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Posts posted by bkkandrew

  1. Next question?

    From the Economic Intelligence Unit (The world leader in global business intelligence, so they say :D - May 15th, 2007:

    Economic forecast

    Reflecting the surprisingly strong export performance (of Thailand) in the first quarter of 2007, combined with particularly weak import growth, the Economist Intelligence Unit has revised upwards its GDP growth forecast for this year to 4.5% from 4% previously.


    I wonder why all the BoT fuss about the too strong baht and capital inflows then.

    The fact is that exports are double digits rising in $ value, but almost stable in THB value.

    To keep exporting many firms had to accept to work at loss. This is expecially true for agroindustrial (CPF,GFPT,STA) and garment (UF,UT) that suffer Vietnam competition.

    Of course they cannot work at loss forever so we can expect export firms to close their lower added value productions and focus on higher segments (if they have)

    you have hit the nail on its head.

    Thailand is is a very strong dilema because of different factors at the same Time.

    1. thailand wants forign investments. however Thailand wants direct investments and even gives benefits to investors through the BOI. on the other hand Thailand does not want "hot mony" of large Hedge funds coming in bulks and apreaciating the Baht. As such the capital inflow controlls. to avoid short term hot money. or at least an attempt to do it.

    2. The ones who are crying about this are mainly those who wish to speculate and find reasons to blaim it on the BOT and political unrest.(you got to balme someone) and they are the ones that stand to loose for this.

    serious investors are coming in on daily basis and investing all the time. do you think that those investors are not aware of the political climate or the Risks?? so why are they investing? because Thailand ’s medium to long-term prospects remain strong due to sound macroeconomic fundamentals and they know it.

    I have seen some post on this thread alarming that Lehman Brothers predicting a great future are wrong... :o

    so Lehman Brothers one of the world bigest firms just dont get it and they invest billions into long term investments in Thailand..I can go on and on about those large investments only in the last month but i think the picture is clear.

    medium long term investments are pouring in.. Short term, hot money,speculative and small time investments are not coming... and use the media and even Thai Visa forum to weep and bitch about how unfair it is.

    2. the Thai economy is highly dependent on exports,with exports of agriculture, as well as of labor-intensive and machinery manufacturers. The economies of Thailand ’s trading partners are expected to slow down mainly USA , thus reducing demands for Thai exports. So a stronger Thai baht will contribute even further to the export problem. the Thai baht is allready strong enough and it is hurting exports, As such the goverment is intialising support for those sectors. and this is exactly what they should be doing.

    3. the laws and debate regarding the FBA have been debated in length on another thread. and the Thai point of view remains the same. Thailand does not want small time investments compeating wioth locals. they would like to see large investments run by serious investors and they even have a list of very generous incentives for those investors through the BOI. Thailand does not wish to have small time investors opening a bar or a resteraunts.

    This action is naturaly not favored by those coming to thailand and wanting to open up a small business.

    4. Thailand is not restricting forigners by Visas. they request that forigners coming to stay in thailand for other then travel and tourist have a valid visa according to the purpose of the stay.

    Thailand does not want forigners going in and out on "visa on arrival" and using it to constantly to stay in Thailand.

    Thailand want to have retiree coming for long stay but they need to prove that they can have financial ability to stay in thailand. and the ones that wish to do business need to have a business visa and a work permit.

    if you wish to work in Thailand you need a work permit as you do in every western country.

    to sum it up Thailand is on the right way (I am going to get a lot of answers on this on :D ) as long as they can avoid the hot money from hege funds, recruit investors that are big investors in direct investment, and get only wealthy law obbiding forigners to come and live here.

    You must be the only person in Thailand that thinks Thailand is on "the right way" to anywhere! :D

  2. Hi,

    This has been in place at least since 23 April (when I last flew from BKK) for flights to Australia.

    Practically, it means allowing yourself some leeway at the departure gate because everybody has to queue up and allow airport authorities to go through your hand luggage where they then have to put all such containers in the re-sealable bag.

    I say bag (singular) because when I travelled it was only 1 re-sealable bag per person and these bags are about 20 x 16cm in size so not that big.

