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Posts posted by bkkandrew

  1. Amended Foreign Business Act may have negative impact, says KRC

    BANGKOK: -- Foreign investor concerns over Thailand's amended Foreign Business Act may affect confidence and carry a negative impact in long-term, according to a report issued by Kasikorn Research Centre.

    The KRC report said future foreign investment in this country may be affected as foreign investors do not have full confidence on details and could interpret the revised act in a negative way. The revised version

    of the act could also erode foreign investor confidence on the Thai government's economic policy.

    On April 10, the Cabinet endorsed the amendment to the Foreign Business Act which allowed companies engaged in restricted business sectors a grace period of three years in compliance with a limit of 49.9 per cent on foreign shareholders' voting rights in Thai companies from two years earlier.

    Nominee shareholders are subject to higher penalties to prevent wrongdoing and to boost good governance in business operations.

    Prasit Kovilaikool, minister attached to the Prime Minister's Office, has said that the interim government had forwarded the amendment to the National Legislative Assembly and deliberations could take place this


    The KRC said the government needed to urgently explain the revised amendment of foreign investment and to also issue necessary measures to shore up foreign investor confidence.

    Telecom and property listed firms whose major shares are held by transnational companies through nominees are expected to be especially affected by the amendment, according to the report.

    The Stock Exchange of Thailand has projected that about 15 listed firms would be initially affected by the revised foreign business amendment.

    --TNA 2007-04-15

    Amended Foreign Business Act may have negative impact, says KRC

    This could be filed in the same catagory as "Pope is Catholic shock" and "bears sometimes don't use public conveniences expose" :o

  2. Good Idea!

    Lets do something like that.

    e could do up some signs in thai about the rasism and the amount of money we bring into the country and childish treatment of rich white foreigners.

    I bought a house here 2 years ago and since then changed to 30 year lease. the 3x30 year lease is just a lie, another thai trick that they screw us over on.

    I'm so embarrassed by Thais now, i really am.

    Anyway I earn about 800,000 a year from back in England have a house here but am still treated like a black in america a hundred years ago.

    I always tell them back home when asked ever to come her to go to any other asian country instead. They are all about the same except for the blatant racism and fake childish lies and scams in thailand are worse.

    If it wasn't for the long term girl i would never set foot in this rasist place again. maybe we will break up soon and i'll be free, free i tell you, free.

    Embarrassing Thailand. Embarrassed for them.

    Harsh, but I am ashamed to say, verging on truth... :o

  3. Thailand does have the skill base to do these things. What they might be lacking in is the leadership to accomplish this.
    No it doesn't.
    Speculation. There are enough high tech capable students out there in excellent universities who only need to be recruited and taught to do the job.
    No it isn't speculation. Even India is lightyears ahead in these fields. Facts I'm afraid.
    Speculation, you can't possibly know where and why the vast majorities of Thai engineers and scientist are located in the world.
    It's basic economics and common sense, not guesswork! The most skilled Thai engineers and scientists either work overseas or for foreign companies. Not all of them obviously, but the cream of the crop certainly. There's a significant chance they were educated and given those opportunities abroad also.
    Thailand seems to be able to copy HIV drugs from other countries. I'd imagine this is no small feat. There are more than 70 million Thai's here in Thailand. To think they are all rice farmers is a bit narrow minded. It wouldn't be too difficult to grab the best Thai minds and put them in a think tank to create a weapons system. If they are able to create a better product, then I can see Thailand in a business showdown selling their product to the rest of the world.
    Nice strawman argument there claiming I said all Thais were nothing more than rice farmers which of course I did not imply. I said there is cheap labour in certain sectors but not in high tech fields to the degree that a project of the magnitude you are suggesting could be successfully undertaken. Thailand does not have the resources of highly skilled labour to compete in these fields against the existing players. A simple fact.

    Your assumption that Thailand would be able to compete within this industry shows so little understanding or knowledge of said industry it would be almost impossible to debate with you.

    Sorry mate, I don't mean to sound condascending but it is a laughable fantasy.

