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Posts posted by bkkandrew

  1. Just did a update on the 90day rule

    1. You are permitted up to 90 days on visa exemption entries in a six month period.

    2. The six months starts from your first entry after Oct 1st last year.

    3. The period is fixed it does NOT roll.

    4. If you try to enter within 30 days of the end of your 6 months you may only be permitted to stay until the end of the period NO MATTER HOW FEW OF YOUR 90 DAYS YOU'VE USED.

    5. Once your first 6 months is over a new period starts and you will be able to do a border run and return with a full 30 day stamp,which is NOT a Tourist Visa as many think .

    6. Example for six month period : 1.10.06 to 31.3.07 , re-enter with visa exempt on 1.4.07 , or 28.10.06 to 27.4.07, re-enter with visa exempt on 28.4.07 .

    Laos trip : Office and Holiday Schedule for Year 2007 of the Thai Embassy and Consulate.


    If you are not sure about the days you have spend already in the country please pm me and give following specific and complete information.


    1. Entry @ Airport 11.10.06 , exit @ Ban Laem 9.11.06, 30days, visa exempt

    2. Entry @ Ban Laem 9.11.06, exit@ Mukdahan 8.12.06, 30 days, visa exempt

    Enter @ Mukdahan 9.12.06 , exit @ Ban Laem 6.2.07 , 60days, Tourist Visa

    extent in Thailand at any Immigration Office for 30days , THB 1,900.-, extension until 7.3.07 .

    3.Entry @ Ban Laem 7.3.07 ,permission to stay until 5.4.07 , 30 days , visa exempt

    Immigration will allow this person back into the Country with a 30day visa exempt stamp on 11.4.07.

    This person has now two possibilities .

    A: Get another Extension (THB 1,900.-) for 7 days at the Immigration and re-enter Thailand on the 11.4.07 with a 30day visa exempt stamp to start a new SIX-MONTH period with 3x30days border runs .

    B: Apply on/before the 5.4.07 for a new Tourist Visa.

    It is recommended that you apply for the extension at the Immigration Office.

    A Tourist Visa will be extended for 30days .

    Extension of a Visa exempt stamp and any Non Immigrant Visa will be granted for 7 days only

    You can convert the 30day visa exempt stamp to a Non-Immigrant Visa by going to the Immigration Department with the proper documents and 21 day stay remaining, meaning you have up to 9 days time after your entry. Application fee THB 2,000.- .

    Please note that your Passport need to be valid for at least another 6 month for any Visa application.

    Further info on MFA webpage : http://www.mfa.go.th/web/12.php

    All Embassies/Consulates in SEA will issue only Single Entry Tourist Visas.

    Please be reminded to apply for a Re-entry permit before you leave during your stay on a Tourist Visa , otherwise your Visa is considered cancelled.

    UPDATE , Travellers who arrive without a Visa

    are required to show a outbound Air Ticket

    proving that they will depart within 30days .



    A couple of clarifications:

    Point (2) - is the six-month period fixed April through Sepember and October through March, or is it variable, dependent on your first entry in these six-month blocks? Is it date dependent, or revert to the beginning of a calander month?

    Point (4) Are you saying that stamp entry days will be awarded up until the end of the six-month block (dependant on answer above in turn), regardless of days resided in that particular block hitherto?


  2. Any pics of her? I might sniff around F. B. if she looks OK. I wouldn't be thinking about the inheritance... Honest!

    They say if you want to see what a woman will be like in later years you should look at her Mother. Have you seen a picture of her Mother ? Best try elswhere unless you have pretentions about attending the ugly bug ball.

    Nah, get the divorce settlement before that nightmare kicked in!

  3. Air travelers in Thailand advised to use clear plastic bags for carry-on toiletries

    What's already in place on all airports in Europe will now come to Thailand as well:

    The Associated PressPublished: April 19, 2007

    BANGKOK, Thailand: Travelers using Thailand's airports will soon be barred from carrying bottled water on planes and will have to pack their carry-on toiletries in transparent plastic bags, the civil aviation department said Thursday.

    The new rules are expected to take effect in May, with a precise date still pending formal approval by the Ministry of Transport, said Chaisak Angkasuwan, the director-general of the Department of Civil Aviation




    What a colossal stupidity all this is. Just shows what a damage TV (television) can do to the population of the planet and to their brains.