    I had my tootpaste confiscated but I found the public searching of my toiletries to be annoying. They also took my nice cold bottle of water which got me more annoyed. Worst of all they told me I could not bring my duty free purchased bottle of Jameson on board (thankfully I didn't have to purchase any perfumes for anybody). Fortunately, I had sufficient time to go back through x-ray security and get a refund. I did have to queue up again and be searched a second time.

    Two things that may happen as a result of this new directive is that airport duty free will take a hit where it hurts and some people may get dehydrated or at least uncomfortable after having to surrender their bottled water.

    Everybody will have an opinion on whether this is a good or bad thing. I know what mine is... :o

    I flew on 25th April to Abu Dhabi and saw no evidence of this, had liquids on me and there were no queues at the baggage screening check... :D

  3. By some miracle we made it to 5th Place again. Bloody great! :D

    Personally, I can’t help feeling there was a lot of luck that enabled us top reach that elevated position. There were quiet a few games we won, which by rights we probably should have lost. If luck had gone against us, we could have easily ended up 8th and out of Europe.

    Last year, it was the opposite – we threw away a lot of games we should have won, and there is no doubt that we should have ended up 4th.

    Earlier in the season, I bemoaned the managerial skills of Martin Jol, and was subsequently forced to eat my words as he put a series of wins together that took us a long way in Europe and in The FA cup – and ultimately to 5th Place.

    I suppose I should eat humble pie, and say ‘Well done, Jol’. But I won’t.

    One of the pundits on ESPN feels that Jol has taken Spurs as far as he can, and we now need a more inspirational manager if we’re ever going to break into the top 4 and get some more silverware.

    I agree. I think Jol lucked out this season and may well take us backwards next year – despite having an excellent squad at his disposal.

    I know I’m being controversial, but it’s good to have a nice, intelligent debate. :D

    What say you Spurs supporters out there? :D


    (50 years plus, long suffering, supporter…..)

    On the contrary. I feel more positive now that in any close season for 17-odd years. One should think about how you would feel after successive 5th places, with good domestic and Euro cup runs to boot, during past regimes (Hoddle/Graham/Gross etc.) Yes, it would have been a fantasy, but now it is reality. Even the dour Alan Hanson said on the final premiership MOTD of the season, that Spurs were the only club able to break into the top four next season...

    Myself, I think third or fourth a year from now... :o

  4. Cyber porno more popular during the past three months among adolescents

    An academic of the Mahidol University and member the Committee for Safe and Constructive Media indicates that sexually-explicit content in the Internet has gained more popularity among Thai adolescents during the past three months.

    The Mahidol University’s academic, Itthiphol Preetiprasong (อิทธิพล ปรีติประสงค์) says the situation of cyber pornography in Thailand is in crisis due to the popularity of sexually-explict conversations and actions found in many ten thousands of websites. In addition, Mr Itthiphol says he was reported of an astonishing fact that most customers of obscene audio-text businesses are children and adolescents.

    Mr Itthiphol adds that nowadays the majority of media content via television contains inappropriate relationships between men and women, aggressive behaviors, rude words, and materialism. Moreover, he blames printed media, including women’s magazines, which publish photographs of actresses wearing inappropriate dress, of being responsible for present social problems.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 14 May 2007

    So the crackdown really worked then! :o

  5. Jet fuel isn't explosive like gasoline...

    Remember the TWA flight that exploded over Long Island (I think shortly after 9/11)? In addition to the theory that a terrorist might have brought down the jet with a hand-held rocket launcher, wasn't the other theory that some kind of electrical spark/ignition in the wing's electrical circuits blew up the fuel and brought down the jet? Witnesses recounted seeing a fireball in the sky. How does that theory mesh with your above statement? Help me here.

    No, I believe that this crash was due to rudder failure, attributed to incorrect training to pilots on how to correct turbulance caused by flying in another aircraft.s wake...

  6. My own two pennies worth was that, some years ago, I witnessed for the first time the 'carousel' of providing gifts to monks (bowls of everyday basic items) at the end of some event for the bowl and contents to be then carried to a nearby shop for resale and the dosh handed over to - the monks!. I was the only felang at present, so kept my own counsel, but clocked the scam and have seen similar at every temple orchastrated event since... :o

    The Thais, by contrast, simply lap it up and believe that they are providing basic items for the robed lot to make merit for themselves! :D

  7. 23 mc. leave the kite pulling ( chak wow ) insults out or you will be relegated....alreeet?