    Not sure how I can argue with such an expert on Thailand that you seem to be (or think you are). Being a former Patriot Missile System Reparier and Patriot Instructor my knowledge on the subject are probably not as good as yours (whatever it may be). Also, being a detailed U.S. Army recruiter, I'm sure my expierence recruiting high quality candidates for highly technical military professions cannot compete with where you think all the really smart people are in or out of Thailand and what they are doing.

    It wouldn't be that difficult to recruit the skill base needed for a project like this as long as the funds were avaliable to entice them to do the job.

    Your arguments are based on speculation and not fact. Mine are based on expierence and fact.

    Just what the thread needs- an ex/present/future, CIA/FBI/Secret Service, Special unit/undercover/underpants, gung-ho yank spouting off... :o

  4. I left Suvarnabhumi just a few hours ago and had a really strange experience at immigrations. Firstly, they have a new brochure on the counter of each cubicle outlining the new visa rules and in particular the 90 day in 180 day thing. When I get to where I am going I will scan one and post it here.

    The unusual bit was that I am on a three year non-imm B that expired in March this year. I have no Visa on entry stamps in my passport. They told me, and their english was as poor as my thai, not to come back without a new non-immigrant B. They asked if I had a work permit (affirmative) and then told me I could not get a tourist or visa on entry. Without a non B, dont come back.

    Will scan the brochure and post later.

    Yes - come to think of it I was offered the brochure and threw it back whilst my rant was in full swing (well his writing was in red...). Regrettable now, but if you post the contents, that would be good!

  5. If your first visa exempt entry was early October, before about the 14th, it very likely was a notation that you have used the first entry of a new six month period.

    It was (the 4th of October), so guess you are right. I think that I 'went on the attack' perhaps too soon with the poor bloke. Maybe thats why he stammered and wobbled at my diatribe!! :o

    Poor bloke must have wondered why I was so het-up about good news!!

    On a more serious point, this, I guess, definitively throws out any idea of a rolling 6-month period, in favour of 6-month blocks running Oct - Mar and April to Oct?

  6. As bad as it sounds, with progress comes change. When the car arrived, the horse and buggie went away. When the CD player appeared, record player manufactures went away or changed their manufacturing process to create CDs.

    If the small mom and pop shops don't want to change to compete with Tesco, then they will go away too. When I say change, I mean change their business strategy to something that attracts customers. Just putting up a sign that says "Mom and Pops Shop" just doesn't do it anymore.

    Thailand on more than one ocasion has been accused of copyright infringment. Here is a great opportunty to do it again.

    Copy what Tesco does and the Thai's can take business from Tesco. Do business like the always do and they will fade away like the horse and buggy business faded away.

    Exactly my point. Glad you made it - I'm off out to silly street! :o:D

  7. Tesco to invest $217.4m in Thailand expansion

    (MENAFN) Officials at the Thai unit of Tesco Lotus, Britain's largest retailer, said that the company is planning to invest about $217.4 million on expanding in Thailand through adding 60 stores to its existing 260 stores in the South Asian country by the end of the current year 2007, Reuters reported.

    The officials indicated that the company is planning to expand its presence in Thailand, despite the governments efforts on inserting changes into the law governing the retail sector in the wake of demands by small shop owners that the spread of superstores be controlled.

    Tesco Lotus, which runs 56 hypermarkets, competes in the convenience store market with C.P. 7-Eleven, Thailand's biggest chain with about 4,000 stores and plans to add 450 this year. In the hypermarket sector, it competes with French-owned Carrefour with 24 hypermarkets and Big C Supercenter, which has 49 and aims to add four new stores in 2007.




    "He declined to say how many hypermarkets were in the plan, a sensitive question in Thailand at the moment, or say how much it cost to open a standard 300 square meter (3,230 sq ft) Tesco Lotus Express convenience store.

    "We plan about 7 billion baht for the overall expansion this year," he said as the government works on changes to the law governing the retail sector in the wake of demands by small shop owners that the spread of superstores be controlled. "

    "The Thai government is still working on amendments to the retail law aimed at superstores and rejected initial proposals last month as too vague.

