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London Lowf

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Everything posted by London Lowf

  1. I thought that I was back on TA for a moment there.
  2. It is my understanding that you can only spend a total of 90 days out of a 180 day period in Thailand as a tourist, i.e. on TR visas and extensions. Covid extensions temporarily allowed longer stays but I don't believe that border runs would overcome this regulation. If I'm wrong then I can abandon my plans to attempt a retirement visa.
  3. If you're leaving it for months at a time then why not hook up a battery tender - even if is temporarily unplugged for joy-rides it will keep the battery topped up for the tracker device and an easy start-up when you get back. Alternatively, put the car into a commercial storage facility (at the airport?) - they will not allow unauthorised access.
  4. - how long does it usually take to process the application - applying in the uk Just got mine and it took a week. - does he need to provide proof of accommodation booked when applying Yes. - can he apply for an e visa two couple of months before arrival in thailand? Yes, in fact it's best to apply early - my name is spelt incorrectly on mine (despite all of my supporting documents having it correctly spelt) and so I must start all over again. I exchanged a few emails with the London embassy but there's nothing they can do.
  5. Thanks for summarising that - I knew that the balance can vary during the year but that puts the info in an easy format for future reference.
  6. My pension has performed brilliantly over the last 15 years and in 2021 my pot grew by 11.27%. So far in this "crisis" year it's fallen back by 1.9% - I can live with that!
  7. Yes, I actually drafted a PM to Dr. Jack but then decided to come here for local advice.
  8. Thanks for all of the help everyone - apart from BB it seems that most others are worth a try. I'll probably start with Krungsri as they've been good with the credit card withdrawals on previous visits.
  9. That is what I plan to do. I don't yet know who they use, but I hope it's not BB as they have fallen at the first hurdle.
  10. Hindsight is a wonderful talent!
  11. Thanks for the warning. This is exactly the kind of potential problem that I am trying to avoid. According to Phuket Immigration Volunteers the bank paperwork must be dated on the same day as the visa application.
  12. I have the money to spare and see no reason to take even a 1% risk in dealing with "agents".
  13. You mean a house contract? Yeh, I've heard before about BB but I found the Kamala branch uncooperative - I wanted to take out THB50,000 on my card but they simply poinred me at the ATM outside. Kungsri did it - several times over the last three years - but I'm not sure how they are with opening accounts.
  14. This!
  15. Hi everyone - I’m asking this on the Phuket forum rather than the general visas forum as I am looking for local knowledge. I got spoilt last visit with the easy Covid extensions but now I realise that, in order to spend several months a year in Thailand in future, I will need to get a retirement visa. I will be coming to Phuket (Kamala) in October for two months and need to open a bank account for the THB800,000 deposit with a view to returning early next year to apply for the visa. So…. Can anyone recommend a farang-friendly bank? I think my main requirement will be to be able to get the necessary statements/letters/bank book to keep immigration happy with the minimum of hassle. I should be able to get a recommendation letter (if required?) as I am friendly with a local family who own a large independent hotel and various other properties in Kamala. Cheers.
  16. Sparktrader and Gamma Globulin - a match made in internet heaven. (Maybe someone has already made that observation but I really haven't got the free time to read their entire threads)
  17. Makes sense to me! (I can only dream of affording business class and yet I can't think of any circumstances under which I would lose sleep over B2,900!)
  18. I freely admit that I am not at all assertive in that sense - I spent my prime in the clubs and bars of central London got sick of the pick-up scene many decades ago. It's only the pros or freelancers that I am interested in these days - I can't be bothered with the BS games of civvies and am not looking for a wife/girlfriend/FWB. I was primarily in Buriram for the 2019 World Superbikes meeting, not to find girls, although I did visit the Victoria Centre (local walking street) in the evenings with my eyes open for any opportunities.
  19. There are some very pretty girls in Buriram but I spent a long weekend there and the locals were not the least bit interested - I was pretty much ignored, which was a bit of a novelty. On the other hand, I have met many that have travelled to Phuket for "work" and they most definitely are interested!
  20. Ouch! I haven't checked prices lately but it looks like I'll have to cash in even more of my savings. Oh well, whatever it takes to escape the grey. We have a very damp climate, particularly on the Southwest coast where I live. I do not want to come home to damp and mould. On the plus side, zero chance of frozen pipes down here.
  21. The Thai government has extended the Covid state of emergency for another two months, until the end of September. It seems that logically, to me at least, Covid extensions will also be granted until at least that date.
  22. I'm going home to the UK for Xmas but then plan to fly back mid-January for another three months - I'm expecting to pay GBP900+, so 50% more than my October flight. But..... I can leave the central heating on a low setting and will save me a fair chunk ????
  23. My LHR-BKK-HKT return for this October was GBP624, about THB28k - I'm happy with that! Booked last March direct on Thai website as I will never again use an agent.
  24. Also, my direct LHR-HKT flight has recently been rescheduled as LHR-BKK-HKT which is rather a shame. I think that the direct flights were only bought in for the sandbox?
  25. That was back in October last year when I was one of the few brave (or stupid?) enough to jump through the full-on Phuket Sandbox hoops. Stayed five months and the return flight was much busier but still managed to get the entire window row for a lie down. I'm not expecting the same comfort on my next trip this October.
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