    It all originated from UK, I am sad to see that. Their airport staff watch the same rubbish shows and got excited.

    A total nonsense. Most of the time the security staff in carry-on x-ray are not even looking at their screens (suvinaphumi), so this measure is pointless. As it was in UK, where you can even bypass the shoe-scanner (LHR T3) now (I did, as the floor was disgusting and did not wish to walk on it in my socks) by simply walking off!

    Gesture politics in the name of security...

  4. Why it should be different with US ans USD ?

    because no country ever had the political AND military clout the U.S. has and will have for a few decades to come. the last hundred years and especially the last few years have demonstrated clearly that the Greatest Nation on Earth™ will not hesitate to act as it pleases and when it seems favourable.

    for an experienced investor is does not really matter which way the USD is heading even when holding USD denominated assets. there are many ways to hold USD and protecting the investment value seen from the perspective of different currencies.

    Being a little tounge-in-cheek, you could also point out that no country has ever accumulated a trade and budget deficit of the proportion of the US has at this time.. The whole shooting match has an Enron feel about it. The Texan goon is looking and sounding more like Ken Lay every day!

  5. Thailand hits bottom of regional economies

    BANGKOK: -- Thailand currently occupies the lowest rung on Southeast Asia's economic growth ladder after a poor 2006 performance, according to a United Nations report which forecasts even lower expansion this year.

    The report, released on Wednesday, said that the kingdom achieved only 5.0 per cent GDP growth in 2006, compared to its 4.5 per cent growth in 2005.

    While the Thai economy rose marginally, the forecast for the coming year is that Thai GDP growth is expected to be lower in 2007 than 2006, at 4.7 per cent, pressure for the baht's appreciation will likely continue, and investment looks gloomy, with only Indonesia performing more poorly in the region.

    The United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNEscap) in its annual economic and social survey, "Surging Ahead in Uncertain Times", unveiled in a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand, noted that for the eighth year the region grew faster in regard to economy than any other region worldwide, registering 7.9 per cent growth in 2006, up from 7.6 per cent in 2005, but that Thailand isn't in the same picture.

    --TNA 2007-04-19

    And these figures are before the effect of new visa regulations, the FBA, property bubble, currency control debacle, the Coup, Bangkok bombings et al. One wonders how disasterous the figures for the current year will be! :o

  6. :o:D "the collapse".

    Glad you find it so funny. Your compatriates that actually have to live, work and do business here do not and your attitude, whilst insulated by life in USA makes them sick... :D

    Judging by the way you interpretted that post of mine, you obviously aren't one of the shrapest tools in the shed.

    Let me try again: "the collapse" :D

    Hmmm. The emoticon you used was the lol (laugh out loud). How is this misunderstood?? It seems I interpretted (sic) your post in the shrapest (sic) state of mind, but you simply have no clue what you are talking about. Give up before you embarass youself and ashame your countrymen (that actually live here) still further...

  7. for those of you keeping score at home:

    Backflip: 0

    Thaigoon: 0

    Reality: 1

    2007 YOY #'s will be worse


    That's an overall picture. It doesn't mean that every single property is struggling to sell. (I hope even you can understand what an "average" means.) I also was talking specifically about the story in the OP. To me, I didn't get any sense of deperation from the sellers' part at all.

    Like K. Samran said, "If things were desperate, they be jumping (figuratively) all over you."

    I wish the "average" number of posts per day you spew out would decrease...

    Perhaps you should take a bloody plane back to this town and see for yourself the collapse, rather than pontificating from afar about matters you you are ignorant of!

  8. Surprised that no-one has pointed out that Ford is also the auto company with the distinction of having the largest losses for the last 3-years. The idea that it has any funds to "invest" after having to pawn all its factories last year for loans is actually laughable.

    Actually, no, upon thinking about it, I suppose Ford goes hand-in-hand with Thai economics!! :o

  9. As I said previously :

    -the BOT is buying something (USD) that is just loosing value, every day.

    that is what most asian central banks do since decades lead by China, Japan and Taiwan. are these central bankers all losers or do they act with a certain rationale in mind?

    If I am not mistaken, the volume of USD purchases has increased by BOT exponentially during the last 6-months at the very time that China, Japan etc have divested their USD holdings to EURO and GBP???