    The Commerce Ministry, which is redrafting the proposals, has promised public hearings before they are resubmitted to cabinet."




    Do you really need to ask..think about the poor little shop keeper..the same will happen as has in england..it will take a while..shut the little man down and then push up the price..there is no help for the unemployed in Thailand!

    Abject rubbish...

    I suppose you enjoy poking around in the infested, out-of-date-stock-filled mom and pop hovels? :bah:

    And, since you mentioned unemployment in Thailand, the official rate is less than 1% - one of the lowest in the world...

    Facts - they don't half get in the way of opinions! :D:D

    A suppose that you also believe what Tony Blair says!! and more lol

    I use the big supermarkets as well..its very convenient. But just look whats happened to some the UK towns. Whilst progress will happen, it will be at the expense of the poor shop keeper. Thailand only way really forward is education of the mass.........I await comments with interest.

    As I came from a family that owned (and I worked in) a mom-and-pop store (a Mace in Weston-super-Mare to be specific), purchased in 1976, sold (at a loss) in 1985, which was largely destroyed by the W-s-M Tesco opening in 1979, I feel well qualified to comment. And yes, on balance, things move on, customers vote with their feet.

    Interestingly, of the employees, they went on to the following:

    My mum - went self-employed as a bookkeeper;

    Grandad - Retired;

    Nan - Ditto;

    Dad - went to work in Westland Helecopters;

    Uncle - went to work.... - For Tesco!!

    Me - ended up out here.

    Not a bad result all round :bah:

    You and your family were educated..to some degree..yes?..quite an advantage

    Not really - Dad and uncle - dimmer that 20W light bulbs, but hey! :D

    I left school at 15... :o

    Anyway, as irony would have it, my uncle is just retiring from Tesco, after 20-odd years and is in line for a pension far greater than if the status quo had continued! :D

  8. Hmm.

    Had a silly note (I cannot read thai) under my stamp yesterday. Will get someone to read it to me so I can understand tomorrow, maybe also scan and post. When quizzing the Immigration Officer (in thai) about what he had written, he made no sense really, saying it was my first time!?! Since I had more than 50 stamps in the book, 9-odd since October, I thought this an unlikely translation of his scribe. :D This may have been a face-saver when met with a barrage of machine-gun thai from me after I examined the passport once handed back... :o

  9. Adding a thought on the back of CDNVIC's words:-

    - Look at what the Malaysians / Singaporeans are buying, it's pretty upmarket stuff from the top manufacturers. Do the Thais actually think that their homemade systems could ever compete with these US and Soviet systems???

    Of course not. It's a complete waste of money. Their arguments make no sense.

    If they must spend money on missiles, then jump into bed with a hi-tech proven partner, at a fraction of the cost. You will also get a product that will function in the capacity that you require it too.

    A simple scenario - if the Malaysians attack (ridiculous, I know) with their recent US planes, etc, will these Thai missiles be of any use? Errm no. If the Thais had spent a fraction of the cost on Soviet / US / Israeli / French... missiles then would they be of use? Errm yes.

    I think you have hit the nail on the head. The Thai way when presented with a cost for purchase of capital equipment and software is so often to try and "make one ourselves". This usually leads to malfunctioning, illconceived and more costly. Face is saved by lack of interaction with foreigners, so triples all round!!

  10. As has been said, to develope and produce a home grown missile system for purely domestic use is economic nonsense and to step out into the export market they would be in competition with the big US, European, Russian and Chinese players to name but a few.

    Probably their best option is to start off with a licence agreement with one of the big boys, if such a deal is possible in these times of paranoia, to produce and market the items in this region.

    But how many missiles does Thailand use per year or, more importantly, who do they envisage going to war with?

    With more pressing needs it is for sure a crazy :D scheme but then we all remember when Thailand just had to be the first S. E. Asian nation with an aircraft carrier.