    Come on Chon - he could not even spell it right!

    Anyway, any room for a predicter for Leeds in League 2 in 08/09, given the points deduction?

    OK, I'll leave for the Spurs Forum :o

  8. To be fair (as I always am), the quote from Thaigoon should have also contained "my Thai friends and I still respect white students. We know that not" at the start, to give the full context. Regardless, it is still a comment that would be construed as racist by most and is probably banned by your college, for example.

    Gosh, I hope your not using one of their computers to spread racist thoughts...

    Which college do you attend again? :o:D:D

  9. Right, not to labour the point, as I know English is not your first language, but I was talking about the common denominator....

    Yeah, I was talking about the common denominator. Trust me. :o

    And Reasontobecheerful, one more thing. Even with those experiences, my Thai friends and I still respect white students. We know that not all white folks are what you call white trash or what we call kwais. We understand that a small sample of white people we had experiences studying with can't really represent the entire white population. We also understand that it has very little to do with race. :D :D

    Hmmm. Common denominator means the entity (in this case person) common (i.e. that by it is noted by its presence) to all threads containing such flames. You are that man and spraying multiple usernames as fellow culprits reinforces the point I am making...

    Not sure on the point you were making regarding race, but saying "all white folks are what you call white trash or what we call kwais" in any post would be regarded as racist by most dispassionate onlookers...

  10. Just wondering, why does every thread that Thaigoon starts or participates in in a significant way descends into a flame war very quickly? :D

    Bonus prize for the TV member who spots the common denominator... :o

    Yeah, notice the names of the posters in those threads? Brilliant minds like Bkkandrew, Cdnvic, Alexth, BingoBongo, Dakhar, Think too Mut, Jaasreeves (spelling?) Hmmm I wonder why. :D:D

    Right, not to labour the point, as I know English is not your first language, but I was talking about the common denominator....

  11. A friend wants me to exchange old (pre silver strip) 1000 and 500 Baht notes for him. Are both type of notes still in general circulation? I think the 1000 baht notes are but can't remember the 500 baht notes? This shows the dangers of Sang Thip! :o

    Not had trouble with old 50's, so I guess old 500's would be the same...?

  12. My dentist @ Thantakit speaks English real well.. Shes hot too :o

    The dentist at Pratunam, next to the 7/11, walking from Pratunam Centre to Indra Regent, spoke good english, was hot and did a good job very cheap. Was about 4 years ago though, but I walk past most days and little seems to have changed about the place

  13. I haven't tried it yet, but from what I hear, from both experts and ordinary users, Vista sucks big time. It looks good from what I've only seen , but I am not planning on using it until late 2008. I might be wrong, but all people I know have uninstalled it and switched back to XP. I also agree with bkkandrew here, I've previously used Win 2k and it was the most stable OS I've seen. Win 98SE was also a great one and now, finally XP seems good and improving (sometimes) :o

    Not to say much faster, spec for spec!

  14. So my building was built not that long ago, on sukhumvit not far from asok. it is a low cost place but very nicely located so a good deal.

    has some things not so good about it but one thing that interests me - since I live on the top floor, is that the elevator has no certificate of inspection, or whatever it is you want to call it, on the wall.

    i thought about it and i thought all elevators had to post those. is that true? they cut all they could in terms of costs to build this place to keep it inexpensive, is it possible they are skipping elevator codes in some way?? or is it common to not post those certificates in every case, maybe just keep them filed on site.

    the only other place i can recall now that did not have a license was in russia in my apt there, but it WAS a death trap! likely though, i am just nuts - what else is new :o

    The walk up the stairs will keep you fit! :D

  15. Bought a new laptop with Vista. Vista sucks so bad it finally pushed me over the edge and I went out and bought a Macbook. Gorgeous!

    Anybody wanting a nearly-new Vaio at a discounted price, pm me!

    Why didnt you just wipe it, and add XP Pro? :o

    They may not have the XP Pro drivers for that notebook if it is a new one just for Vista...

  16. about that nuclear power station ................................................

    Official CNS Answer: But that would be totally different because we have learnt the lesson, security guards will be increased blah blah blah...

    Real Answer: Fingers crossed they don't misfire their new rocket at the plant!

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