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Posts posted by bkkandrew

  1. I'm trying to get the Thai name for the herb sage "Salvia Officinalis" I believe it might be Yah Han Noo. Any assistance appreciated.

    Salvia, is that not the 'legal' alternative to pot? :o:D

  2. As I understand it, the $ is weak, for whatever reason, and China and Japan have been supporting the $ to keep their exports competitive. When you say that the USA has no intention of supporting the $ you make it sound like it is deliberate. However without Chinese support the $ would plunge and there would a massive shock to the world economy. Or am I wrong about this?

    On my part. I'm not US bashing but think that the $ will decline for a few years to come as China lowers its support for the $. Personally I have made investments along the lines that things will continue as they are for a few more years at least, albeit with a gradually declining $.

    i don't think it's correct to speak of "support". it should be "keeping their currencies intentionally undervalued", and that by different means. as for China and Japan (and some other countries) buying USTs and adding them to their reserves there is NO other way. the lion share of their trade surpluses is in dollars and this surpluses canNOT be thrown on the market (as some naive persons suggest).

    As I know you to be a very wise analyser of such matters, I rarely take issue with any of your posts, but it is the case that, economically, there is no reason for not putting accumulated USD assets (held by China/Japan), in fact, a macroeconomist's view would be that such a sale was essential to correct the currency value/trade deficit imbalance that the accumulation supported...

  3. jsut because you dont believe in fortune telling doesnt mean that it doesnt work or isnt valid. i have based many life decisions on fortune tellers. i actually gave up my second child for adoption because it was going to be unlucky. my next two children were both predicted to be very great people and that has turned out correct so far. the one who went to adoption has had problems ever since, which goes to show you.

    And you are simply a nutcase... Actually an uncaring assh*le, who abandoned a child. Shame on you!

  4. Got to share this.

    Get text from friend. P*ss up from 2pm today. Eat Cafe 22 (proper English fry-up - B130), Bars in 22, Washington Square, off to Beer Garden, then 7/1, then back to 22. Girls aplenty, play pool, great service, cheap as (except dimwits at Pickles), meet g/f in thai restaurant at midnight in back-of-beyond, owner takes care, eat fish, some rice and noodles, drinking whisky. B380 bill.

    I complain about many things here (posts passim), but credit where credit's due. I love Thailand!

  5. Death Threat to Thaksin Thickens Political Plot

    In Thailand, there have been ‘'self-coups'' in the past or ‘'coups by the military leaders in power, launched against themselves to clear up a messy issue,'' he says. ‘'It is not a coup by an outside force.''

    Source: IPS - 15 June 2007

    You know, only in Thailand could there be so many varieties of Coup d'etat, all it seems with their own names, such as 'pattiwat', 'pattiroop', 'pattowang'.

    If only they put as much effort into running a country as they do dreaming up (and giving nomenclature to) ways to have a Coup!


  6. reality is delicious.......have a taste "defenders of the realm"


    Business leaders say economic stimulus measures are failing

    Pramon Sutivong, the chamber's chairman, said foreign companies would continue delayed projects but would wait for a clearer political situation before initiating new investments.


    How interesting that Pramon Sutivong says this, whilst The deputy prime minister said "that none of the American companies planned to reduce or postpone their investment here." See http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...=125465&hl=

    So who is right? Maybe they should meet! :o

  7. How can the thai economy be in crisis when it is sitting on 70 billion usd foreign currency reserves?

    that equate to nearly 3 million baht for every thai person in country (fro kerriste sake don tell them that :o

    Let's see, 70 billion dollars, about 65 million people, that makes a little over $1000 reserve per person, lets just say 40,000 baht per Thai. A very healthy reserve situation, but now quite 3 million baht per person. Let me guess, English teacher, right?

    But this figure is not, of course, net of Govt. debt (Gilts, bonds etc...)

    I have no figures fror this, but would expect net debt to far exceed the reserves figure, as it does in most countries.

  8. My goodness, what a poisened chalice of a job!

    Right, here goes the pitch:

    So Mr CEO, you are concerned that investing in Thailand would be risky?

    Well, I can reassure you that everything is fine, nothing to worry about, apart from being under military dictatorship, imminent threats of another Coup d'etat, death threats against former leaders, ruinous currency control measures and uncompetitive rate, crashing share prices, violence in the South, a bombing campaign in the capital within the last 6-months, downward growth YOY and prejections, disarray over whether you can actually own your investment if you are a foreigner...