    Yeah, why develop our own technology when we can be forever dependent on foreign technology? Why develop anything of our own? Really doesn't make sense. :o

    I look forward (on your logic) to Thai re-inventions of cars, computers and even the wheel, just to break out from being under the yoke of nasty foreign technology :D

  11. Tesco to invest $217.4m in Thailand expansion

    (MENAFN) Officials at the Thai unit of Tesco Lotus, Britain's largest retailer, said that the company is planning to invest about $217.4 million on expanding in Thailand through adding 60 stores to its existing 260 stores in the South Asian country by the end of the current year 2007, Reuters reported.

    The officials indicated that the company is planning to expand its presence in Thailand, despite the governments efforts on inserting changes into the law governing the retail sector in the wake of demands by small shop owners that the spread of superstores be controlled.

    Tesco Lotus, which runs 56 hypermarkets, competes in the convenience store market with C.P. 7-Eleven, Thailand's biggest chain with about 4,000 stores and plans to add 450 this year. In the hypermarket sector, it competes with French-owned Carrefour with 24 hypermarkets and Big C Supercenter, which has 49 and aims to add four new stores in 2007.




    "He declined to say how many hypermarkets were in the plan, a sensitive question in Thailand at the moment, or say how much it cost to open a standard 300 square meter (3,230 sq ft) Tesco Lotus Express convenience store.

    "We plan about 7 billion baht for the overall expansion this year," he said as the government works on changes to the law governing the retail sector in the wake of demands by small shop owners that the spread of superstores be controlled. "

    "The Thai government is still working on amendments to the retail law aimed at superstores and rejected initial proposals last month as too vague.

    The Commerce Ministry, which is redrafting the proposals, has promised public hearings before they are resubmitted to cabinet."




    Do you really need to ask..think about the poor little shop keeper..the same will happen as has in england..it will take a while..shut the little man down and then push up the price..there is no help for the unemployed in Thailand!

    Abject rubbish...

    I suppose you enjoy poking around in the infested, out-of-date-stock-filled mom and pop hovels? :D

    And, since you mentioned unemployment in Thailand, the official rate is less than 1% - one of the lowest in the world...

    Facts - they don't half get in the way of opinions! :o:D

    A suppose that you also believe what Tony Blair says!! and more lol

    I use the big supermarkets as well..its very convenient. But just look whats happened to some the UK towns. Whilst progress will happen, it will be at the expense of the poor shop keeper. Thailand only way really forward is education of the mass.........I await comments with interest.

    As I came from a family that owned (and I worked in) a mom-and-pop store (a Mace in Weston-super-Mare to be specific), purchased in 1976, sold (at a loss) in 1985, which was largely destroyed by the W-s-M Tesco opening in 1979, I feel well qualified to comment. And yes, on balance, things move on, customers vote with their feet.

    Interestingly, of the employees, they went on to the following:

    My mum - went self-employed as a bookkeeper;

    Grandad - Retired;

    Nan - Ditto;

    Dad - went to work in Westland Helecopters;

    Uncle - went to work.... - For Tesco!!

    Me - ended up out here.

    Not a bad result all round :D

  12. Great, just great. Another SEA arms race begins, just like before the '97 crises.

    Soldiers get their expensive toys, another avenue of possible graft is opened, and that in a time of economical difficulties, and budget cuts in elementary civilian programs such as public health services.


    Yeah, that's one way to look at it. Another way is that this could potentially save Thailand millions of dollars in the future from keeping importing (and depending on) foreign techonology and in turn could use the money in other civilian programs.

    Another reason that I posted this was to show that Thai engineers aren't as incompetent as some ignorant people on here have said. :D

    Well - before such rash statements, I would wait and see. The record is not good, with corruption and incompetance leading to the most basic products and projects sink ignominiously into farce..

    The only worry is that we are not talking about poorly constucted inanimate objects here, rather missiles. I do hope to be out of the region at test-firing stage, as the suspicion is that the damn3d thing could go anywhere!! :o

  13. Get those Navy Harriers working again! Put the carrier to sea! Prepare to invade Singapore and reclaim the stolen satellites!

