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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Breitbart, InfoWars, One America.... Any of these ring a bell? Now please tell us about this "left wing media" that you think is somehow misrepresenting Republican Presidential primary candidates.
  2. Let's return to your post above that I commented on. How is the "left wing" media treating any of these candidates in an unfair manner?
  3. True. ""This amendment prohibits classroom instruction to students in pre-kindergarten through Grade 3 on sexual orientation or gender identity. For Grades 4 through 12, instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity is prohibited unless such instruction is either expressly required by state academic standards ... or is part of a reproductive health course or health lesson for which a student’s parent has the option to have his or her student not attend," according to the amendment." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/called-dont-gay-rules-expanded-12th-grade-florida/story?id=98691183
  4. Not in Florida. Just ask DeSantis, he'll tell you that is strictly forbidden.
  5. The media focus can't be too bad for them; the only name I recognize is Nikki Haley, and I don't recall unjustifiably negative or biased news about her. George Santos, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz can some bad press, but they generally deserve it.
  6. I don't think he did. If he had he would have found this: "What justifies the use of the term fascism is that Trump and Co. and the GOP tried to stage a violent coup. The other reason to use the fascist label is that the GOP are trying to say they’re conservatives, and they’re acting out of desire to preserve tradition and their patriots. Well, conservatives do not try and have violent coups, whereas Trump was, as Bill Barr said, a wrecking ball. And fascists are wrecking balls."
  7. As indicated by my earlier post I think aspiring fascist is a reasonable description of DeSantis. He has a record of pushing or exceeding the limit of legality to punish state officials and businesses who oppose him, restricting rights to protest and evading Florida's "Sunshine Laws" so people don't know where he is or what he's up to.
  8. Teachers "trying to get young kids to change their gender, learn about gay sex and how to "swallow"" are even rarer than voter fraud. I'm not aware of it ever happening. What are the "many lies being propagated about US history" that are being taught in schools?
  9. Are you referring to George Santos? I don't think his sexual preference is why the media is focusing on him.
  10. Restricting early voting, restricting ballot drop-off places (both make voting more difficult for people with jobs or caregiver responsibilities), not protection election workers https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/24/politics/florida-election-workers-harassment-protections-killed/index.html...
  11. Aspiring fascist might be a better description. fascism noun fas·cism ˈfash-ˌiz-əm often capitalized : a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism
  12. Fair enough. It will still be interesting to see if Trump can keep his mouth shut.
  13. I don't think what his lawyers did or did not do will be a factor when Trump decides to start running his mouth without engaging his brain.
  14. You posted something off-topic and highly suspect, and now you won't provide a source for your questionable post because that would be off-topic. That really is BS.
  15. From the link: "A Florida judge handed prosecutors in Donald Trump’s classified documents lawsuit a significant victory on Monday by ruling the former president cannot publicly disclose any of the evidence against him." The ultimate test for Trump: Can he keep his mouth shut? The smart money is on "No!".
  16. The assumption being, and probably correct, that "the Senior Military Official" is Milley. However Trump may have credited Milley with any DoD documents that made it too the White House. Has Milley definitively stated that no document of this type could have been written by someone else?
  17. Maybe it doesn't exist, or maybe Trump hid it and other documents somewhere his lawyers don't know about.
  18. New recruiting technique: Grab any able bodied man in public, charge them with felony loitering or some other offense and give them a choice between war or prison. Children of oligarchs and government officials are exempt, of course.
  19. So much to unpack here: Do illegal leaks make an organization illegal? Does that mean the Trump Presidency was illegal? The investigation started more than two years before the election. The charges were filed more than 18 months before the election. Do you want all criminal investigations and charges to be put on hold whenever the subject of the investigation or charges announces a run for the Presidency? Do any other political offices qualify for this exemption from the law? Why do you think suspending the investigation will allow the election to go without controversy? Shouldn't voters know before the election if Trump is a thief and national security risk?
  20. No, the bottom line is that an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election found that there was Russian interference in the 2016 election. The mislabeling of the Russian interference investigation as a Russian collusion investigation is an attempt by MAGA types to distract from a very serious problem, and to make the poor sweet Donald Trump look like a victim.
  21. Hillary Clinton is entitled to here opinion, and US citizens are entitled to elections without Russian interference. Mueller proved that Russia was attempting to influence the election and described some of the methods used. Unless you approve of Russian interference in US elections the investigation was not a waste of time or money.
  22. Read the title of the investigation report. It includes the words "Russian Interference", not "Russian Collusion". The investigation did find Russian interference. MAGA types are trying to distort reality by mislabeling the investigation.
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