    CEO - what about the rumour that the capital (and new airport) will be under water in 10-years?

    Is that the time? I must be off...

    No, no!  wake up man, its all been a bad dream. Were you not listening everthing is fine :D

    Perhaps that is what the hapless soul left to carry out this hard sell will say to the CEOs! :o

  9. My goodness, what a poisened chalice of a job!

    Right, here goes the pitch:

    So Mr CEO, you are concerned that investing in Thailand would be risky?

    Well, I can reassure you that everything is fine, nothing to worry about, apart from being under military dictatorship, imminent threats of another Coup d'etat, death threats against former leaders, ruinous currency control measures and uncompetitive rate, crashing share prices, violence in the South, a bombing campaign in the capital within the last 6-months, downward growth YOY and prejections, disarray over whether you can actually own your investment if you are a foreigner...

    CEO - what about the rumour that the capital (and new airport) will be under water in 10-years?

    Is that the time? I must be off...

  10. With the generals seizing assets like crazy they have plenty to hand out to cash-starved generals who would oppose them. No coup coming...

    you make it sound like sonthi moved into thaskin's house and driving his car.

    No, he's just sleeping with his wife.

    Now that is above and beyond the call of duty - a fate worse than death indeed! :D:o

  11. Thailand : Garment exports likely to slow down

    June 8, 2007

    Garment exports in the first 4 months of 2007 were valued at US $910.3 million, falling 5.9 percent from the same period of last year. The export value in the last half of this year also looks worrisome because the economy of the US, which is a key importer, is showing a slowing trend.

    Moreover, the Baht’s exchange value which has been rising since the end of 2006 and will have a severe impact in the last half of this year, limiting the aggregate value of Thailand’s garment exports for the entirety of 2007 around $3,050 million, a growth falling to around 5 percent compared to 2006, when exports grew 1.7 percent.

    This is the first time the export value has fallen in around 4 years since 2003. The initial export figures of the Ministry of Commerce show that Thailand’s garment exports in the first 4 months of 2007 had fallen in the key category of garments.

    rest here:



    Well, I was one. 2006 garment exports from Thailand were B3,200,000, 2007 was nil, nada, nothing. Cannot be bothered with their nonsense.

    Maybe will give them a chance on a B26M order in October, but will force a big discount to compensate for hassles. Oh, and by the way, my days in Thailand have fallen from 20 per month to 10 now, thanks to the brilliant Visa rules, but I guess I am not a "quality" visitor.

    I don't suppose there are any other export agents like me in Thailand, so my actions must be unique... :D:o:D

  12. It is simpler to plod on with an ageing fleet, and raise your prices to customers, but you gradually lose loyal customers to the competition.

    Thai Air's fleet age is actually about the same as many other "first world" fleets such as BA, JAL, Air Canada, Alitalia, Delta, Northwest, etc.

    Which is why I fly with none of the above... :o

  13. To clarify.

    New Phetburi is a bit of a mess, as the construction next to it causes major traffic disruption. From Pratunam end, turn left on Phetburi and the Hotel is on the right, major landmark (that taxi drivers will know) is the infamous Plaza Entertainment Complex, AKA 'Cupids' massage, massive 20-story building, next to Prince Hotel. They are linked by sub-soi, so best bet is go to Plaza, then carry on to Prince.

    That is, if you dont want to wait a couple of hours at Cupids for a soapy... :o

  14. Clearly you are not used to decent craft, service etc...

    In respect of the 30 years vs 18, I was giving an impression, but even THAI now admit that 18 YO is far too old...

    Do you drive an 18 year old car? :o

    Last time I checked, a car didn't cost in the region of 20 million $, so I think somewhat less lifetime is expected...a well-maintained plane can last a long time, the Jumbos are very reliable and until the A380 comes out quite irreplaceable in what they can do.

    As for service...name one carrier that has better service. Do you mean in the air or on the ground? One of the major reasons people fly TG is because of their service, which has won many awards and truly is world-class, in my opinion (though other aspects of the airline clearly aren't)

    Travelling every two weeks LHR to BKK and vice versa for 7-years, I feel able to comment that the planes are old, smelly and shoddy, the service is poor and there is no entertainment system. If you are happy with this, then fine, more room on the aircraft I travel on now!

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