    The glorious Thai military machine will be financed not only with frozen chickens, but also with fish heads, empty crisp packets and bottletops.

    Whether Thailand bought Reagan's "Star Wars" system or The Lone Ranger's bow and arrow set, they would, most likely, send home the accompanying evil foreign training staff (denounced as worthless sexpats), not read the manual, steal the spares for sale at a remote deladt in Issan, then simply shoot at their own side in error! :o

  14. Tesco to invest $217.4m in Thailand expansion

    (MENAFN) Officials at the Thai unit of Tesco Lotus, Britain's largest retailer, said that the company is planning to invest about $217.4 million on expanding in Thailand through adding 60 stores to its existing 260 stores in the South Asian country by the end of the current year 2007, Reuters reported.

    The officials indicated that the company is planning to expand its presence in Thailand, despite the governments efforts on inserting changes into the law governing the retail sector in the wake of demands by small shop owners that the spread of superstores be controlled.

    Tesco Lotus, which runs 56 hypermarkets, competes in the convenience store market with C.P. 7-Eleven, Thailand's biggest chain with about 4,000 stores and plans to add 450 this year. In the hypermarket sector, it competes with French-owned Carrefour with 24 hypermarkets and Big C Supercenter, which has 49 and aims to add four new stores in 2007.




    "He declined to say how many hypermarkets were in the plan, a sensitive question in Thailand at the moment, or say how much it cost to open a standard 300 square meter (3,230 sq ft) Tesco Lotus Express convenience store.

    "We plan about 7 billion baht for the overall expansion this year," he said as the government works on changes to the law governing the retail sector in the wake of demands by small shop owners that the spread of superstores be controlled. "

    "The Thai government is still working on amendments to the retail law aimed at superstores and rejected initial proposals last month as too vague.

    The Commerce Ministry, which is redrafting the proposals, has promised public hearings before they are resubmitted to cabinet."




    Do you really need to ask..think about the poor little shop keeper..the same will happen as has in england..it will take a while..shut the little man down and then push up the price..there is no help for the unemployed in Thailand!

    Abject rubbish...

    I suppose you enjoy poking around in the infested, out-of-date-stock-filled mom and pop hovels? :D

    And, since you mentioned unemployment in Thailand, the official rate is less than 1% - one of the lowest in the world...

    Facts - they don't half get in the way of opinions! :o:D

  15. this afternoon all the news (BBC-CNN-Bloomberg-MSNBC)channels stopped working for about 30 minutes on UBC sat

    Well now it's clear !

    A nice little "training", like a rehersal.

    New TV chanels, and news websites...

    The day they will receive the order, they will be able to cut everything. At the finger tips. :D

    Training in Thailand :D

    Thats a first!!!! :D

    Good God, if they actually train and prepare for a coup, look where we will all be then! :D:o:bah:

  16. When, oh when will we drop the bloody brown strip? Every game we wear it we have a calamity, usually instigated by the referee. Yet again, last night great save by Robbo (BOTH HANDS TO THE BALL!!!), but, no, dodgy penalty... :o

  17. Breaking news from the News.com site.....

    Woolmer died from aphyxiation caused by manual strangulation.

    That confirms the report I heard yesterday.

    Based on subsequent behaviour, I've had someone in mind as a suspect for several days. I won't name him.

    My source, with the England team, says that 3 Pakisatani team members are prime suspects and are placed at the time of death in Woolmer's room. Refused to give me the names... Who were you pointing the finger at?

    Well - I did tell you all!

    (From the BBC)

    Despite a request to fly home, Jamaican police are re-interviewing (as I write) Inzamam-ul-Haq (The Pakistani team captain) and Mushtaq Ahmed (Pakistani assistant team coach). They are not (as yet) under arrest, but are unable to leave pending the outcome of the interrogation...

    The rest of their team await their fate in advance of their planned (but potentially prevented) departure of 23.40 GMT today...

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