded the Army that it was as corrupt as the RTP and the RTP could prove it.
  4. I don't know if Thai men are inherently worse than western men, or if Thailand's lack of cultural and legal penalties for treating women poorly makes it easier for them to be a**holes. But I agree that it results in a lot of Thai women writing off Thai men and either deciding to make a life on their own or seek a foreign partner. Some of these women are attractive in every way--pretty, intelligent, responsible, charming... Defective western men shouldn't get their hopes up. Thai women with standards want a decent western man, not an alcoholic, drug addict, philanderer, jealous control freak, etc. That eliminates a lot of men who come to Thailand looking for a partner. Thai women are tolerant of, or perhaps accustomed to, Momma's boys; the men who want/need a woman to take care of them like Mommy did. There are also a lot of western men like that in Thailand.
  5. Right. It's not like the MAGA people have an obsession over anyone named Biden. Oh wait....
  6. Do you think Elizabeth Holmes was smarter than Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, Jim Mattis, and Betsy DeVos? Ok, obviously she's smarter than Trump's Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, but all the rest? Yet all of them and many more were taken in by the Theranos fraud. Even smart people can become stupid when they think they have a chance at easy money.
  7. It's easy to con someone who wants to buy the lie that you are selling. One allegedly possible explanation is that some Chinese businessmen allegedly wanted to believe that they could buy access to Joe Biden through Hunter, and Hunter allegedly took them to the cleaners.
  8. Are you aware that "allegedly" is not proof and can not be used as evidence in court? BTW: How many allegedly claims have been made in the last couple of months regarding this subject?
  9. Investigate away. I'm waiting for evidence of criminal activity, not opinions about how the questioning should have been done.
  10. Anecdotal evidence is a statistically insignificant number of cases that do not prove a correlation. If I flip a coin three times and it comes up heads twice that does not prove a coin will come up heads two thirds of the time. A vaccinated person who has exposed himself to thousands of people during an election campaign is at high risk of catching Covid whether he is vaccinated or not. However he is at low risk of having a serious infection. Scientific studies of vaccine effectiveness are ongoing due to the evolving nature of the virus and the vaccines developed to prevent/minimize infections, but they always involve thousands or millions of people. If I tossed a coin a few thousand times and it came up heads two thirds of the time, then I would believe the coin is biased in some manner to come up heads.
  11. anecdotal evidence noun : evidence in the form of stories that people tell about what has happened to them His conclusions are not supported by data; they are based only on anecdotal evidence. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anecdotal evidence It is most definitely anecdotal evidence. Jabbed you are less likely to get Covid, less likely to get a severe case of Covid, and less likely to die from Covid.
  12. Whoever would come out ahead in primaries that would have many competitive candidates.
  13. You have to look through that rambling nonsensical tirade about a stolen election and "fight like hell" carefully to find the one use of the word "peacefully". Trump watched the ransacking of the Capitol for hours on television and ignored all those telling him to call of his mob. Only after it was clear that the mob wouldn't successfully prevent the certification of the election or hang of Mike Pence did he tell his followers to go home. The demonstration became illegitimate as soon as it breached the police lines. That would have been the time for Trump to call them off.
  14. Not just the torturer but everyone who paid to watch. Those are dangerously defective people and they should not be allowed to roam free.
  15. "Trump is the one going against the deep state." Right, and you know that's true because Trump said so. And of course you can trust Trump because he said he's trustworthy. Just ask the students of Trump University.
  16. A violent attempt at overturning legitimate election results, which fortunately failed. That's not leaving voluntarily, that's leaving after all other options have been exhausted. Trump had not quite subverted the rule of law enough to stay in power. I'm sure he will be better prepared if given another chance.
  17. No, the Executive Office (the Presidency) is one of three branches of the the US government and is constrained by law. If you don't understand that...
  18. Demonizing and scapegoating minorities, punishing businesses and elected officials that don't support his policies, restricting protests and public access to government records---generally treating the government as if it were his to do with as he pleases.
  19. That's two who do not understand the difference between anecdotal and scientific.
  20. I've been fully vaxed and boosted and have never caught Covid. I'm not making that up. There are reasons why science is based on studies of large numbers of people, not on anecdotal evidence.
  21. I'm sure you'll post credible scientific studies that show this. ????
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