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Posts posted by Jorgendk

  1. 19 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    Many do not need a visa to enter Thailand. They can enter visa exempt and obtain Non O at immigration if they want.

    Yes that i right. From some countrys you can enter without a visa (visa extempt).
    I was mainly pointing out that a vise give you the right to enter the contry, it is the permition to stay that give you the right to stay.
    Therefor it do not matter if your visa has expired. My visa expiered nerly a year ago, and many is in thayland 5 - 10 years after there visa has expired.
    The main point I was trying to make, was not to mix up your Visa, and your permition to stay..
    You so often se peapol writing "I need to get my vise extended" while in fact it is ther permition to stay, they need to get extended.


  2. As Ubonjoe say... Your Visa has expered.. But you do not need a Visa to stay in Thailand, you need permition to stay until ...
    I myself got Non-O. 12 month multy. Expired November 2020. My last 90 dayes permition of stay Visa expiered Febuar 2021.
    Have then stayed in Thailand up till now, on covid extentions, and will get a new 60 dayes when that expiers. So No Proplem...
    You need a Visa to Enter Thailand. You need permition to stay to be in Thailand. Do not mix up the diferens betwene Visa, and permition to stay.


  3. "If I was you I would use a reason other than no flights, make it more covid related, I've just got my second one no problems."

    I've got a new extention ewery 2 month sins Februar without any problem.
    As reson I only put "Covid 19" 
    Have joust got a new extention last week, and was at the same time given the papers to fill in, for the next one in 2 month time.


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  4. They do require 65000 p. md. if you get 12 md. extention on grounds of retirement, but as you want to get the 12 md. extention on ground of marriage to Thai national, they only requer 40.000 p.md.
    I don't know whether the UK embassy in Thailand still give a letter saying that you get xxxx £ p.md. as proof.
    (Some embassyes don't do that any more, and that make it a bit more dificult for some of os.)
    If you can not get any proof, you need to show that more than 40.000 has come to your Thai Bank, from oversees every month the last 12 month.

    Another way to get the 12 md. md extention on ground of marriage to Thai national, (Used by most) is to have 400,000 Bht. in a Thai account 2 md. before you aply. After you get the extention, you can use the 400.000, BUT you then again need to have 400.000 in the bank 3 md. before you aply again next year. (Yes 2 md. before the first time, but 3 md. before the next times)
    You can in fact enter Thailand on a 60 days turist Visa. Get that Visa changed, in Thailand, to a Non-O (marriage to Thai) and then if you had 400.000 put in your Thai bank from you came to Thailand 2 md.before, get 12 md. permition to stay. That can then keep beeing renewed, every year.


  5. As others have told you, it depend on your home comity.
    In Denmark you can get married, but still have to go back to Thailand when her Visa run out (6 md,)
    Remember you also have to register the marriage in Thailand. (as you have to register a marriage in Thailand, in your home country as well)
    After you get married, you can apply for family reunion, but if you are from Denmark you are very unlikely to get it.
    (Sweden and Germany is easier)
    I am Danish, and now live in Thailand, as it is impossible to get my wife to Denmark.

  6. On 4/16/2021 at 3:40 AM, RichardColeman said:

    Going to have to presume a huge rise in the Denmark population end of this year in line with them banning the contraceptive pill for blood clots, no, wait, they haven't.



    Why should they have a rice in Denmark because of that ??
    They do not stop the vaccinations.
    They merely now youse more safe vaccines instead.
    Why use a vaccine with known deadly side effects, when other vaccines are available.


  7. 48 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    If they are good for 90 days, then why not wait until near the end date.  Unless the I/O's are automatically extending them for 90 days past the current end date, and not from the date you appear to extend.  If they are giving 90 days from the end date then that would make it easy to stagger the days folks show up to extend.  If not then by arriving a week or two earlier than the end date folks are loosing time.  Just like when folks use to do border bounces every 90 days, they went on the last day and not 2 weeks early.  I hope that makes sense to @Jorgendk

    The "Corona extention is normaly 60 dayes. I went 3 weeks before it ran out, to ask them whether I could get mine extended, when it run out. Answer " You will get extended when you apply. Do you want to apply now you are here anyway ?
    I applyed, and got the extention until 60 days after my current extention run out. You therefore do not loose any by applying early.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Aren't the original extensions ending next week, and could this be why all the folks are there at the same time as they are all needing to extend again?  As @GeorgeCross said it isnt brain science and yes it appears to be a lack of planning on Immigrations part.  Did they think all of those folks would leave Thailand and go back home....TIT

    But then I can not understand why every one wait till the last moment to renew. I renewed mine 3 weeks ago.

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