  10. Today super rich gave 69.20 GBP - THB at 17.20, as opposed to 69.05 first thing today and the weekend (holiday) rate of 68.20. Spread was narrow (buy was 69.50 at 17.20). Offshore widened to 65.135 (BBC)

    OK Sterling has had a good day all-round, but I think realisation is setting in. My bets on 75.5 GBP - THB by 01/06/07, then a gradual drop from then to about 88. Comments anyone?

  11. You folks sure don't have much of a life. Posting propaganda in hopes of a "net war."

    I know now why you are soo bitter.

    Oh the irony... :D

    PS. I have a Thai g/f. She's a doctor in Thailand. :D

    PPS. Steve, you were so right. As soon as Songkran is over, they are back!!! :D :D

    I know, we discussed you and your wierd ideas in bed tonight... :o

  12. We've covered MNCs long time ago, I think there were only a few that will be affected as most of them are either under BOI or industry specific laws, like DTAC.

    Not true. MNCs are in many sectors, not only in BOI promotable sectors or industries covered by specific laws. Even in these cases many need to operate auxilliary businesses that are excluded for BOI privileges or specific laws. In any case what will be the position of, say, a telecoms company 49% owned by foreigners who have 60% of the votes after the amendments to the FBA are passed? The Telecommunications Act restricts foreign ownership to 49% but doesn't mention voting rights. So will that be OK?

    Quite so. A friend, who is the MD of a very large MNC in Thailand (US owned) has said that the latest version, if implimented, will result in a pull-out of Thailand.. Apparently this is true of a number of other US-owned MNC's, according to private discussions at the last US Chamber function :o

  13. I'm currently in Kansas, USA. I'm planing to fly back to Thailand this summer and haven't booked my tickets yet. I plan to leave preferably in mid-June, which is during the high season. Also, I have tried thaifly.com and had some issues with it so I'm looking for alternatives. I have checked many sites like expedia and cheaptickets and their prices are way high. So if anybody have any websites or travel agencies that offer good services and fair prices will be awesome!!

    Thanks for sharing

    Er. Thailand in June is low season... :o

    expedia, lastminute and ebookers usually have the cheapest options

  14. Not claiming any authoritative status, but my understanding is that 2 is closest. I believe that the banks for example will be open tomorrow. I think the idea was to stretch the return traveling window but it was so last minute I'm not sure how it'll play out.

    Of course the same thing was done last year for the Royal Celebrations.


    Presumably the Post Offices are shut then?

  15. Hello Ladies,

    I'll be travelling to Thailand alone in June for the first time and I'm a little nervous about safety etc. I've travelled alone before but I've been around a lot of paranoid people lately whom assume that I'll get kidnapped, sold into prostitution etc...

    I know this is extremely far-fetched and I'm interested in hearing about experiences from women whom have been there.

    I'm a very petite 25 year-old who has been cursed to look "cute" like a pixie. I'm assuming that the men in the hostels I'm staying at will be the biggest problem.

    Any thoughts on travelling alone as a woman?

    Also, are pads available there? Are there normally trash bins near the toilets to dispose of them? I'll be on Ko Tao and another island for over a month and I'm assuming that western toilets won't be available.

    And speaking of toilets...Is it hard to find public toilets?

    Thanks for any and all help.


    Hi Christine

    From my experience of traveling alone in Thailand, (and also female), you will never really be “alone”, you’ll always hook up with people doing the same thing as you. In fact, in a way it’s better as you will meet more people.

    As for safety – yes I personally found Thailand to be safer than London (home). I am petite as well and a similar age and don't think it is an issue.

    Chill out and look forward to it. Goodluck!

    All these petite young felang girls in town?? Can you post where you all hang out? :o

  16. Only a dimwit would try any argue that things are not crashing around our ears...

    On my part, I cancelled March's order for export (normally $20K) and have negotiated an 18% discount on April so that the Thai supplier can ship what they are now desparate to sell...

  17. Being an army recruiter gave me a real opportunity take talentless Americans that have absolutely no skills, a 12th grade education (sometimes GED), and find them jobs where they were trained and assigned to a duty positions doing a job they never did before.

    God does he go on... :o

    I think a movie is in order - Richard can star as Rambo, Rocky, the whole Mission Impossible team, XXX and now - Kindergarten Cop!!! :D

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